Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ballot Proposal to Exploit Disabled Medicaid Recipients

Ballot Proposal to Exploit Disabled Medicaid Recipients [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
With boxes of signatures submitted to the Secretary of State over the last few days, it appears there could be as many as seven different proposals on the ballot this fall.
Many of them would benefit narrow constituencies at the expense of taxpayers; perhaps the most egregious is a self-serving measure that would embed a one-sided government union scheme into the state constitution.
The arrangement came about when the Service Employees International Union and the Granholm administration created a shell "employer" for tens of thousands of home-based caregivers.
Most are family members caring for developmentally disabled loved ones who receive a Medicaid stipend.
By labeling caregivers as "government employees" and skimming off a portion of these payments as "dues," the SEIU has quietly taken more than $30 million from Michigan’s most vulnerable residents.

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