Monday, April 27, 2015

Obama Whining About Equal Pay for Michelle - Who We Didn't Elect! - Eagle Rising

Obama Whining About Equal Pay for Michelle - Who We Didn't Elect! - Eagle Rising:

"Mrs. Oblamo consistently complains about her role, about her prison, about America, and now she wants to be paid for it? Really? She has more “aids” than any 20 prior First Ladies combined! She wastes more taxpayer dollars on personal vacations and shopping sprees around the world than any 40 First Ladies combined.

Mr. Oblamo tried to gain sympathies (and more of the women vote) by saying:

“I want to make sure that when she’s working she’s getting paid the same as men. I gotta say that First Ladies right now don’t get paid, even though that’s a tough job!”

They will cost more. Won't fit where your current water heater is now----New home water heaters are bigger and more expensive

New home water heaters are bigger and more expensive:
"If you need a hot water heater, but aren't looking to spend a lot of money, now might be the time to buy.
New federal regulations that went into effect April 16 require all new water heaters to meet updated standards to promote energy efficiency.
But these changes translate into more expensive — and slightly larger —heaters. 
However, paying a little more now could mean paying less later.
Manufacturers are allowed to sell their remaining stock of old models, but all newly made heaters must meet the new U.S. Department of Energy requirements."

NEW POLL: Gun Rights Favored Over Gun Control by Majority of Americans

NEW POLL: Gun Rights Favored Over Gun Control by Majority of Americans:

"Pew said it is hard to explain the disconnect, but from the perspective of this gun rights advocate, it’s pretty clear.  Many Americans simply do not trust the Obama Administration and the Democrats to preserve their Second Amendment rights.  Obama, a radical gun control proponent, has flouted the US Constitution untold times during his 2 terms.  Sales of guns and ammunition have risen sharply during his tenure.  It doesn’t take rocket science to connect the dots."

Cowards all! Throw the bums out!!!---Which Michigan lawmakers replied -- and those who didn't -- to survey on roads tax

Which Michigan lawmakers replied -- and those who didn't -- to survey on roads tax - Crain's Detroit Business:
"The Associated Press emailed all 148 members of Michigan's  Legislature asking them to answer three questions about the May 5 ballot measure that would increase the state's sales tax to trigger more money for roads:
1) Will you vote for or against Proposal 1? 
2) Why or why not? 
3) If it is defeated, how would you come up with the minimum $1.2 billion a year in additional revenue needed to repair roads and bridges?

Thirty-one, or 21 percent, replied. 
Here are their responses and how the 101 legislators who were serving in December voted on whether to put the constitutional amendment before voters.
When possible, a non-responsive lawmaker's stance is included if it could be found in news reports or on social media:"

Must We Ask a Rude Question About the Clintons?

Must We Ask a Rude Question About the Clintons? | Commentary Magazine:
"On the surface, it isn’t that hard to understand the Clinton Cash scandal that Democrats are trying very hard to ignore this week.
We have a former president making millions giving speeches and doing favors for wealthy foreign entities and nations that give massive sums to the Clinton family charity that subsidizes the lavish lifestyle of the former First Family. 
He did this at the same time as his wife spent four years as secretary of state where she made decisions that influence the fortunes of those donors. 
And all this was happening while said former first lady/secretary of state is planning to run for president herself at the next opportunity. 
No one can deny that this smells to high heaven of impropriety, and the best Billy and Hillary’s court of admirers and apologists can say in their defense is that the evidence of a conflict of interest is circumstantial and that there is no smoking gun proving their guilt.
But there is another defense that Politico’s national editor Michael Hirsch hints at in a piece published yesterday: their marriage is so dysfunctional that any alleged coordination between the two is unlikely.
As Hirsh notes, to discuss the “impenetrable” Clinton marriage is a difficult task.
Upon their arrival on the national stage in the 1992 presidential campaign, Americans have on the one hand been deluged with far more information about the Clintons’ relationship than we wanted, as he confessed to having “caused pain,” while never giving us any further explanations. 
A few years later Bill plunged the nation into a degrading debate about the definition of sex and whether it’s OK to commit perjury about acts of sexual harassment after his dalliance with an intern in the Oval Office.
Since then we’ve been asked at one and the same time to sympathize with Hillary as the long suffering wife while also being warned to keep our noses out of their private business.
Would that we could.
As Brit Hume recently noted on Fox, one of the key questions about Hillary’s presidential prospects is whether the “American people want another four, eight years of the Clintons and their weird marriage.”
...Whether the Clintons are in any sense a romantic couple is none of our business.
But if they are still a working political partnership, then we are entitled to know a great deal about their personal interactions.
In particular, we deserve to learn about how large a role Bill played as an advisor to her when she was running U.S. foreign policy.
We’re also entitled to know more about her role in their charity’s insatiable campaign to raise enormous amounts of cash from individuals, companies, and countries. 
In classic “pay for play” style, those donors thought they could do themselves quite a bit of good by giving to the Clintons rather than more established philanthropies that were not run by former and perhaps future presidents..."

