Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Soon, Social Media Sites Will Decide What 'Real News' Is | Daily Wire

Soon, Social Media Sites Will Decide What 'Real News' Is | Daily Wire:
"Mark Zuckerberg, the Harvard dropout who created Facebook, loved hanging out with President Barack Obama.
Even more, the Zuck loved suppressing conservative news reports from Facebook's Trending Topics section.
Image result for fake NewsAnd soon, the curly-haired 33-year-old who is looking ever more like a politician, will love deciding what "real news" is.
Four out of 10 millennials get their news off of Facebook's news feed, according to a new survey released by LendEDU.
"With all of the recent news regarding fake news articles running rampant on the social networking site, this is certainly a worrisome trend developing where consumers rely on Facebook stories, accurate or not, to keep them informed,” Mike Brown, research analyst at LendEDU, told FOX Business.
Now comes word that Facebook will revamp its Trending Topics feature to highlight "other publications," (whatever that means) with hopes to doing so will help people "feel more informed about the news."...
Read on!

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