Friday, May 31, 2019

Can They Get Anything Right? Looks Like That ‘Trump Wanted The USS McCain Obscured’ Story Is Fake News

Image result for fake newsCan They Get Anything Right? Looks Like That ‘Trump Wanted The USS McCain Obscured’ Story Is Fake News
"...The list of liberal media screw-ups when covering this White House is endless. 
You would think that there would be a learning curve or something. 
They still can’t accurately report on the Trump White House. 
All I can say is ‘watch out for that rake.’ 
It all started with President Trump’s first visit to Japan, where a simple photo op between the president and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe feeding koi fish wasn’t reported properly. 
Fish feeding was the source of fake news, folks. 
That’s how bad this has become. 
Then, the media also forgot that Barack Obama didn’t take any questions on his first visit to China; there initially was hyperventilation from these sour patch kids that Trump did the same. 
So, what happened now during Trump’s most recent trip to Japan? 
Oh, well, he wanted the U.S.S. McCain to be obscured or something (via WaPo):
'The White House asked Navy officials to obscure the USS John S. McCain while President Trump was visiting Japan, Pentagon and White House officials said Wednesday night...'

Oh, so we have the anonymous sources thing going on again. Gone are the Watergate days, where an anonymous source was actually giving solid information, or at least something that turned into a major political scandal..."

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