Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Power Line Forum | The UN? You’ve Gotta Be Freakin’ Kidding Me

Power Line Forum The UN? You’ve Gotta Be Freakin’ Kidding Me: "For my tax dollar, the all-time best Capitol Hill event involving celebrities occurred back in 1985, when the House Democratic Task Force on Agriculture held a jam-packed hearing that featured testimony on the plight of the American farm family from—I am not making this up—Sissy Spacek, Jessica Lange and Jane Fonda. Technically, of course, these women are not members of struggling farm families: They are rich actresses. But they have all played members of struggling farm families in major motion pictures, which more than qualifies them to testify before a congressional task force. They were so sincere it made your teeth hurt. Both Lange and Fonda broke down crying, and thousands of photographs were taken. A genuine family-farm member could have set fire to herself on the Capitol steps and not have gotten half the press coverage."

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