Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Peak Irony: Mexico Wants To Build The Wall To Stop Illegal Immigration

Peak Irony: Mexico Wants To Build The Wall To Stop Illegal Immigration | Zero Hedge:
"It turns out that Donald Trump’s proposed border wall is not such a bad idea after all.
Image result for building the wall on their southern border with central America:Though Mexico’s current and former Presidents have both lambasted Trump for implying that a wall would curb immigration, it turns out that Mexicans like the idea.
There is one small caveat, however.
Mexicans don’t want to build the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, but rather, they want to stem the tide of immigration into their own country  by building the wall on their southern border with central America:
One of the largest newspapers along Mexico’s border with Texas is calling for a border wall with Central America, similar to the one being promoted by Republican Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump.
The editorial board of El Mañana, one of the largest newspapers in the border state of Tamaulipas,  penned a piece called “Yes to the Border Wall … but in Mexico’s South.”
The piece praises the idea of border wall, not on the border with Mexico, but on the border with Central America.
 “Along the Mexican border peace and quiet came to an end, Central Americans played a large influence,” El Mañana’s piece claimed..."

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