Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The mob comes for Seattle’s mayor | Power Line

The mob comes for Seattle’s mayor | Power Line
"No one with a passing knowledge of history will be surprised by this Fox News report:
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Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and Councilmembers Alex Pedersen and Debora Juarez have had offensive messages written outside their homes by some protesters who support defunding the city’s police department.
Messages written on a street at Durkan’s home read “Guillotine Jenny” and “Resign Bi—,” according to The Seattle Times. Windows at Pedersen’s home read “F— You” and “Don’t be racist trash.”
What a mishmash of revolutionary reference, common obscenities, and identity politics lingo.
The reference to the French revolution seems especially apt. 
The “protesters” aren’t going to overthrow the U.S. government, but there are no limits to the barbaric tactics they are prepared to use in the attempt or to their willingness to turn on anyone not fully on board...Read all.

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