Wednesday, May 20, 2009

MEA prez threatens Benton Harbor board; board ignores her grandstanding

MEA prez threatens Benton Harbor board; board ignores her grandstanding
"The Benton Harbor school board last night voted to save a projected $2.75 million over five years by contracting for bus service.
Never an easy decision, the board put taxpayers first and made a wise decision.
MEA president Iris Salters took the opportunity to grandstand against privatization and even issued a threat to the board, according to the Herald Palladium:
“There will be a day when you rue the day you made this decision,” Salters said.

Anyone smell a recall?

With the Southfield story, we know the MEA isn’t above exacting revenge. There, the Uniserv director herself filed the recall petitions. Here, we’re guessing if a recall is filed, the MEA will be a little better about covering their tracks."

This is big union thuggery at its .... well normal level from the teacher's union thugs who seem immune from ANY media scrutiny, ever!

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