Friday, April 27, 2018

History for April 27

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History for April 27 -
Edward Gibbon 1737 - Historian, author, Samuel F.B. (Finley Breese) Morse 1791 - Inventor (electromagnetic telegraph), Ulysses S. Grant 1822 - 18th U.S. President, Lt. General in command of all Union armies during the U.S. Civil War, nickname: Hero of Appomattox
Image result for Edward Gibbon QuotesImage result for Samuel F.B. (Finley Breese) MorseImage result for Ulysses S. Grant

Wallace Hume 1896 - Chemist, inventor, credited with invention of nylon, Walter Lantz 1900 - Animator, creator of Woody Woodpecker, Coretta Scott King 1927 - Wife of Dr. Martin Luther King
Image result for Wallace HumeImage result for Walter LantzImage result for Coretta Scott King Quotes Freedom

1521 - Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan was killed by natives in the Philippines.
Image result for Ferdinand Magellan was killed

1805 - A force led by U.S. Marines captured the city of Derna, on the shores of Tripoli.
Image result for U.S. Marines captured the city of Derna, on the shores of Tripoli.

1861 - West Virginia seceded from Virginia after Virginia seceded from the Union during the American Civil War.
Image result for West Virginia seceded from Virginia

1965 - "Pampers" were patented by R.C. Duncan.
Image result for 1965 - "Pampers" were patented by R.C. Duncan.

1967 - In Montreal, Prime Minister Lester Pearson lighted a flame to open Expo 67.
Image result for Prime Minister Lester Pearson lighted a flame to open Expo 67.

1978 - Pro-Soviet Marxists seized control of Afghanistan.
Image result for 1978 - Pro-Soviet Marxists seized control of Afghanistan.

1989 - Student protestors took over Tiananmen Square in Beijing.
Image result for 1989 - Student protestors took over Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

2005 - The A380, the world's largest jetliner, completed its maiden flight. The passenger capability was 840.
Image result for 2005 - The A380

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