Thursday, February 28, 2019

CRAZY CNN Op-Ed Suggests Military Action If Trump Refuses To Concede Defeat In 2020 - The Lid

CRAZY CNN Op-Ed Suggests Military Action If Trump Refuses To Concede Defeat In 2020 - The Lid
"Besides the fact that it’s CNN and they hate Trump, where the blooming hell do they get these ideas?
Besides, the author, Joshua Geltzer, made an egregious error in his ridiculous article.
According to Geltzer:
…our civilian and uniformed Defense Department leaders have a role to play. The health of our democracy rests, in part, on not involving the military in transfers of power. And that should continue. But imagine the most extreme scenario, with Congress certifying Trump’s defeat but Trump refusing to leave office. In those circumstances, the military would no longer owe its loyalty to Donald Trump as of noon on January 20, 2021. And it’s worth asking the Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as they testify before Congress in coming months, to affirm that they understand that and would act consistently with it....
...To start with, his premise is fundamentally flawed since Clinton LOST in 2016 and it shouldn’t even be given the time of day. 
Additionally, it is Ms. Clinton and her friends in the Democratic Party who refuse to admit they lost the election fair and square. 
But there’s something seriously wrong with his alleged “analysis.”  
If you haven’t caught it by now, I’ll point it out to you.
He claims that “…the military would no longer owe its loyalty to Donald Trump as of noon on January 20, 2021.”
The military does NOT ever pledge its loyalty to the president. 
It does, however, pledge loyalty to the Constitution, promising to defend it from all enemies foreign and domestic..."
Read all.

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