Tuesday, July 26, 2016

DNC Planned To Reward Big Donors With Federal Appointments

DNC Planned To Reward Big Donors With Federal Appointments | The Daily Caller
"Democratic National Committee documents recently released by WikiLeaks include spreadsheets and emails that appear to show party officials planning which donors and prominent fundraisers to provide with appointments to federal boards and commissions.
...“That is unethical, if not illegal.”
The proposed appointments also provide more evidence that the DNC favored Clinton over her former primary challenger, Bernie Sanders.
Most of the donors listed on the spreadsheet have given to Clinton’s campaign.
None gave to Sanders.
...But one tip-off that the document is detailing a quid pro quo is an entry next to the name of David Shapira, the executive chairman of grocery store chain Giant Eagle, Inc.
“USPS” — a likely reference to the U.S. Postal Service — is entered on the spreadsheet.
...Shapira and his wife Cynthia have donated heavily to Clinton, the DNC and other Democratic and liberal political action committees..."
Read on!

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