$18 BILLION just "sitting around"? Betcha the pols got some ideas for that! And it doesn't include fixin' potholes...---No-fault bill: $1B from health care?

No-fault bill: $1B from health care? - Crain's Detroit Business:
A proposed overhaul to Michigan's no-fault automotive insurance law could pull more than $1 billion of revenue away from the state's health care industry, but it is unclear whether it would save drivers more money over the long run.
The House Insurance Committee voted 9-6 along party lines Thursday to report two no-fault reform bills, SB 248 and SB 249, to the House floor, where party leaders are expected to discuss them further this week.
A slightly different version passed the Senate 21-17 earlier this month.
The bills would cap the amount health care providers could bill for services covered under no-fault and provide for a two-year $100 annual rollback in premium charges.
The legislation also establishes a new Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association to begin covering all medical costs over a benefits cap on insurers, which starts at $545,000.
This fund replaces the current nonprofit claim association, which was established in 1978 and has more than $18 billion in accumulated assets to cover claims, and would have only the assets it collects directly from vehicle owners...
Read it all.
This will affect EVERY person in Michigan!

World Leader Says It’s ‘Ridiculous’ That With Black President, ‘Crimes Against U.S. Blacks Continue.’ Now Guess Who Said It. |

World Leader Says It’s ‘Ridiculous’ That With Black President, ‘Crimes Against U.S. Blacks Continue.’ Now Guess Who Said It. |

"Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei took the opportunity to slam the U.S. over the death of Freddie Gray and the police shootings of black men Walter Scott and Michael Brown, posting on Twitter, “It’s ridiculous that even though US President is black, still such crimes agnst US blacks continue to occur.”

In a speech to police commanders in Tehran just hours after a night of violent anti-police protests in Baltimore over Gray’s death, Khamenei said the behavior of U.S. police toward blacks represents “cruel might,” contrary to Islam which, he said, does not favor “power with cruelty.”

Is this you scratch my back, I scratch yours?

Detroit all over again. You think white folks gonna come downtown again? Read this. Sickening. It's the culture, stupid!---Baltimore Erupts Into Violence, Chaos as #BlackLivesMatter Riots Rage

Baltimore Erupts Into Violence, Chaos as #BlackLivesMatter Riots Rage
...All of a sudden—literally as my brother and I walked out of Bullpen—everything went haywire.
What were peaceful marchers holding up signs turned into violent rioters.
Innocent fans standing by were confronted by the rioters, who physically and verbally threateningly engaged many of them—and then the protesters got even more violent.
All of a sudden, beer bottles and cans, and other projectiles were lobbed by the protesters into the crowds of fans.

To get those projectiles, the protesters stole them forcibly from the bartenders and vendors set up outside each of those three bars. One beer can whizzed by my brother’s face, missing him by about six inches, and more flew all over the crowded area.
The crowd of protesters then stopped a blue station wagon carrying a white family as they tried to drive past Pickles, Bullpen and Sliders along a narrow one-way stretch between the bars and the main road.
As a horde of them smashed their open and closed fists on the hood of the car—while impeding them by standing in front of them—the driver backed up on the one way pass in a desperate attempt to get out of dodge.
Then, stopped on the other side with nowhere to go, protesters ripped open the passenger door of the car and began reaching around inside the vehicle. 
As hundreds of people looked on, including several police officers who didn’t engage the violent protesters, the white woman in the front seat—middle-aged and a little heavyset with dark hair—was visibly terrified.
The group of black men who ripped open the car door suddenly realized they were separated from the larger group of protesters and abandoned their quest to seemingly either carjack the station wagon or rob the people inside in front of hundreds, driving out of the one-way street back onto the main road and presumably out of dodge...

