Sunday, February 28, 2016

CECIL BACKLASH: Zimbabwe Now Has To Kill Hundreds of Un-hunted Lions To Save Villagers

CECIL BACKLASH: Zimbabwe Now Has To Kill Hundreds of Un-hunted Lions To Save Villagers » Louder With Crowder:
"Remember Cecil the Lion?
Of course you do.
He was hunted by Walter Palmer, an American dentist.
The dentist was shamed by every environmentalist animal-rights liberal who didn’t want to acknowledge that Planned Parenthood was butchering babies and FedExing baby heads across the country.
Yes, both of those things were happening at the same time.
...Here’s the problem with what happened to Walter Palmer: it scared hunters worldwide, who didn’t want their names, addresses, places of business, and names of their first born children broadcast allover the world for participating in a lion hunt. 
As any scientist will tell you, for ever action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Here’s more science for you.
If no one is hunting the lions, there are more lions.
More predators mean more prey animals are eaten.
Zimbabwe has TOO MANY LIONS, because hunters have not killed them. 
Zimbabwe will have to “cull” the lion population:
The outcry over Walter Palmer’s killing of Cecil drove other big-game hunters away from Zimbabwe, fearful they too would attract the opprobrium of the public.
But in what is being described as a side-effect of the affair, Zimbabwe’s largest wildlife area says it now finds itself suffering from an overpopulation of lions.
Bubye Valley Conservancy has more than 500 lions, the largest number in Zimbabwe’s diminishing wildlife areas.
It has warned that its lion population has become unsustainable and that it may even have to cull around 200 as a result of what is being called “the Cecil effect”.
...Also, more lions also mean more people get killed by lions.
Read Zimbabweans Reality Check Liberals:
“Lions? What about African PEOPLE…”
All of these people have names, by the way.
None are honored by environmentalists..."

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