Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Three Things Leftists Don't Get - Breitbart

Three Things Leftists Don't Get - Breitbart:
The rest of America gets it for the most part...

  • One: Guns and gun control 

If guns kill people then the knife, fork, and spoon are responsible for obesity on a global scale.
Actor and comedian Vince Vaughn in British GQ makes the correct constitutional and liberty based argument.
“We don’t have the right to bear arms because of burglars; we have the right to bear arms to resist the supreme power of a corrupt and abusive government.”...

  • Two: The free market works 

The PacSun Memorial Day upside down American flag received sufficient backlash and government intervention wasn’t necessary.
In some ways, I love the irony in this story. The men and women who gave their full measure for the right to freedom of expression–even idiotic expressions, as this t-shirt–preserved the right of the people to respond....

  • Three: Ship of fools

Leftist are fools whose movement has been infiltrated by Islamists. They miss the point where if the Islamists succeed, the leftists will then be eliminated. After all, Islamists kill gays, sell women as slaves, and abhor free speech, just to mention a few things to the supposed pro-gay, women’s rights, free speech advocacy crowd. The institutional left may well be the best example of a ship of fools...

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