Wednesday, July 31, 2013

11 Things We No Longer See on Airplanes

11 Things We No Longer See on Airplanes | Mental Floss:

Or any row with an “I” designation.
Watch the seat numbers the next time you’re tripping down the aisle on a wide-bodied plane—they usually run “HJK”. Why no "I"?
Blame computers.
When airlines started installing computer equipment to handle their reservations and other records, problems were often created when a letter too closely resembled a numeral.
Digital Equipment Corporation was the first company to eliminate confusing letters (in automobile VIN numbers, for example, not only the I but also O, Q, and S were nixed) and as a result such an alphanumeric system is now referred to as the DEC Alphabet. "

What Happens Next?

What Happens Next? | Zero Hedge:
 "As the world waits breathless for tomorrow's preliminary (only to be revised again and again) GDP estimate for Q2 2013 (having seen expectations collapse in recent months), there remains the ever-present faith that Q3, Q4, and on and on will see the mean-reverting growth lift the US economy from its current 'Better-Bargain'-less dystopia.
So what happens next?
Well, let's look at the trajectory of GDP expectations in 2007..."

More than 100 elections being held across Michigan next Tuesday

More than 100 elections being held across Michigan next Tuesday |
"City primaries. Township boards. Millage renewals. There will be more than 100 elections held in 56 Michigan counties next week.
On Tuesday, Aug. 6, polls will be open between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Below is a full list from the Secretary of State's office of all the elections happening in Michigan. To make sure there is an election where you live, go to the SOS' election page and enter you address."

Explosive O'Reilly Segment: President Obama & the Race Problem

Explosive O'Reilly Segment: President Obama & the Race Problem | Independent Journal Review:
"Bill O’Reilly has created buzz on his top-rated cable news show The O’Reilly Factor with a scathing segment on President Obama and the race problem.
Although many folks are likely to be tired of hearing about it, the Democrats have been milking racial tensions for generations in this country, while glossing over or scapegoating others for the numerous plights in the black community.
Democrats have been tremendously successful at garnering the black vote: but the more progressives get power, the more conditions keep getting worse; not only for blacks, but for all Americans."

Mich. sued by prison guards over pay

Mich. sued by prison guards over pay | Crain's Detroit Business:
"The lawsuit seeks compensation for any prison officer employed during the past three years. The Corrections Department declined to comment.
More than 30 prison officers have stepped forward as plaintiffs in the case, from Marquette in the Upper Peninsula to Coldwater near the Indiana border."

Senate committee to vote on Medicaid expansion Wednesday

Senate committee to vote on Medicaid expansion Wednesday | Crain's Detroit Business:
 "A Senate committee vote on a bill to expand Medicaid in Michigan will come Wednesday afternoon, but not before debate on two other bills that do not expand Medicaid."

Memorable quotes from the Detroit mayoral debate

Memorable quotes from the Detroit mayoral debate | Detroit Free Press |
“If sending people to prison was the answer, we’d have the safest city in the country.” — Willie Lipscomb

“I have a 167 IQ, at least I did the last time they tested me.” — John Telford

“The focus has to be on making sure the people who live here want to stay here. You can’t go to the grocery store. You don’t have confidence in the education system. You have to make sure the people who live here want to stay here.” — Herman Griffin

“There was a concert on Belle Isle on that drew 40,000 people. Where did that revenue go?” — Jean Vortkamp

“What is more important? Where did you live or what did you do?” — Mike Duggan, on why hadn’t moved in Detroit before 2012."

North Pole refreezes, scientist says global warming not a factor

North Pole refreezes, scientist says global warming not a factor | Rare:
"The water the buoy was bobbing in last week was not a lake, but a melt pond, a common occurrence in the Arctic summer when the sun shines 24 hours a day, said Morison, principal oceanographer for the North Pole Environmental Observatory, funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation.
While the air temperature hovers right around the freezing point, solar radiation works to melt snow and the upper layer of sea ice.
Some of the water drains through cracks down into the Arctic Ocean and the rest forms fresh-water ponds on top of the sea ice with their surfaces slightly above sea level.
“That’s just part of summer ice conditions, and as far as we know it always has been,” Morison said."

Fast-food workers' strike in Flint, Detroit put on hold; other plans in place for future demonstrations

Fast-food workers' strike in Flint, Detroit put on hold; other plans in place for future demonstrations |
"The protests are backed by a network of community, clergy and labor groups across the country, including the SEIU.
“SEIU members, like all service-sector workers, are worse off when large fast-food and retail companies are able to hold down wages and push down benefit standards for working people,” Mary Kay Henry, SEIU president, said in a release."


Instapundit » Blog Archive » DETROIT IS NOT AN ANOMALY, JUST AHEAD OF THE CURVE: Chicago Is In Big Trouble.
“In addition to the pension, law enforcement, and emergency response concerns that remind us of a certain bankrupt city across the lake, the report notes that three of Chicago’s four largest private employers (JP Morgan, Accenture LLP, and Northern Trust) are in finance.
It seems like blue cities have a codependent relationship with the one percenters progressives claim to hate.
It hasn’t all hit the fan quite yet, but Chicago seems perilously close to real trouble.
The city is all out of money, and with an imploding public education system and harrowing levels of violence, it is losing residents fast.”

Julia Merfeld sentenced in Muskegon fake hit man case; husband calls her 'wonderful'

Julia Merfeld sentenced in Muskegon fake hit man case; husband calls her 'wonderful' |
"Julia Charlene Merfeld is “wonderful” and “godly,” said the husband she tried to have murdered less than four months ago.
For the first time publicly, intended murder victim Jacob “Jake” Merfeld, 27, of Muskegon spoke out Tuesday, July 30, about his 21-year-old wife. In court at her sentencing for solicitation to murder him, he asked for a light sentence.
“I know that my wife is a wonderful person,” Jake Merfeld said to the sentencing judge. “She is a godly woman.”"

