Thursday, November 29, 2018

DHS Secretary Issues Statement, Correcting False Media Accounts at Southern U.S. Border… | The Last Refuge

DHS Secretary Issues Statement, Correcting False Media Accounts at Southern U.S. Border… | The Last Refuge:

Image result for flickr commons images Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen“Sixth, our Border Patrol agents and officers responded admirably and responsibly to the events on Sunday. It is a testament to their training and professionalism that no one was injured. The accepted use of nonlethal force (also used by the Obama Administration in 2013) prevented further injury to agents and a mass illegal rush across the border. We will not shy away from protecting our people. I ask parents to avoid violent caravan groups and refrain from attempts to illegally enter our country – these acts will put your children in danger.
“Seventh, I want to thank President Donald J. Trump again for the decision to send @DeptofDefense to the border to bolster our ports of entry and provide force protection for Customs and Border Protection.

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