Saturday, August 30, 2014

But AlGore and little Barry promised big storms!-------US Hurricane drought still in record territory

US Hurricane drought still in record territory - Cleveland
Its been almost nine years since the last major hurricane struck the US Mainland. That's 3,230 days.Remember, we are talking MAJOR hurricanes, of Category 3 strength or higher. 
The last major hurricane was Hurricane Wilma which hit Florida on October 24, 2005. 
This is unprecedented in the hurricane record since 1900. Its a full 2 1/2 years ahead of the second-longest US hurricane drought ever recorded.
On average, the Atlantic Basin/Caribbean area see 11 named tropical systems. Seven of those become hurricanes. 
Two of them are major hurricanes. We currently have Tropical Storm Marie, a former Category 5 Hurricane, in the Eastern Pacific Ocean stirring up high surf along California's southern coast. 
In the Atlantic, we have the third named storm of the season, Hurricane Cristobal, churning up to the west of Bermuda. 
Its a Category 1 storm that will not strike the US.
.....Dr. Roger Pielke, Jr. is a professor of Environmental Studies at the University of Colorado, Boulder. 
He writes: "Since 1900 US hurricane seasons have seen more than 20% less landfalls and are more than 20% less intense." 

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