Oakland to Ban Hammers & Wrenches

Oakland to Ban Hammers & Wrenches - |
"So the Oakland City Council is considering a proposed ordinance that would criminalize the possession of everyday objects, including objects of professional tradesmen such as hammers, large screwdrivers, walking canes and mechanic’s tools.
The city claims these objects will be illegal to possess during a “protest,” but a protest can be defined as any two people standing around, or walking down a street, or even just talking loudly.
There is no official definition of a “protest,” meaning the police can invoke the ordinance any time they wish. That’s how these laws always go: they get interpreted and deployed far beyond their original intent."


"Or you could take the route lawmakers in Hawaii did: offer homeless residents a one-way ticket out of the state.
State legislators passed funding this year for a new program to offer one-way flights to any of the state’s estimated 17,000 homeless persons.
Lawmakers appropriated $100,000 over the next two years for the “return-to-home” program, but that funding could increase if the initiative is viewed as a success."

Stein’s Law

Stein’s Law | National Review Online:
"If there’s an iron rule in economics, it is Stein’s Law (named after Herb, former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers): “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.”"

Life in the Twilight

Works and Days » Life in the Twilight:
 "When I get hit by an errant motorist in my environs (and it has happened more than once), or have some one run off the road onto my property, the strange thing is not that I expect him to flee, leaving no ID, no registration, and no insurance behind — that is de rigueur.
The odd thing is that the officer on the scene nonchalantly assumes the same thing, too.
Yet his shrug does not hide the lie that if I were to do that, I would be charged with felony hit and run, while my victim that night would be contacted by a lawyer to sue me.
We all know this and we all know, like good Eastern Europeans circa 1970, never to say that aloud.
In Los Angeles, hit-and-run is kinda like jaywalking elsewhere."

FACT CHECK: Obama spins health insurance rebates

My Way News - FACT CHECK: Obama spins health insurance rebates:
" Another year, another round of exaggeration from President Barack Obama and his administration about health insurance rebates.
In his speech defending his health care law Thursday, Obama said rebates averaging $100 are coming from insurance companies to 8.5 million Americans. In fact, most of the money is going straight to employers who provide health insurance, not to their workers, who benefit indirectly.
Obama danced around that reality in remarks that also blamed problems in establishing affordable insurance markets on political opponents, glossing over complex obstacles also faced in states that support the law.
A look at some of his claims and how they compare with the facts:"

Michigan's Financial Crisis Demands Major Healthcare Surgery

Michigan's Financial Crisis Demands Major Healthcare Surgery - Forbes:
"Let’s break down how it’s possible to provide such a high level of service at such an affordable price (i.e., less than a typical cable bill).
It’s simple: low overhead. 
It’s not unusual for a primary care practice to have 3-5 administrative staff for every doctor. 
This is necessary to deal with the myriad insurance billing schemes that can best be described as a Gordian Knot designed by Rube Goldberg. "

NUGENT: I am not a racist, and I know why the heart and soul of America are angry

NUGENT: I am not a racist, and I know why the heart and soul of America are angry | Rare:
"We are stunned and amazed that any American could possibly allow an Anthony Weiner or an Elliot Spitzer to hold any public office anywhere, any time for any reason."

70 Straight Days: Treasury Says Debt Stuck at Exactly $16,699,396,000,000.00

70 Straight Days: Treasury Says Debt Stuck at Exactly $16,699,396,000,000.00 | CNS News:
"How could the value of extant U.S. Treasury Securities increase by $53.267 billion during a 70-day period when the federal government’s debt subject to the legal limit has remained constant at $16,699,396,000,000.00—just $25 million below the legal limit?"

The latest action in the war on women

The latest action in the war on women: Column:
"Back during the 2012 election, Democrats were quick to seize on some Republican words -- like Todd Akin's remark about "legitimate rape" and late-term abortion, orRush Limbaugh's calling Sandra Fluke a "slut" for wanting free birth control -- to build the notion of a "war on women."

But if you look past words to actual deeds, most of the action in the war on women seems to be coming from the Democratic front lately. 
Just consider these cases:

First, Democratic San Diego Mayor Bob Filner. So far seven women have accused him of sexual harassment. According to one report, Filner said, "You'll have to excuse me for what's about to happen. It's your fault," before pinning a woman in a restaurant booth. Other allegations include kissing, grabbing and assorted other inappropriate behavior"

Bill Nojay: Lessons From a Front-Row Seat for Detroit's Dysfunction

Bill Nojay: Lessons From a Front-Row Seat for Detroit's Dysfunction -
A major expense for Detroit is the cost of lawsuits filed against the city for various alleged injuries on municipal property. At the transportation department, there were hundreds of claims arising from bus accidents alone. How many of those claims were fraudulent? How many were settled (with the cost of settlement and legal fees posted against DDOT's budget) at unnecessarily high cost?
It was impossible to know, since the city's law department handled all litigation and settled cases without consulting the DDOT staff. It was the law department's policy to settle virtually all claims—which meant that the transportation department became easy prey for personal-injury lawyers bringing cases with little or no merit, costing the city millions.
In the DDOT we tried to hire our own lawyers to fight these claims. But we were blocked by city charter provisions prohibiting any city department from hiring outside counsel without the approval of the Detroit City Council. When we inquired with the mayor's office we were told that the union representing the law department—in Detroit, even the lawyers are unionized—would block any such approval.
Disability and workers' comp claims were routinely paid with no investigation into their validity. More than 80% of the transportation department's 1,400 employees were certified for family medical-leave absences—meaning they could call in for a day off without prior notice, often leaving buses without drivers or mechanics. Management's only recourse to get the work done was to pay the remaining employees overtime, at time-and-a-half rates. DDOT's overtime costs were running over $20 million a year.

