Monday, September 10, 2012

FIRE's Red Alert List Exposes the Worst Violators of Campus Rights

FIRE's Red Alert List Exposes the Worst Violators of Campus Rights - The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education - FIRE
Michigan State University

Michigan State University (MSU) joined FIRE's Red Alert list after finding student government leader Kara Spencer guilty of "spamming" and misuse of university resources for criticizing the administration's plan to change the school calendar.
Spencer had carefully selected and e-mailed 391 faculty members to encourage them to express their views on the proposed changes.
Despite the fact that Spencer merely wished to alert a small percentage of the campus community—roughly 8 percent of MSU's faculty—to an important administrative decision, MSU found her to be in violation of the university's Network Acceptable Use Policy and of engaging in an "unauthorized" use of the MSU network.
After FIRE intervened, MSU dropped the charges but made its policy even more restrictive.
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