Proposal One: Can You Say Boondoggle?

Proposal One: Can You Say Boondoggle?:

boondoggle  noun   boon?dog?gle   \?b?n-?d?-g?l, -?do?-\  
an expensive and wasteful project usually paid for with public money

On May 5th , you will have an opportunity to go the polls and vote on Proposal 15-1. Here is the language of that proposal:

PROPOSAL 15-1      A proposal to amend the State Constitution to increase the sales/use tax from 6% to 7% to replace and supplement reduced revenue to the School Aid Fund and local units of government caused by the elimination of the sales/use tax on gasoline and diesel fuel for vehicles operating on public roads, and to give effect to laws that provide additional money for roads and other transportation purposes by increasing the gas tax and vehicle registration fees. The proposed constitutional amendment would:  
  • Eliminate sales/use taxes on gasoline/diesel fuel for vehicles on public roads.
  • Increase portion of use tax dedicated to School Aid Fund (SAF).
  • Expand use of SAF to community colleges and career/technical education, and prohibit use for 4-year colleges/universities.
  • Give effect to laws, including those that:
  • Increase sales/use tax to 7%, as authorized by constitutional amendment, 
  • Increase gasoline/diesel fuel tax and adjust annually for inflation, 
  • Increase vehicle registration fees, and dedicate revenue for roads and other transportation purposes, 
  • Expand competitive bidding and warranties for road projects, 
  • Increase earned income tax credit.
Should this proposal be adopted?   YES [ ] NO [ ]

Here is what the passage of this bill means for the hard working taxpayers of the state of Michigan:  
  • It will permanently raise the sales tax rate in the state of Michigan to 7% from the current 6%. This is a 17% increase in the rate and will cost taxpayers nearly $1.5 billion. 
  • It will raise additional revenue from higher fuel taxes ($463 M), higher vehicle registration fees ($10.9M), and commercial truck fees ($50M). 
  • Gasoline taxes will be raised from 19 cents to 41.7 cents per gallon.
  • Diesel taxes will increase from 15 cents to 46.4 cents per gallon. 
This will come to $200 per year for every man, woman and child in Michigan.
Further, approval of this bill puts 10 additional laws in place that will cost the Michigan taxpayer.  Many of these new laws were added as sweeteners to garner democrat support:
  • $270M increase in the earned income tax credit (EITC) welfare handout
  • $290M increase in the school aid fund. 
  • $115M increase in "revenue sharing" funding to local governments
  • $274M to go to township and village road agencies. 
  • $116M for mass transit projects
  • $20M for the Michigan Conservation and Recreation Legacy Fund. 
  • $1.3B to pay off the debt in the State's Transportation Fund
Add that all up and you get nearly $2.4 billion that is being raised on the backs of Michigan taxpayers, not one penny of which will pay for new roads.
If you don't think this will be a huge tax increase, consider that in the proposal language  the words "increase" or "expand" are used at least nine times while the word "eliminate" appears only twice!

The outcome of this proposal is in the hands of the voters. The legislature has empowered you to decide whether you want this enormous tax increase. 

Please vote on May 5th. Send a strong message to the legislature that you will not accept this boondoggle.

For further, in-depth analysis of Proposal 1 from the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, clickhere.

Film Incentive Supporters Ignore the Facts

Film Incentive Supporters Ignore the Facts [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
The Massachusetts Department of Revenue found that their incentive generated less than 14 cents on the dollar in 2012 (the latest year figures were available).”
The fact is most movies produced with incentive funds are made independently without studio backing, without which would never even get made.
This one is true, and often cited by subsidy proponents. But while there are more smaller films receiving money, the bulk of the spending from the program goes to the big studio projects. In 2014, most of Michigan’s film incentive budget ($35 million) went to Batman v. Superman. In 2013, most of the funding ($40 million) went to Oz: The Great and Powerful.
Michigan taxpayers have spent half a billion ($500,000,000) on a transient industry that takes the money and runs. With a tight budget and the need for more road funding, Michiganders can no longer afford this expensive luxury.