Kent County Land Bank Circumvents Market To Fund Operations

Kent County Land Bank Circumvents Market To Fund Operations [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"The Kent County Land Bank is acquiring tax delinquent and abandoned property before it is made available to the public and in doing so, the quasi-governmental entity is casting a big shadow on what had been an open and successful real estate market.
Under Michigan statute, land banks aren't supposed to buy tax delinquent and abandoned property until after buyers get their chance at tax auctions."

Monday, July 29, 2013

More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare

More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare -
"Fewer American doctors are treating patients enrolled in the Medicare health program for seniors, reflecting frustration with its payment rates and pushback against mounting rules, according to health experts."

Gutted by Government

Stossel Show with John Stossel | Fox Business:

Gutted by Government

Shikha Dalmia, Reason Foundation senior analyst, and Goldwater Institute president Darcy Olsen, on how government contributed to Detroit’s downfall.


News from The Associated Press:
"Depositors at bailed-out Cyprus' largest bank will lose 47.5 percent of their savings exceeding 100,000 euros ($132,000), the government said Monday.
The figure comes four months after Cyprus agreed on a 23 billion-euro ($30.5 billion) rescue package with its euro partners and the International Monetary Fund. "

What Will the End of Moore’s Law Mean for Consumers? Not Much

What Will the End of Moore’s Law Mean for Consumers? Not Much | Xconomy:
 "Moore’s Law was never a real physical law, of course, but merely a prediction, first ventured by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore back in 1965. It says that the number of transistors that chipmakers can squeeze into a microprocessor will double every 18 to 24 months, without adding to the device’s size or cost.

The prediction held true for about 40 years, but now manufacturers are falling behind. Between 2009 and 2012, Intel improved the performance of its CPUs by only 10 or 20 percent per year—way behind the 60-percent-per-year gains needed to keep pace with Moore’s original forecast."

Fast-food workers to strike for higher wages this week in Detroit, Flint

Fast-food workers to strike for higher wages this week in Detroit, Flint | Crain's Detroit Business:
"Thousands of fast-food workers from restaurants such as McDonald's Corp. and Wendy's Co. will walk off the job beginning today, calling for $15-an-hour pay."

City of Chicago’s cash cushion plummets, debt triples, arrests drop, water use rises

City of Chicago’s cash cushion plummets, debt triples, arrests drop, water use rises - Chicago Sun-Times:
"Last week, Moody’s Investors ordered an unprecedented triple-drop in the city’s bond rating, citing Chicago’s “very large and growing” pension liabilities, “significant” debt service payments, “unrelenting public safety demands” and historic reluctance to raise local taxes that has continued under Emanuel."

Detroit Looks to Health Law to Ease Costs

Detroit Looks to Health Law to Ease Costs -
"As Detroit enters the federal bankruptcy process, the city is proposing a controversial plan for paring some of the $5.7 billion it owes in retiree health costs: pushing many of those too young to qualify for Medicare out of city-run coverage and into the new insurance markets that will soon be operating under the Obama health care law."

Metro Detroiters suing Elmers for promoting Krazy Glue as good for wood

Metro Detroiters suing Elmers for promoting Krazy Glue as good for wood | Detroit Free Press |
"Talk about coming unglued.
Two frustrated consumers are suing the makers of Instant Krazy Glue in Detroit federal court, claiming they got duped into thinking the sticky stuff that can supposedly hold a man in a hardhat to a beam in midair would bond wood."

Muskegon Heights seeks $65K to polish Mona Lake Park renovation, fix baseball field

Muskegon Heights seeks $65K to polish Mona Lake Park renovation, fix baseball field |
"Muskegon Heights City Planning and Zoning Administrator Brenda Moore said the extra money is needed to touch up a variety of things at the park, including a baseball field mistakenly built with an adult-size infield and a kiddie-size outfield.
........The city is in the process of wrapping up the second part of the park's renovation, funded by $700,000 in grant money from a variety of sources, including the Michigan Cities of Promise, the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund and the U.S. Land and Water Management Fund. "

Woonsocket hopes supplemental tax will be end of deficits

Woonsocket hopes supplemental tax will be end of deficits | Breaking News |
"The supplemental tax will raise $2.5 million from multifamily residential real estate and motor vehicles, and the money will be used to balance the 2012-13 budget, which ended June 30.
That assessment is also built into the 2013-14 tax rate, along with a 4-percent tax increase and a cut in the homestead exemption, which means the average homeowner in the city will see a 23-percent increase in his or her tax bill."

Police: Assault, Robbery Investigated as Hate Bias

Police: Assault, Robbery Investigated as Hate Bias | NBC4 Washington:
"Police said a man, 28, from Bethesda, Md., was attacked in the 1700 block of Euclid Street, Northwest, in Adams Morgan.
 The victim said he was approached by three black males who kicked and punched him to the ground.
According the victim, one of the attackers yelled, “This is for Trayvon,” during the assault. "

Obama: "I don't need to consult White House lawyers because I know a lot more about the Constitution than the Republicans." |

