Friday, February 28, 2014

The "BigEducation" scam on our children is falling apart. With results that hurt everyone. Just like EVERY other Ponzi scheme----Housing market recovery hamstrung by buyers' crippling student loan debt

Unintended consequences.... who'd of thunk?
Housing market recovery hamstrung by buyers' crippling student loan debt | The Daily Caller:
"High school seniors — and the parents encouraging them to attend college on borrowed money — may find the American dream of owning a home out of their reach after the bill for their student loans comes due.

According to the Mortgage Bankers Association, loan applications for new homes fell a staggering 20 percent in the past four months. 
Meanwhile, student loan debt in the fourth quarter of 2013 rose five percent above the last quarter — outpacing mortgage debt, which rose only two percent in the same quarter."

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