Wednesday, November 25, 2015

O'Reilly: 'Democratic Party Is Completely Ineffective in Fighting Terrorism' | Fox News Insider

O'Reilly: 'Democratic Party Is Completely Ineffective in Fighting Terrorism' | Fox News Insider:
The reason a majority of Americans do not want to accept Muslim refugees in the U.S. is based on security, Bill O’Reilly said in his Talking Points Memo tonight.
O'Reilly noted an ABC News poll that revealed 54 percent of Americans oppose taking Syrian refugees, even after they've been screened, while 43 percent are OK with admitting those refugees.
"The cold truth of the matter is the majority of Americans have no confidence that the Obama administration can protect them from harm," O'Reilly said. "President Obama and the Democratic Party are so liberal, so frightened and so chaotic, they cannot provide security for we the people."
"The Factor" host pointed out that even though the southern border is still unsecured and thousands of potentially dangerous illegal immigrants are freed from prison every year, Obama still chastises Republicans and those who oppose allowing Syrian refugees in the country.
"What President Obama does not understand is that he has lost all credibility in matters of security," O'Reilly said. "The Democratic Party is completely ineffective in fighting terrorism."
He explained that Republicans should use that to win the 2016 election by stating to voters clearly and precisely how they would defeat ISIS, secure the border and deal with criminal illegal immigrants.

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