Monday, June 29, 2020

Surprise! Gun sales explode in Minnesota after riots, #DefundthePolice

Surprise! Gun sales explode in Minnesota after riots, #
"Gee, whodathunkit?
Let’s allow the streets to burn, demand the dismantling of the police department, and then call concern over property crimes and assaults a symptom of “privilege.” Minnesotans have responded by rediscovering one of the core purposes of the Second Amendment — mainly first-time firearms buyers, local CBS affiliate WCCO reports.
“People are really scared,” one gun-store owner says, and they should be:
...Background checks in Minnesota spiked in March as COVID-19 hit the United States, with more than 96,000 filed — the most for any month in 20 years.
...What happens when civic authority retreats?
Those with the most credible threat of violence fill the vacuum.
That’s what happened in the riots themselves, and that’s what happened in Seattle, too...
Read all.

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