Wednesday, May 02, 2007

This is an outrage!

Is this ripoff going in in Muskegon?
End this charity: "Both the Genesee County Board of Commissioners and Flint City Council take advantage, the former to the tune of $2,000 per commissioner per year and the City Council $1,500 per member. From those funds officials drop tidy sums on church groups, sports teams, senior activities, festivals, parties, Christmas events and a wide swath of nonprofit agencies, most of which enjoy close ties to the officeholders.In many cases the donations amount to poorly veiled opportunities to advance their profiles and/or pay back favors.
While taxpayers foot the bills, the officials are the ones who come off looking generous and often get precious exposure in the process, as they attend dinners and other large gatherings, get thanked in brochures or turn up in public donor lists. "

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