Wednesday, December 30, 2020

They hiding this important information on purpose?---You’re Infected With the Coronavirus. But How Infected?

You’re Infected With the Coronavirus. But How Infected?
  • Knowing the amount of virus carried in the body could help doctors predict the course of a patient’s illness.
"As Covid-19 patients flood into hospitals nationwide, doctors are facing an impossible question. 
Which patients in the E.R. are more likely to deteriorate quickly, and which are most likely to fight off the virus and to recover?
As it turns out, there may be a way to help distinguish these two groups, although it is not yet widely employed. 
Dozens of research papers published over the past few months found that people whose bodies were teeming with the coronavirus more often became seriously ill and more likely to die, compared with those who carried much less virus and were more likely to emerge relatively unscathed.
The results suggest that knowing the so-called viral load — the amount of virus in the body — could help doctors predict a patient’s course...
...The idea is not new: Managing viral load has long formed the basis of care for people with H.I.V., for example, and for tamping down transmission of that virus.
Little effort has been made to track viral loads in Covid-19 patients...Read all.

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