Friday, May 28, 2010

Andy Dillon pushes Michigan retirement plan, AFL-CIO chief bristles | | Lansing State Journal

Andy Dillon pushes Michigan retirement plan, AFL-CIO chief bristles Lansing State Journal

"State employees must be prodded -- and soon -- to take early retirement with the same combination of incentives recently approved for school employees, House Speaker Andy Dillon said Thursday.

Dillon of Redford Township, a Democratic candidate for governor, told Free Press editors and reporters that reforms are needed to cut state spending.

A House version of the retirement package would save the state about $300 million in the spending year that begins Oct. 1 and $850 million over 10 years by making those who don't retire pay more for retirement health care."

Dillon is right on.
How tough it must be to be a principled democrat in union controlled Michigan?

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