Thursday, August 31, 2017

History for August 31

Image result for Caligula Funny
History for August 31 -
Caligula (Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus) 0012, Maria Montessori 1870, Arthur Godfrey 1903
Image result for caligula bill clinton memeImage result for Maria Montessori QuotesImage result for Arthur Godfrey Show

William Saroyan 1908, Alan Jay Lerner 1918, Eldridge Cleaver 1935
Image result for William Saroyan QuotesImage result for alan jay lerner songsImage result for Eldridge Cleaver Pants

1881 - The first tennis championships in the U.S. were played.
Image result for 1881 - The first tennis championships in the U.S.

1920 - The first news program to be broadcast on radio was aired. The station was 8MK in Detroit, MI.
Image result for first news program to be broadcast on radio was aired. The station was 8MK in Detroit, MI.

1920 - John Lloyd Wright was issued a patent for "Toy-Cabin Construction," which are known as Lincoln Logs. (U.S. patent 1,351,086)
Image result for "Toy-Cabin Construction,"

1940 - Lawrence Olivier and Vivian Leigh were married.
Image result for Lawrence Olivier and Vivian Leigh were married.

1964 - California officially became the most populated state in America.
Image result for 1964 - California officially became the most populated state in America.

1980 - Poland's Solidarity labor movement was born with an agreement signed in Gdansk that ended a 17-day strike.
Image result for 1980 - Poland's Solidarity labor movement

1994 - A cease-fire was declared by the Irish Republican Army after 25 years of bloodshed in Northern Ireland.
Image result for 1994 - A cease-fire was declared by the Irish Republican Army

1998 - A ballistic missile was fired over Japan by North Korea. The missile landed in stages in the waters around Japan. There was no known target.
Image result for clinton north korea

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