California is burning. -
John F. Di Leo - Back when President Ronald Reagan was the governor – he served two terms, from 1967 to 1975 – California stood as the seventh ranking economic power in the world...
- 31 years ago, in January, 1994, the 6.7 Northridge Earthquake destroyed the 10 Freeway, a critical part of the metro Los Angeles traffic system. Governor Pete Wilson rebuilt it in record time, under budget and ahead of schedule...
Today, California is a
different state entirely.
Under Gavin Newsom and his recent predecessors, California has settled into a
permanent economic tailspin, as employers and employees alike are fleeing the state for saner territories...
who remains in California, as its tax base shrinks?
- California still attracts criminal gangs, illegal aliens, welfare recipients, homeless people.
- California restricts water rights so that its farming and ranching businesses shrink.
- California restricts energy production so that energy-intensive businesses have to move, because there’s no power for them to stay.
- California outlaws gasoline-powered vehicles, then shuts down its power plants so that people with electric vehicles cannot charge them...