Obama: "I don't need to consult White House lawyers because I know a lot more about the Constitution than the Republicans."
In an interview after his speech Wednesday in Galesburg, Illinois, President Obama was asked if he consulted White House lawyers before unilaterally delaying the employer mandate in Obamacare. Since Congress, in the Affordable Care Act, specified that the mandate is go to into effect at the start of next year, reporters from the New York Times asked if the president investigated whether he had the legal authority to put it off without going through Congress.
Obama didn’t exactly answer the question. But judging from what he said, his answer was: No, I didn’t consult White House lawyers because I know a lot more about the Constitution than the Republicans who are complaining about it. And besides, they don’t think I’m legitimately the president, anyway.
“People questioned your legal and constitutional authority to do that unilaterally — to delay the employer mandate,” asked the Times’ Jackie Calmes. “Did you consult with your lawyer?”“Jackie, if you heard me on stage today, what I said was that I will seize any opportunity I can find to work with Congress to strengthen the middle class, improve their prospects, improve their security,” Obama began.
“No, but specifically — ” Calmes interjected.
“But where Congress is unwilling to act,” Obama continued, “I will take whatever administrative steps that I can in order to do right by the American people.”
At that point, Obama explained that if Congress doesn’t like what he’s done, then lawmakers can try to do something about it. “I’m not concerned about their opinions,” the president said. “Very few of them, by the way, are lawyers, much less constitutional lawyers.” And some Republicans “think I usurp my authority by having the gall to win the presidency.”

Fruitland Township sues to dissolve or 'fix' White Lake Ambulance Authority

Fruitland Township sues to dissolve or 'fix' White Lake Ambulance Authority |
"On the auditors’ repeated reports of “material weaknesses” in the authority’s financial reporting, Dresen said that with a two-person office it’s difficult to adhere to all standard accounting procedures. "

Detroit vs. Everybody + Colbert = cha-ching day for local T-shirt biz

Detroit vs. Everybody + Colbert = cha-ching day for local T-shirt biz | Crain's Detroit Business:
"I didn't make the attitude 'Detroit v. Everybody' I just diagnosed it.
I was fed up with the negative stereotypes of my city.
And I love this city," he said.
T-shirts at the store cost $29.99; sweats"

Book Cadillac pays on loan, avoids state default notice

Book Cadillac pays on loan, avoids state default notice | Crain's Detroit Business:
"MSHDA was originally a mezzanine lender in the $180 million financing package for Ferchill to redevelop Book Cadillac.
But it has been the senior lender on the condominium part of the deal since Pittsburgh-based PNC Bank (which acquired senior project lender National City Bank in 2008) and the Lower Woodward Housing Fund maintained by Invest Detroit were both repaid nearly $9 million in combined condo construction loans."

Report: Detroit's 'Eat 'em Up Tigers Guy' killed in hit-and-run

Report: Detroit's 'Eat 'em Up Tigers Guy' killed in hit-and-run |
"He was reportedly with another well-known Detroit street person, known to many a "Dreadlock Mike," who was also killed, Channel 4 reports."

President Obama calls the United States and Europe ‘developing countries’ in latest embarrassing gaffe

President Obama calls the United States and Europe ‘developing countries’ in latest embarrassing gaffe – Telegraph Blogs:
"As we’ve seen on a number of previous occasions, Barack Obama clearly struggles with his words when he is without his beloved teleprompter.
He famously claimed to have visited 57 states in his 2008 campaign, and recently was unable to tell the difference between England and Great Britain.
I don’t think any American president, however, has ever referred to the United States, leader of the free world, as a “developing country” before, and nor is Europe a country, as much as the emperors of the European Commission would like the EU to be a superstate."

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Outrage as bananas thrown at Italy's first black minister

Outrage as bananas thrown at Italy's first black minister - Telegraph:
"The treatment of Ms Kyenge has thrown a spotlight on the ugly racist currents running through some strands of society in Italy, a country grappling with tensions over rising levels of immigration, particularly from North Africa."

Lake Michigan Water Trail project begins with inventory of Muskegon-area paddling assets |

Lake Michigan Water Trail project begins with inventory of Muskegon-area paddling assets | "WMSRDC has a one-year, $180,000 Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Coastal Zone Management Program grant through the Land Informational Access Association in Traverse City to complete the West Michigan portion of the Lake Michigan Water Trail study.

Is education nationalization falling apart?

Is education nationalization falling apart? - powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.:
"Ironically, it is perhaps because Common Core supporters have devoted huge amounts of their time and resources to denying that Washington had a major role in advancing the Core–a role they quietly called for–that may have caused them to miss the cracking in the tripod’s testing leg.
Or perhaps they knew, because most states wouldn’t do so on their own, that they would need Washington to force states to adopt uniform tests, while understanding that openly stating that necessity would prove toxic to their cause.
They knew that Americans, largely, do not want overt federal control over what their schools teach and how their kids are tested.
So they continued to downplay the need to establish any sort of governing structure to keep their tripod together, lest simple logic make clear to the public that only Washington could accomplish what the standardizers need.

In other words, the need to stay hush-hush about the federal role–in order to protect national standardization–ultimately may be what kills it."

Unions Cry Crocodile Tears on Municipal Pensions

Unions Cry Crocodile Tears on Municipal Pensions [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"These defined-benefit pension systems were a contributor to the mountain of liabilities that finally drove the city of Detroit to seek federal bankruptcy protection last week.
Across the country, they are widely perceived as ocean liners racing toward clearly visible icebergs, with few of the policymakers at the helm doing anything meaningful to reduce speed or change course."

THEY KEEP DOING THIS STUFF: ABC’s Misleading Edit of Juror B29.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » THEY KEEP DOING THIS STUFF: ABC’s Misleading Edit of Juror B29
THEY KEEP DOING THIS STUFF: ABC’s Misleading Edit of Juror B29.

