Sunday, June 25, 2017

Yahoo Shutters That $30 Million App It Bought From a Teen

Yahoo Shutters That $30 Million App It Bought From a Teen:
"Yahoo is shutting down an app created by teenager. 
Four years ago, said teenager sold the app to the struggling internet company for a reported $30 million. 
Image result for dohIt’s one of many casualties from Verizon’s recent acquisition of the big purple Dot Com giant, but it’s especially interesting since Yahoo turned so many heads by spending such a huge sum on an app created by a teen. 
Then again, maybe it was inevitable all along.
The app in question was called Yahoo News Digest.
It was apparently downloaded 9.5 million times and was based upon technology that aggregated news articles and summarized them in short paragraphs.
The technology made headlines before its Yahoo days, when it was called Summly, because it was built by then 15-year-old named Nick D’Aloisio in 2011.
...Yahoo bought D’Aloisio’s app for a reported $30 million and gave the teen a job at Yahoo in 2013..."

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