Sunday, December 31, 2017

Devin Nunes slams DOJ, FBI for failing to produce documents to Congress: Report - Washington Times

Devin Nunes slams DOJ, FBI for failing to produce documents to Congress: Report - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images Chairman Devin Nunes "House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes accused two federal agencies of failing “to fully produce” documents concerning the dossier about President Trump, Fox News reported late Thursday.

Mr. Nunes, California Republican, sent a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein slamming the Department of Justice and the FBI for failing to turn over requested documents to Congress.

“Unfortunately, DOJ/FBI’s intransigence with respect to the August 24 subpoenas is part of a broader pattern of behavior that can no longer be tolerated,” Mr. Nunes wrote in the letter, Fox News reported."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Of course, they are not going to furnish anything requested or subpoenaed! If they do, it will be self-incrimination. They are not yet quite that arrogant. Give it a year or so. If they don't, they absolutely know to a level of ontological certitude that there is absolutely no downside. There will be no penalties for either individuals or for the organization. There will be no impeachments of Leftists, there will be no reductions in budgets. They are flaunting their contempt for the Congress and the Constitution before making their contempt for the American people public.

    The FBI and all Federal Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies do not work for the United States government. They are just paid by them. They actually work for the DNC.

    Subotai Bahadur