Yesterday Breitbart News noted the ABC interview with Juror B29. The big news was that Maddy–her last name was never used to protect her privacy–had told Robin Roberts “George Zimmerman got away with murder.” And indeed if you watch the Nightline edit of the interview she does seem to say that without hesitation or reservation.
However, William Saletan at Slate points out that the unedited interview seems to show something different. Maddy actually hesitates twice when answering Roberts’ question which contains the statement “George Zimmerman got away with murder.” As Saletan points out “she looks as though she’s trying to reconcile the sentiment that’s been quoted to her—that Zimmerman ‘got away with murder’—with her own perspective. So she repeats the quote and adds words of her own, to convey what she thinks: that there’s a justice higher than the law, which Zimmerman will have to face ”
I agree with Saletan’s take on this. Maddy appears to be offering a response to a statement that was presented to her. You can see Maddy’s unedited response in the clip below (Scroll in about 2 minutes). . . . NBC is still being sued by George Zimmerman for the misleading edit of the 911 call which made him appear racist. ABC seems to be similarly misleading viewers about what juror Maddy said and meant in an effort to generate headlines.

It’s like you can’t trust journalists to report the news rather than manufacture it.


Friday, July 26, 2013

'Carlos Danger ' rising business superstar

Spirit Airlines ad featuring 'Carlos Danger' (© Spirit Airlines, Inc.)'Carlos Danger ' rising business superstar- MSN Money: "Spirit Airlines seized upon the name for a special promotion offering $24 off its Mexico vacation packages. The airline's new ad shows a superhero hot dog with the name holding a cell phone."

Crazy Fast Food Facts

Crazy Fast Food Facts - Likes:
"#13 Every month, 90% of Americans visit a McDonald's restaurant."

Here are 5 job stats Obama won’t tell you about

Here are 5 job stats Obama won’t tell you about – Glenn Beck
To explain how badly the Obama administration has failed to fix the economy, Stu read some of the facts that Obama left out (via AEI) of his speech yesterday:
1. Over 69 percent of the jobs created in Q2 2013 and over 57 percent of all the jobs created in the first half of 2013 were created in the three lowest wage sub-sectors of the economy, Retail Trade, Administrative and Waste Services, and Leisure and Hospitality, that otherwise account for an aggregate of only 33 percent of all private sector jobs.
2. These jobs, in the aggregate, pay an average of only $15.80 per hour, compared with the other two-thirds of private sector jobs, which pay $27.16 per hour. Relative to unemployment benefits and other assistance, jobs at $15.80 per hour put less than $3.00/hour more in the pockets of a newly working consumer.
3. About half of the jobs created during the first half of 2013, and a large majority of the jobs created in Q2 2013, appear to have been part-time jobsthat offer employees as little as one hour of work per week, and up to 35 hours of work.
4. After falling from a recession high of 9.2 million to a post-recession low of 7.6 million at the end of Q1 2013, the number of people saying they are working part time because they can’t find full time work (part time for economic reasons) crept back up to 8.2 million, double pre-recession levels.
5. Nearly 100 percent of the decline in the U-3 unemployment rate has been the result of there being fewer workers in the labor force as a percentage of the employable population. If the Labor Force Participation Rate had not fallen from October 2009, when unemployment hit its Great Recession peak of 10 percent, unemployment would today still be around 10 percent. Moreover, if the LFPR were held constant from its highest pre-recession level of 66.40 percent in January 2007 (when unemployment was 4.6 percent), the U-3 unemployment rate would be nearly 12 percent today. 

10 Crazy Red-Light Camera Cases

10 Crazy Red-Light Camera Cases - Popular Mechanics:
"Red-Light Cameras Bankrupt City

Like many cities around the country, San Bernardino, Calif., tried to make money via red-light cameras.
But it didn't turn out so well for this town.
In 2008, San Bernardino was caught cheating:
To write more tickets, the city was using yellow lights that were timed too short for California law.
When the city restored the proper yellow-light durations, the revenue from red-light violations sank—so much so that San Bernardino was losing money to ATS, the company it hired to operate the camera system.
In 2011, the city council voted to end the contract before its 2014 term and pay ATS what it thought would be a $110,000 exit fee, but ATS claimed it was owed $1.9 million.
In March 2012, the city added three more red-light cameras to try to make enough money to pay back ATS, even though by that time a San Bernardino county court had ruled that photo tickets were inadmissible hearsay. In August 2012 the city filed for bankruptcy, allowing it to finally end its contract with ATS. "

College Republicans Denied Admittance to Obama Speech

College Republicans Denied Admittance to Obama Speech | National Review Online:
"President Obama was bound to receive a warm response from the audience attending his speech at the University of Central Missouri yesterday — because some students who disagreed with him weren’t allowed into the building.
Christopher White of The College Fix reports that students wearing “Tea Party T-Shirts and others who wore patriotic or Republican-inspired clothing” were turned away at the door under the guise of security concerns"

Don’t buy the right-wing myth about Detroit

Don’t buy the right-wing myth about Detroit -
"Conservatives want you to think high taxes drove people away. The real truth is much worse for their radical agenda"

Corporate Interests Killed Detroit

Corporate Interests Killed Detroit - Ring Of Fire Radio: Robert Kennedy Jr, Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder:
"It wasn’t quite a bad national economy or even the Detroit municipal pension program that threw the Motor City into bankruptcy, it was right-wing, pro-corporate fiscal policy that did it.
So of course the right-wingers want to make it seem like it wasn’t their fault."

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Child support law 'outrageous'

Child support law 'outrageous' | WOOD TV8:
"When a divorced dad was ordered to pay support for a child who isn't his, he turned to Target 8 for help.
It's legal for the state to order Joseph Chmelar to pay for another man's child and to deny biological fathers who want to pay from doing so. 
One lawmaker called that "outrageous."

The Wages of Bankruptcy: Stockton’s Cautionary Tale for Detroit

The Wages of Bankruptcy: Stockton’s Cautionary Tale for Detroit |
"More than a year after filing for Chapter 9 protection, the California city is struggling with protracted court battles and stripped city services — and that's exactly what the Motor City might be in for"

Coleman Young: the Communist Who Destroyed Detroit

Coleman Young: the Communist Who Destroyed Detroit:
"If one man could be blamed most for the destruction of Detroit, it would be Coleman Young.
Mayor from 1974 to 1993, Young set a city already in decline on the pathway to the disaster area it is today."

