Friday, February 27, 2015

Delusional or just lying?------Dem Rep: We Need Food Stamps Because Dads Are In Jail

Dem Rep: We Need Food Stamps Because Dads Are In Jail | The Daily Caller:
"Democratic Georgia Rep. David Scott said that food stamps are necessary because of America’s “policy” of imprisoning families.
“First of all, the situation regarding employment and jobs, poverty, all of that. All of that has been structured into our economic, social policy over the last quarter-century,” Scott said at Wednesday’s House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing to review the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), talking about the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs before turning to the incarceration issue.
“Our policy of sending so many of our young eligible fathers to prison. Millions,” Scott said.
“Our prison population went from 300,000 in 1975 to over two million today.
These are providers who are not there.
This is why we have so many single female head of households.
I mean, so when you look at everything we have done, we’ve got to correct some of these things first.”
“Sometimes, it’s not getting the right answer that matters if we don’t set up the right problem to get to that right answer.
And I asked this question before.
Where are examples of the fraud? 
Where are the examples of the abuse?…I can’t find any answers on that. 
I want somebody to tell me, where is the waste? 
Where is the abuse? 
And where is the fraud…”"

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