Thursday, February 26, 2015

Mall Reacts to Terror Threat by Demanding Shoppers Remain Unarmed

Mall Reacts to Terror Threat by Demanding Shoppers Remain Unarmed - Breitbart:
"Over the weekend, the Somalia terror group al-Shabaab released a video calling for attacks that included targeting Minnesota’s Mall of America (MOA). In response, MOA reminded shoppers that law-abiding citizens with concealed carry handgun permits are barred from carrying guns on their premises for self-defense.
MOA issued this reminder in response to a citizen named Sarah, who reacted to al-Shabaab’s threat by suggesting shoppers should “bust out the concealed carry permits” and go about their day as usual.
MOA then tweeted: “Hi Sarah. The mall bans all guns from the premises, you’ll note this clearly at each entrance door.”
Does MOA think terrorists’s intent on killing innocents will leave their guns in the car because a sign at the door says no guns allowed?"


  1. So, the MOA is inviting terrorists in with no fear of being met by force. Sounds like people should shop elsewhere, and let the Somalis have the MOA to themselves. No problem.

  2. Maple, I totally agree. The MOA has guaranteed disarmed targets. It don't get much better than that!
