Is it Climate Socialism – or Eco-Fascism? | CNSNews
"Green New Dealers have convinced themselves that our planet faces an imminent, existential,
manmade climate cataclysm – that
can be prevented solely and
simply by government edicts replacing fossil fuels with biofuel, wind, solar and battery energy.

...They deliberately and deceptively talk about “carbon pollution.”
Carbon is soot – what our cars, factories and power plants now emit in very small quantities.
The honest, accurate term is carbon dioxide: the colorless, odorless, invisible gas that we exhale and plants need to grow, by using the tiny but growing
0.04% of Earth’s atmosphere that is CO2 to grow faster, better, and with greater resistance to droughts.
They are
climate change deniers...
...Climate Crisis True Believers proudly proclaim themselves environmental socialists, while obstinately ignoring and suppressing these climate and energy realities.
what they really want is eco-fascism: an even more extreme and intolerant system under which an authoritarian national or international government does not own businesses and industries outright, but dictates what they can make, do, sell and say – while redistributing wealth and property, employing laws, intimidation, and Antifa-style violence to control people’s thinking, speech and access to information.
Along with Google, Face Book, YouTube, Twitter, Wikipedia, universities and the “mainstream” media – t
hey try to censor, marginalize, ostracize, disinvite, shadow-ban, electronic book burn, and algorithm-eradicate differing, alternative, contrarian evidence, analyses and viewpoints on energy and climate.
We must keep speaking truth to power – to ensure that our future is not compromised by climate lies.
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