Sunday, October 30, 2016

The real Islam-----Top 10 Worst Nations on Earth for Gender Equality are All Islamic

Top 10 Worst Nations on Earth for Gender Equality are All IslamicTop 10 Worst Nations on Earth for Gender Equality are All Islamic – Michael A. Sherlock (Author): "According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index (2016), the 10 worst countries for gender equality are those in which Islam is the dominant religious demographic.
This should come as no surprise to anyone who has undertaken even an ounce of research into the core doctrines and common traditions associated with this extremely patriarchal religion. 
Whilst Islam is not a monolith and many variations exist with regards to beliefs, practices, degrees of adherence, etc., it is noteworthy that those societies which treat their women the worst all zealously adhere to a religion that sees women as inherently inferior to men.

The Worst 10 Nations on Earth

  1. Yemen
  2. Pakistan
  3. Syria
  4. Saudi Arabia
  5. Chad
  6. Iran
  7. Mali
  8. Morocco
  9. Côte d’Ivoire
  10. Lebanon

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