Those Clinton Foundation Tax Forms? Here’s What the Foundation’s CEO Just Admitted About Them |

Those Clinton Foundation Tax Forms? Here’s What the Foundation’s CEO Just Admitted About Them |

"She said the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, with which the Clinton Foundation works closely, does not list individual donors due to Canadian law.
The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership is at the center of questionable deals in which it appears Russian investors may have funneled cash into the Clintons’ charitable work in exchange for State Department approval of a Canadian uranium mining deal.

Pally also admitted the foundation had messed up tax forms, writing:

I also want to address questions regarding our 990 tax forms."

What Patrick Moynihan knew about the importance of two parents

What Patrick Moynihan knew about the importance of two parents - The Washington Post
In the mid-1960s, a social scientist noted something ominous that came to be called “Moynihan’s Scissors”: Two lines on a graph crossed, replicating the blades of a scissors. The descending line charted the decline in the minority male unemployment rate. The ascending line charted the simultaneous rise of new welfare cases.
Moynihan's scissorsThe broken correlation of improvements in unemployment and decreased welfare dependency shattered confidence in social salvation through economic growth and reduced barriers to individual striving. Perhaps the decisive factors in combating poverty and enabling upward mobility were not economic but cultural — the habits, mores and dispositions that equip individuals to take advantage of opportunities.
Fifty years ago this month, Moynihan, then a 37-year-old social scientist working in the Labor Department, wrote a report, “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action,” that was leaked in July. The crisis he discerned was that 23.6 percent of African American births were to unmarried women. Among the “tangle” of pathologies he associated with the absence of fathers was a continually renewed cohort of inadequately socialized adolescent males...

This ‘Straight Pride’ Poster Has The Left Reeling

This ‘Straight Pride’ Poster Has The Left Reeling - Chicks on the Right:
"Militant gay activists notoriously wear their sexual identity as a badge of honor. 
Apparently, who you’re sexually attracted to defines you as a person. 
And they feel the need to flaunt it all the time even though the majority of people couldn’t care less. (See, we recognize it’s not the ENITRE gay community.
Actually, gay and transgender conservatives have been the most recent victims of the left’s vicious attacks.)
...An anonymous person hung up these “straight pride” posters around Youngston State University in Ohio, and libs got their panties in a giant wad.
Liberal publications called the posters “homophobic,” and YSU officials immediately removed them.
So what was the “homophobic" message in these posters?
See for yourself."

History for April 27

History for April 27 -
Edward Gibbon 1737 - Historian, author, Samuel F.B. (Finley Breese) Morse 1791 - Inventor (electromagnetic telegraph), Ulysses S. Grant 1822 - 18th U.S. President, Lt. General in command of all Union armies during the U.S. Civil War, nickname: Hero of Appomattox  

Wallace Hume 1896 - Chemist, inventor, credited with invention of nylon, Walter Lantz 1900 - Animator, creator of Woody Woodpecker, Jack Klugman 1922 - Actor ("The Odd Couple", "Quincy, M.E.") 

Coretta Scott King 1927 - Wife of Dr. Martin Luther King, Casey Kasem (Kemal Amin Kasem) 1932 - Radio announcer, DJ, host ("American Top 40), character voice of Shaggy from Scooby Doo, actor ("Hawaii Five-O"), Sheena Easton 1959 - Singer 

1521 - Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan was killed by natives in the Philippines. 

1861 - U.S. President Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus. 

1861 - West Virginia seceded from Virginia after Virginia seceded from the Union during the American Civil War. 

1880 - Francis Clarke and M.G. Foster patented the electrical hearing aid. 

1953 - The U.S. offered $50,000 and political asylum to any Communist pilot that delivered a MIG jet. 

1960 - The submarine Tullibee was launched from Groton, CT. It was the first sub to be equipped with closed-circuit television. 

1965 - "Pampers" were patented by R.C. Duncan. 

1978 - Pro-Soviet Marxists seized control of Afghanistan. 

1989 - Student protestors took over Tiananmen Square in Beijing. 

