Tuesday, September 29, 2020

‘This Is A Radical Assault On Our Criminal Justice System’: Horace Cooper Blasts The Bail Project | The Daily Caller

‘This Is A Radical Assault On Our Criminal Justice System’: Horace Cooper Blasts The Bail Project | The Daily Caller

“Just because you are poor — and there millions of people who are poor — just because you are black or brown — there are millions of who are — they manage to walk every day past the 7-Eleven, past grandma with her purse hanging down: they don’t snatch it, they don’t break into the 7-Eleven,” Cooper stated. “In fact, millions of people every day manage to be law-abiding.”
Cooper noted that it just “a few people” who decide to commit crimes and that “the rules don’t apply to them” while The Bail Project and other like organizations look to assist those charged with committing crimes and not those who are victims of crime.

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