Wednesday, February 28, 2018



Political Pawns

By Tammy Derouin

When tragedy strikes we do everything we can to further protect ourselves and the ones we love. We go through many different stages of emotion. Shock and disbelief are certainly in the forefront as we struggle to grasp with what is happening. Shock eventually gives way to grief and or anger as we begin to comprehend and come to terms with our new reality.

Image result for Pawn From ChessIt is never easy to understand why such tragedies take place. Why do innocent people become victims? We try to recreate a better outcome with “what if” or “if only” possibilities. We even insert ourselves into the situation. What could we have done differently? Could we have prevented this moment in time? Trying to make sense of something so senseless can be exasperating. But, that's what we do, we try to find a reason and then we try to fix the problem so that it never happens again.

We have all dealt with personal loss or tragedies. We know the heart-wrenching feeling of helplessness. As a nation, we have also dealt with many tragedies from natural disasters, the loss of those who serve protecting our freedom, to attacks on our home soil by both foreign and domestic assailants. Once we begin to recover and acknowledge the reality, we want to prevent such tragedies and losses from ever happening again. Acting purely on emotion is however, very dangerous. Using our children as political pawns to promote an anti-American agenda is disgraceful, shameful and a national tragedy......

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