2005 - The A380, the world's largest jetliner, completed its maiden flight. The passenger capability was 840. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

SPREAD THIS: Navy SEAL Reveals the Shocking Way Obama Is Costing Our Soldiers' Lives

SPREAD THIS: Navy SEAL Reveals the Shocking Way Obama Is Costing Our Soldiers' Lives:

"And then there’s Obama’s decision to pursue a nuclear arms treaty with Iran, a nation that Higbie described as “a global force for evil” — one whose influence can be seen and felt in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Syria, in Turkey, in Yemen, etc. (H/T NewsMax)

Put all of these things together —"

And we know what the 1967/68 riots did for Detroit and the black family-----The World Barack Obama and Eric Holder Have Made: Baltimore, 2015

The World Barack Obama and Eric Holder Have Made: Baltimore, 2015 | PJ Tatler
Get ready for a long hot summer, the kind not seen in these formerly United States since 1968:
You voted for it, America.
 And now you’re going to get it, good and hard.

1.5 Million Missing Black Men

1.5 Million Missing Black Men -

The Democrats’ white-voter problem — in 2 maps

The Democrats’ white-voter problem — in 2 maps - The Washington Post

Fox News Reports on the Tangled Web of Clinton Cash - Breitbart

Fox News Reports on the Tangled Web of Clinton Cash - Breitbart:

"It’s pure happenstance that business interests and foreign governments kept getting what they wanted from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after donating to her foundation, or arranging lucrative speaking engagements for the Secretary and her husband.

Hillary, who used to strongly oppose foreign governments buying up American business interests — as in the case of the Dubai ports deal — spontaneously changed her mind and decided that selling twenty percent of the U.S. uranium market to a company owned by Vladimir Putin.  It had nothing whatsoever to do with fat Clinton Foundation donations from the shadowy Canadian magnate whose shell company blossomed into a massive uranium superstore with a little help from Bill Clinton… "

Timeline: Bill Clinton's Involvement in Uranium Mining Deal

Timeline: Bill Clinton's Involvement in Uranium Mining Deal
Former President Bill Clinton appears to have played a role in helping mining magnate Frank Giustra enter into a lucrative uranium mining deal with Kazakhstan. 
That deal, and the ones that followed, coincided with generous donations to the Clinton Foundation.
What follows is an attempt to organize facts gathered by the New York TimesNewsweekand other news sites into a clear, chronological order.
...September 6, 2005: Giustra flies former President Clinton on his private jet for stops in three nations. The stops are all part of Clinton Foundation work to grant cheaper access to AIDS drugs. The first stop on the tour, said to be “arranged hastily,” is Kazakhstan. It will be Clinton’s only post-presidential visit to the country.
...September 8, 2005: UrAsia Energy Ltd. signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Kazatomprom worth $450 million. The New York Times reports that UrAsia went from a second-tier shell company to leading uranium producer overnight. One uranium industry expert tells the Times the selection of UrAsia for the deal is a “mystery.”
...Early 2006: Giustra makes a $31.3 million donation to the Clinton Foundation. The donation is kept secret until December 2007.
September 2006: Giustra “co-produces” former President Clinton’s star-studded 60th birthday gala, an event which eventually raises $21 million for the Clinton Foundation.
February 2007: Uranium One, a South African mining company, buys UrAsia Energy Ltd. for $3.1 billion. The head of Kazatomprom has a private, 3-hour meeting with Bill Clinton at Clinton’s New York home to discuss a forthcoming business deal arranged by Giustra. When asked about the meeting by the New York Times, Giustra denied it happened or that he arranged it. When it is pointed out that Moukhtar Dzhakishev, president of Kazatomprom, has a photo with Mr. Clinton taken inside his home during the meeting, Giustra does an about face. Similarly, a spokesman for Clinton initially denies the meeting took place, then issues a “correction” acknowledging it did.
Read it all.

Your Tax Dollars Paid for Boston Bomber's Family's Trip to U.S.

Your Tax Dollars Paid for Boston Bomber's Family's Trip to U.S.
Survivors of the Boston Marathon bombing are outraged after learning that family members of convicted bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were flown to the U.S., put up in a hotel and provided with extensive security – all paid for with taxpayer dollars.
"Fox and Friends Weekend" broke down the numbers, and they are shocking.
Anna Kooiman reported that it cost $2,500 per person to fly to the U.S. from Amsterdam, $200 per person a night at the hotel, $100,000 for round-the-clock security, plus lawyer fees.
"[This] shouldn't surprise you because you've been paying for it since day one," Tucker Carlson said. 
"Mrs. Tsarnaev was brought here along with her boys, the ones she claimed that were wronged, at your expense."
"They claimed asylum and then they immediately went on welfare. 
They've been living at taxpayer expense on the dole all these years, and now their extended family is doing the same."...

