Sunday, April 26, 2020

Are You Enjoying Your First Test Drive of Socialist America?

Image result for Socialist AmericaAre You Enjoying Your First Test Drive of Socialist America?
"Are you enjoying your first taste of socialism?
Life in America today is a sneak preview of life in Cuba or Venezuela.
Democrats love it.
This is the future they plan for you.
The current economic catastrophe is exactly what America will look like if we institute the Green New Deal.
The goal is to defeat climate change by killing your job, taking away your car, closing your business and turning America into Cuba or Venezuela.
It's a progressive Democrat's rainy dream.
And isn't it great?
See the source imageYou don't need to go to work. 
Money magically appears in your bank account. 
Hopefully, you can live on $1,200 every six weeks for the rest of your life.
You get to spend long days watching daytime talk shows and movies on Netflix -- you know, the things Democrats call a "typical day" for their voters.
And think of the money you can save on gas by not going anywhere.
Soon all those nasty, polluting, carbon-emitting vehicles will be just a memory of the past. 
How wonderful will it be to have time to "just think" as you wait hours for those new energy-efficient buses and subways?
So, please be honest with me: Are you enjoying your small taste of life in a socialist country?...
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