Michigan board OKs new Red Wings arena in Detroit

Michigan board OKs new Red Wings arena in Detroit | Hockey - Home:
"LANSING, Mich. -
A state board has given the go-ahead for a new Red Wings arena in downtown Detroit that will be partially paid for with tax dollars.
The Michigan Strategic Fund Board on Wednesday unanimously approved the Downtown Development Authority's request to use economic development taxes for the project.
The board also signaled the intent to issue bonds to build the arena."

US Marshal Upset That Couple His Police Gang Terrorized Went to the Press

US Marshal Upset That Couple His Police Gang Terrorized Went to the Press - Hit & Run :
"Ultimately, Marshal Wiggins is upset that he has to answer a reporter's questions about his conduct while conducting a sweep through the war-torn streets of Kabul an apartment complex in a peaceful Florida city.

Goldsberry wasn't arrested or shot despite pointing a gun at a cop, so Wiggins said, “She sure shouldn't be going to the press.”

Let's hope Wiggins and his hopped-up gang don't decide to shoot first, in the future, just to avoid dealing with unpleasant reports in the press.

This seems like a good moment to mention former Reason staffer Radley Balko's new book, Rise of the Warrior Cop, about militarized policing.

And, as a side note, on New York City's WOR radio, yesterday, I was asked by guest host Brett Winterble if America is now a police state. Yes, I said. Yes, it is"

South Omaha matriarch dies after brutal rape, beating

South Omaha matriarch dies after brutal rape, beating -
When their husbands went off to World War II, Louise Sollowin and her sister bought a house in South Omaha and moved in together.

There, she held court in the kitchen, whipping up vast meals and, as she did, shooing people from her sacred domain. 

The house is where she sewed drapes and pajamas for her grandchildren.

And it was where the 93-year-old woman met her end in brutal fashion, where she was sexually assaulted and pummeled in her bed by an intruder, according to Omaha police.

Sollowin died Wednesday at the Nebraska Medical Center, four days after the attack carried out by a man she did not know......
Sergio Martinez-Perez, 19, beat and raped Sollowin because he had been drinking much of the previous night and was “angry with women,” a prosecutor told a Douglas County Court judge Wednesday. 

....U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has asked the jail to hold him, an official there said. That is often an indication that the federal agency is questioning an inmate's immigration status.

State and Local Pension Liabilities

State and Local Pension Liabilities | Cato @ Liberty:
"Yet $3 trillion is hardly chicken feed.  Novy-Marx and Rauh estimate that to fund these pensions fully within 30 years, states would need to raise taxes by $1,385 per household, per year, over that period."

Door-To-Door Mail Delivery To End Under New Plan

Door-To-Door Mail Delivery To End Under New Plan - Slashdot:
"Reuters reports that under a cost-saving plan by the US Postal Service, millions of Americans accustomed to getting their mail delivered to their doors will have to trek to the curb and residents of new homes will use neighborhood mailbox clusters. 'Converting delivery away from door delivery to either curb line or centralized delivery would enable the Postal Service to provide service to more customers in less time,' says Postal Service spokeswoman Sue Brennan. More than 30 million American homes get door-to-door delivery and another 50 million get their mail dropped at their curbside mailboxes. But the Post Service, which is buckling under massive financial losses, sees savings in centralized mail delivery. Door-to-door delivery costs the Postal Service about $353 per address each year while curbside delivery costs $224, and cluster boxes cost $160 per address. But unions say it's a bad idea to end delivery to doorsteps and will be disruptive for the elderly and disabled. 'It's madness,' says Jim Sauber, chief of staff for the National Association of Letter Carriers. 'The idea that somebody is going to walk down to their mailbox in Buffalo, New York, in the winter snow to get their mail is just crazy.'"

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Rep. Justin Amash's amendment to defund NSA spying defeated in close vote

Rep. Justin Amash's amendment to defund NSA spying defeated in close vote |
"Ninety-four Republicans voted for the amendment, as did 111 Democrats.
Amash's fellow West Michigan Rep. Bill Huizenga, R-Zeeland, voted in favor of the proposal."

Why Muskegon County is giving free bus rides to the youth fair Thursday and Friday

Why Muskegon County is giving free bus rides to the youth fair Thursday and Friday |
"The bus service to the fair will run Thursday, July 25, and Friday, July 26.
A bus headed for the fairgrounds in Sullivan Township will depart from the MATS downtown Muskegon terminal, 351 Morris Ave., at noon, 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.
The bus will stop to pick up more passengers from the Muskegon Heights transfer station on Baker Street south of Manahan Avenue, at 12:15 p.m., 3:15 p.m. and 6:15 p.m., arriving at the fair grounds at 12:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m., and 6:30 p.m.
A bus returning to town will depart from the fair at 2 p.m., 5 p.m. and 8 p.m., arriving in Muskegon Heights at 2:15 p.m., 5:15 p.m. and 8:15 p.m., and arriving in downtown Muskegon 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m."

George H. W. Bush Shaves His Head In Solidarity With 2-Year-Old Suffering From Leukemia

George H. W. Bush Shaves His Head In Solidarity With 2-Year-Old Suffering From Leukemia:
"Former President George H. W. Bush and members of the Secret Service wanted to show their support for Patrick, the 2-year-old son of a member of Bush’s security detail."
Former President George H. W. Bush and members of the Secret Service wanted to show their support for Patrick, the 2-year-old son of a member of Bush's security detail.