It's the culture, stupid!---RAW VIDEO: Black Mob Robs Female Reporter Covering Baltimore Protests

RAW VIDEO: Black Mob Robs Female Reporter Covering Baltimore Protests | Conservative Outfitters:
"The situation in Baltimore continues to violently spin out of control.
Watch the video below of a female reporter covering the protests as she is attacked and robbed. 
What do you think? "

Hillary Clinton: ‘Deep-Seated Cultural Codes, Religious Beliefs…Have to Be Changed’ | Video |

Hillary Clinton: ‘Deep-Seated Cultural Codes, Religious Beliefs…Have to Be Changed’ | Video |

"Clinton went on to say that the “advancement of the full participation of women and girls in every aspect of their societies is the great unfinished business of the 21st century.”

She claimed that the economy would grow by 10 percent by 2030 if the “gap” between men and women in the workplace were closed.

Clinton then lamented the “lack of quality, affordable childcare, unequal pay” and “unfair” work schedules, problems she said affect women disproportionately."

Hillary: Gun Control #1 Priority Of A Clinton Administration

Hillary: Gun Control #1 Priority Of A Clinton Administration - NYTimes:
"She told the gathered crowd that “the proliferation of semi-automatic weapons among the general populace presents a grave danger to the stability and continuity of governance in our nation”.
Later in her remarks she expressed the belief that a federal framework needed to be emplaced which would supersede the patchwork of existing state regulations and policies in regards to registration and sales of firearms. 
She explained that the consistency of a federal framework would end the exploitation of the weak gun laws present in some states to fuel the sale and use of illegal weapons nationally."

Obama's america---Family Incomes Fell In March; Now 5% Below Pre-Recession Level

Family Incomes Fell In March; Now 5% Below Pre-Recession Level -
"Back in January, President Obama was boasting that the economy had finally turned a corner. He called 2014 a "breakthrough year for America," and said "our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999."
He went on to credit his "middle class economics" for producing these gains.
The latest income data, however, don't show anything like what Obama was describing.
Real median family income fell in March, to $54,203, back to where it was in September 2009.

Sentier Research — which uses Census data to compile monthly income statistics — found that family incomes plummeted more after the recession than during the recession itself, bottoming out in mid-2011.
After that, family incomes started to make a painfully slow climb.
But even now, nearly six years after the recession ended, they are still 5% below where they stood at the previous peak in early 2008, just as the recession was starting. At the current pace, it will take several more years for family incomes to reach that peak again.
Another way to look at it. Under President George W. Bush, this income measure averaged $56,081 — despite his presiding over two recessions. 
That's 6% higher than the average under Obama and 3.5% above the latest March figure.
If this constitutes a "breakthrough year" for this administration, that isn't saying much for how it measures success."

Mitt Romney Does Not Mince Words When Asked About Report on Clinton Foundation Uranium Company Ties |

Mitt Romney Does Not Mince Words When Asked About Report on Clinton Foundation Uranium Company Ties |

“And if those things are connected, as they certainly seem to be, it’s a form of bribery,” Romney added. “And that’s what it appears to be, and that is of course what’s going to have to be delved into, and I’m afraid this is a, this is bigger than just her presidential campaign. I mean, this is a question about whether or not the United States secretary of state was bribed to grease the sale of strategic assets to Russia.”

Flashback 2011: ‘Era of Constant Electricity at Home is Ending, says UK power chief’ — ‘Families would have to get used to only using power when it was available’

Flashback 2011: ‘Era of Constant Electricity at Home is Ending, says UK power chief’ — ‘Families would have to get used to only using power when it was available’ | Climate Depot:
"The Daily Telegraph – March 2, 2011: ‘Era of Constant Electricity at Home is Ending, says UK power chief’
Excerpt: ‘The days of permanently available electricity may be coming to an end, the head of the power network said yesterday. Families would have to get used to only using power when it was available, rather than constantly, said Steve Holliday, chief executive of National Grid. Mr Holliday was challenged over how the country would “keep the lights on” when it relied more on wind turbines as supplies of gas dwindled. Electricity provided by wind farms will increase six-fold by 2020 but critics complain they only generate on windy days.

“We are going to change our own behaviour and consume it when it is available and available cheaply.”"