Friday, January 29, 2021

Biden Exec Order Creates Depression-Era ‘Civilian Climate Corps’

Biden Exec Order Creates Depression-Era ‘Civilian Climate Corps’
"President Joe Biden plans to create a New Deal-style “Civilian Climate Corps” to mobilize “a new, diverse generation of patriotic Americans” for the battle against climate change.
On Wednesday, Biden unveiled a flurry of executive actions his administration planned to undertake to “tackle the climate crisis at home and abroad.”
...To help implement the unified national response, Biden is proposing the creation of a civilian climate corps.
The program, based on the poverty-relief programs of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal, will focus on employing individuals to work on energy-efficient infrastructure and conservation programs.
The “Civilian Climate Corps Initiative [will] put a new generation of Americans to work conserving and restoring public lands and waters, increasing reforestation, increasing carbon sequestration … and addressing the changing climate,” a policy brief prepared by the White House reads.

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