Sunday, July 29, 2018

Free flights for illegals on United, while the rest of us pay full fare?

Free flights for illegals on United, while the rest of us pay full fare?
See the source image"United Airlines, the airline that famously dragged a paying passenger off a flight, stuffed a dog into an overhead compartment and killed it, and junked a priceless guitar in its baggage handlers' tender care, has come up with a new one for us: free flights for unscreened illegals, sitting right there next to the paying passengers in those newly shrunken seats.  
In the name virtue-signaling, of course.
Here's the news item:
United Airlines is donating flights to help reunited immigrant [sic] families that were separated at the U.S.'s southern border.
The San Francisco Business Times reported Thursday that the pro-immigration lobbying group announced United's donation in a Facebook post, calling it "needed, timely, and critical."
"A growing community of support is coming together to reunite families who were separated at the border," the group posted Wednesday.  "We are so thankful and happy to announce that United Airlines is jumping in and helping.  Thanks to this partnership with United, we are able to provide travel to the recently reunited immigrant [sic] families to get to their next destination with dignity."
,,,But this is from the airline that just a few days ago refused to refund the ticket of a woman who got stuck sitting next to a masturbator, and then got the treat of hearing United's flight attendants joking about it.  
Here's the "customer service" she got from United, as she posted it on Instagram:
So as United tightwads this woman who had a repulsive, traumatic experience on one of its flights, and then offers her a fake apology, coupled with a disgusting assumption that she'd actually want to ride again, the company break out the free stuff for illegals, offering $3 million in free flights to people who have thumbed their noses at U.S. immigration law and can't be bothered to apply for entry legally, though, as Howie Carr notes, they certainly have no problem jumping in for the benefits.  
Who'd want to come here legally with so much free stuff being showered on those who don't?...
Read on.

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