Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day Reminds Us That Our Freedom Didn’t Come Cheaply | The Heritage Foundation

Memorial Day Reminds Us That Our Freedom Didn’t Come Cheaply | The Heritage Foundation:

Image result for flickr commons images Arlington National CemeteryAnd if there’s one thing that Memorial Day reminds us, it’s that our freedom didn’t come cheaply. Many Americans gave what President Abraham Lincoln called “the last full measure of devotion” so that liberty could continue to ring from, yes, sea to shining sea.
It’s all too easy, especially for those of us blessed to have grown up in this great land, to take our liberty for granted. We forget that freedom isn’t free. It must be paid for, and not just once.
Again and again, Americans have stepped forward in a moment of crisis and put their lives on the line.
They fought in the American Revolution – both in the heat of summer and in the dead of winter, when snow blanketed the ground, supplies were low, and the outlook was bleak.

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