Iodization Effect On IQ

Iodization Effect On IQ - Business Insider:
"Iodine deficiency remains the world's leading cause of preventable mental retardation.
According to a new study, its introduction in America in 1924 had an effect so profound that it raised the country's IQ."

Guardian Angels: Don’t Let Mag Mile Become “Muggers’ Mile”

Guardian Angels: Don’t Let Mag Mile Become “Muggers’ Mile” « CBS Chicago:
"They said criminals have been turning the popular stretch of Michigan Avenue into their own ATM, and attacks there have grown more violent. "

How do Americans with jobs get to work?

How do Americans with jobs get to work? - WatchdogWire - Florida:
 "FL has reported on the growing costs of running publicly funded transportation systems (buses, light rail, AMTRAK). Public bus systems rarely pay for themselves.
Rather they are heavily subsidized by federal, state and local governments. "

Sen. Ron Johnson: Say no to Detroit bailouts

Sen. Ron Johnson: Say no to Detroit bailouts:
"Detroit's failure is rooted in an unholy alliance between politicians and public sector unions.
Its 47 municipal unions spent their members' dues to elect public officials who then "negotiated" with those same unions for overly generous contracts that resulted in bankruptcy.
The city's emergency manager laid out the gory details in a settlement he offered to creditors last month.
Health benefits to the city's 19,000 retirees are lavish and unfunded.
The city acted too late to reduce staff numbers bloated by union work rules — for example, last year it was discovered the city water department employed a horseshoer for $56,000 a year, though it owned no horses. Unions won "sweeteners," like extra pension checks and easier pension eligibility, that increased costs without benefiting the general public.

In exchange, residents suffer one of the worst homicide rates of any big city, an average 58-minute police response time, four out of ten streetlights are broken, and the highest per-capita tax burden in Michigan.
Sounds great, huh?"

Questions raised about IRS executive travel

Questions raised about IRS executive travel | Jamie Dupree's Washington Insider |
"In some cases, the travel days exceeded the number of business days due to employees remaining in travel status during the weekends and holidays," the report said."

Derivative Losses, Bad Bets, And Aggressive Assumptions Leave Detroit's Pensions Massively Underfunded

Derivative Losses, Bad Bets, And Aggressive Assumptions Leave Detroit's Pensions Massively Underfunded | Zero Hedge:
"Rather incredibly, the city's General and Police and Fire retirement systems have a combined underfunding of $3.5 billion made worse by "aggressive actuarial assumptions,"

Statism is turning America into Detroit – Ayn Rand's Starnesville come to life

Statism is turning America into Detroit – Ayn Rand's Starnesville come to life – Telegraph Blogs:
"Look at this description of Detroit from today’s Observer:
What isn’t dumped is stolen. 
Factories and homes have largely been stripped of anything of value, so thieves now target cars’ catalytic converters. 
Illiteracy runs at around 47%; half the adults in some areas are unemployed. 
In many neighbourhoods, the only sign of activity is a slow trudge to the liquor store."

The Tip Of The Iceberg Of The Coming Retirement Crisis That Will Shake America To The Core

The Tip Of The Iceberg Of The Coming Retirement Crisis That Will Shake America To The Core:
" Right now, more than 10,000 Baby Boomers are hitting the age of 65 every single day, and this will continue to happen every single day until the year 2030. 
As a society, we have made trillions of dollars of financial promises to these Baby Boomers, and there is no way that we are going to be able to keep those promises.  
The money simply is not there.  
Yes, I suppose that we could eventually see a "super devaluation" of the U.S. dollar and keep our promises to the Baby Boomers using currency that is not worth much more than Monopoly money, but as it stands right now we simply do not have the resources to do what we said that we were going to do. "

West Michigan's recovery: Why so fast?

Advantage West Michigan: West Michigan's recovery: Why so fast?:
"They also discovered unemployment in the “Holland-Zeeland high productivity corridor” to be a jaw-dropping 2.6 percent. "

UAW's hypocrisy comes to light in its photo ID voting requirement

Ken Braun: UAW's hypocrisy comes to light in its photo ID voting requirement |
"It's not necessary, it's not trustworthy of the voter," said state Rep. Sean McCann, D-Kalamazoo, in a response typical of Democratic opposition to the proposal.

The United Auto Workers was also opposed to voter identification reforms at the national level - and photo ID requirements in particular - shouting that it was a conservative Republican plot to “disenfranchise millions of Americans.” The UAW website also notes a study claiming voter fraud is so rare that most Americans are more likely to be struck by lightning than attempt it.

One might think Democratic politicians and the UAW were really and truly opposed to making people show photo ID before voting. But it’s hard to rationalize within the context of the following:

“Congratulations to the victors in the UAW Local 892 elections. Run-off for Vice-President of Local 892 next Wednesday … Please have photo i.d. ready  … Our union needs your commitment. I lost an election years ago, made me a better candidate and stronger advocate for working families.” [Emphasis added, truncated for space.]"


The truth about Trayvon Martin. The story not told. Have you ever heard of “lean”. 

