Monday, April 26, 2021

There is no climate emergency - Washington Times

There is no climate emergency - Washington Times
  • We love CO2 and so should you
"...Concentrations of this gas are slightly less than 420 parts-per-million (ppm), or one-sixth the average historic levels of 2,600 ppm for the last 600 million years.
Increases in carbon dioxide in the last 150 years, largely from the burning of fossil fuels, have reversed a dangerous downward trend in the gas’ concentration. 
During the last glacial period, concentrations nearly reached the “line of death” at 150 parts per million, below which plants die. 
Viewed in the long-term geologic context, we are actually CO2 impoverished.
The most recent claim from the purveyors of climate catastrophe is that recent temperature increases are “unusual and unprecedented.” 
However, records indicate that modern warming began more than 300 years ago in the depths of the horrific Little Ice Age. 
The first 250 years of that warming preceded 20th century CO2 increases and were necessarily 100% naturally driven.
Context is important when reviewing climate and temperature data...Read all.

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