Friday, September 28, 2018

The Best Ways to Fight Robocalls - Consumer Reports

The Best Ways to Fight Robocalls - Consumer Reports
"Robocalls—the digital equivalent of mosquitoes in your bedroom on a hot summer evening—aren’t just annoying, they’re potentially dangerous.
See the source imageThese automated phone calls can put you at risk of falling for scams that can have devastating financial consequences.
In July alone, more than 4 billion robocalls were made in the U.S., up from 2.6 billion one year ago, estimates YouMail, a provider of voicemail and call-blocking services.
...While telephone carriers, third-party companies, and robocall experts have long offered tools to help mitigate the calls, some new systems are being created.
One, known as Shaken and Stirred, is being developed by a number of companies in the telecom industry.
It is essentially an authentication system that sniffs out incoming calls to ensure that they are legitimate..."
Read on.

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