25 Facts About The Fall Of Detroit That Will Leave You Shaking Your Head

25 Facts About The Fall Of Detroit That Will Leave You Shaking Your Head
The following are 25 facts about the fall of Detroit that will leave you shaking your head...
1) At this point, the city of Detroit owes money to more than 100,000 creditors.
2) Detroit is facing $20 billion in debt and unfunded liabilities.  That breaks down to more than $25,000 per resident.
3) Back in 1960, the city of Detroit actually had the highest per-capita income in the entire nation.
4) In 1950, there were about 296,000 manufacturing jobs in Detroit.  Today, there are less than 27,000.
5) Between December 2000 and December 2010, 48 percent of the manufacturing jobs in the state of Michigan were lost.
6) There are lots of houses available for sale in Detroit right now for $500 or less.
7) At this point, there are approximately 78,000 abandoned homes in the city.
8) About one-third of Detroit's 140 square miles is either vacant or derelict.
9) An astounding 47 percent of the residents of the city of Detroit are functionally illiterate.
10) Less than half of the residents of Detroit over the age of 16 are working at this point.
11) If you can believe it, 60 percent of all children in the city of Detroit are living in poverty.
12) Detroit was once the fourth-largest city in the United States, but over the past 60 years the population of Detroit has fallen by 63 percent.
13) The city of Detroit is now very heavily dependent on the tax revenue it pulls in from the casinos in the city.  Right now, Detroit is bringing inabout 11 million dollars a month in tax revenue from the casinos.
14) There are 70 "Superfund" hazardous waste sites in Detroit.
15) 40 percent of the street lights do not work.
16) Only about a third of the ambulances are running.
17) Some ambulances in the city of Detroit have been used for so long that they have more than 250,000 miles on them.
18) Two-thirds of the parks in the city of Detroit have been permanently closed down since 2008.
19) The size of the police force in Detroit has been cut by about 40 percent over the past decade.
20) When you call the police in Detroit, it takes them an average of 58 minutes to respond.
21) Due to budget cutbacks, most police stations in Detroit are now closed to the public for 16 hours a day.
22) The violent crime rate in Detroit is five times higher than the national average.
23) The murder rate in Detroit is 11 times higher than it is in New York City.
24) Today, police solve less than 10 percent of the crimes that are committed in Detroit.
25) Crime has gotten so bad in Detroit that even the police are telling people to "enter Detroit at your own risk".
It is easy to point fingers and mock Detroit, but the truth is that the rest of America is going down the exact same path that Detroit has gone down.
Detroit just got there first.
All over this country, there are hundreds of state and local governments that are also on the verge of financial ruin...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Quotation of the day: Booker T. Washington

Quotation of the day: Booker T. Washington | AEIdeas:
"Carpe Diem
Quotation of the day: Booker T. Washington
Mark J. Perry | July 22, 2013, 1:53 pm
In 1911, Booker T. Washington wrote:

There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. 
Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. 
Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.

MP: Those words are still so true today, more than 100 years after Booker T. Washington made that observation….."

HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S.

HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S. | CNS News
"Under the Fair Housing Act, HUD requires grantees, such as cities, that receive federal housing funds to "affirmatively further fair housing."
Under the proposed rule, the neighborhood data provided by HUD will be used to evaluate patterns of integration and segregation, racial and ethnic concentrations of poverty, and access to "valuable community assets." HUD wants to know if existing laws and policies -- such as zoning, financing, infrastructure planning and transportation -- create, perpetuate or alleviate segregation."

Detroit’s bankruptcy “should never have come to pass.”

This Week at Mackinac
As Fiscal Policy Director Michael LaFaive wrote on our blog soon
after the announcement,
Detroit’s bankruptcy “should never have come to pass.” 
Some 13 years ago LaFaive wrote about specific recommendations 
for Detroit that would have saved the city more than $200 million 
a year and generated a windfall of $2.4 billion from the sale 
of assets and an additional $15 million annually from 
the sale of just two properties. 
Below are links to several analyses and commentaries 
Mackinac Center experts have written about 
 Detroit’s situation over the years.

Detroit Bankruptcy

It should never have come to pass. Read more.

Too Little Too Late

Emergency manager powers not enough to save Detroit. Read more.

Baker’s Dozen

Our suggestions from 13 years ago. Read more.

Flash in the Pan

Flashy projects have not helped Detroit. Read more.

Falling on Deaf Ears

Advice for the new mayor. Read more.

Media Taps Center Experts

What happened, and where does the city go from here? Read more.

Deadline today for Inkster, Buena Vista schools to stay open

Deadline today for Inkster, Buena Vista schools to stay open | The Detroit News:
"Lansing — the financially troubled Inkster and Buena Vista school districts have until 5 p.m. Monday to secure new loans to finance operations next school year or face dissolution."

Detroit not alone under mountain of long-term debt

Detroit not alone under mountain of long-term debt | Detroit Free Press |
"From Baltimore to Los Angeles, and many points in between, municipalities are increasingly confronted with how to pay for these massive promises.
The Pew Center for the States, in Washington, estimated states’ public pension plans across the U.S. were underfunded by a whopping $1.4 trillion in 2010."

Fewer Americans Wave First Amendment Banner

Fewer Americans Wave First Amendment Banner - Law Blog - WSJ
"Increasingly, the First Amendment is coming under challenge — by the American public.
More than a third of Americans say the First Amendment goes too far in the rights it guarantees, according to a new survey.

EU declares Hezbollah's military wing terror group

My Way News - EU declares Hezbollah's military wing terror group:
 "The European Union placed the military wing of Lebanese party Hezbollah on its terror list on Monday in a major change of its policy toward the region."

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Student Suspended and Chastised for Speaking English |

Student Suspended and Chastised for Speaking English |:
"Nursing program director David Kutzler called her a “bigot” and a “bitch.”  Kutzler proclaimed that Bennett was discriminating against Mexican American students.  (Does anyone else think this guy should have his credentials taken away?)  The unfair treatment of Ms. Bennett, age 50, who was just trying to improve her lot in life and was desirous of learning, is systemic of the way liberals approach teaching.

Ms Bennett was then suspended from the school and her reputation besmirched (Also the way liberals react when they know they are in the wrong) and told she could not return until she received counseling….for speaking English!!!!  "

Welcome to Chicago -- now give me that iPhone

Welcome to Chicago -- now give me that iPhone - "
"He just kept saying, ‘We didn't take your phone, you white b------, leave us alone,' '' said Tammy."