Friday, October 08, 2010

The October Surprises continue

Dear MoveOn member,

This is an urgent request.

This week, news broke that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce—one of the biggest sources of corporate cash backing Republicans this year—has been using money from foreign corporations in India, Bahrain, and elsewhere to fund its attack ads, in apparent violation of the law.1
This explosive news could shift the course of the election if the Chamber is forced to scale back and all the right-wing candidates they're helping have to answer for this.

The Chamber knows that. Their strategy is to give no quarter and hope this blows over. In the last 48 hours they've actually spent millions more on ads targeted against progressive heroes including Russ Feingold.2

The liars on the left are expecting their collaborators in the MSM to "report" these fabrications as directed by and their ilk.

Be ever vigilant and contact the liberal media when they show their true colors!

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