Thursday, December 31, 2020

Kristi Noem Blasts Leftists' 'Unprecedented Attacks on our Freedoms,' Counters with Message of Hope - Louder With Crowder

Kristi Noem Blasts Leftists' 'Unprecedented Attacks on our Freedoms,' Counters with Message of Hope - Louder With Crowder

We have seen unprecedented attacks on our freedoms in this country this year. We have seen people come after our freedom of speech. If the media and the leftists don't like what we say, you get banned. You get blacklisted. You get silenced. Your freedom of religion has been challenged because people have been told they can't go to church any more. And if they go to church, then they can't sing. And then we've seen our freedom of assembly be threatened as well. People are actually being told in some states who they can spend time with, how many people they can spend time with, and that freedom as well is being threatened. What I wanted to tell all of you today is that that isn't happening in South Dakota.

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