Friday, March 31, 2017

AG Who Charged Activists For Exposing Planned Parenthood Received Thousands In Donations From Planned Parenthood | Daily Wire

AG Who Charged Activists For Exposing Planned Parenthood Received Thousands In Donations From Planned Parenthood | Daily Wire:

 "On Tuesday, Becerra charged David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress on 15 felony counts for the role they played in an undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood's "fetal tissue" trade practices. In 2015, CMP began to release videos of the footage they obtained in their undercover operation, some of which featured Planned Parenthood officials and former employees discussing the taxpayer-funded organization's disturbing and potentially illegal practices regarding the selling of the body parts of aborted babies. Though the state of Texas pursued charges against the activists, the charges were eventually dismissed."

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