Sunday, February 17, 2008

What, no Communist Party on the ballot?

Since Paul Keep has joined The Muskegon Chronicle, its leftward dive has been breathtaking.

I doubt that the current Democrat Party is left enough for Keep and his comrades.
Maybe that's why Mr Keep didn't vote in the primary?

Chronicle editors beyond left? -
"Letterwriter is right, The Chronicle is 'left'
Mr. Gray's letter published Jan. 17 was right on the money. His letter takes The Chronicle to task for its 'fanatical left-wing opinions.'
To be more specific, he criticizes the newspaper for an editorial that charged that the requirement to provide an approved I.D. to vote was a poll tax. Mr. Gray wrote that this requirement is 'a guarantee that each person gets one and only one vote and that each vote will count.' I agree with Mr. Gray and challenge the newspaper to refute his argument.
I presume the column by the publisher/editor of the paper that appeared on Jan. 20 reinforced Mr. Gray's opinion of The Chronicle. The editor states in his column that he didn't vote in the primary because the Democratic and Republican parties would know which party ballot he chose.
Who is the editor kidding? How naive does he think the readers are? We know the editor is a member of the editorial board that directs the development of the 'left-wing' editorials. I have no question which party the editor supports and votes for. Do you?
Frank Buck
Norton Shores"
Here's Keep's idiotic post on his blog:

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