Don Surber: Press pity party. Enjoy
"Esquire magazine's Jack Holmes has the blues.
Orange Man is treating the press as though they are unimportant.
Considering they didn't stop his nomination, didn't stop his election, didn't get him indicted for Russiagate, and won't get him impeached, I would say he is right.
They are the wind beneath his wingtips.
Holmes penned a 4,300-word thumb-sucker,
"Chopper Talk: Where the White House Press Corps Goes to Get Ritually Abused by Donald Trump. In a world without press briefings, reporters are forced to ask the world's most powerful man questions over the roar of a helicopter."
The press did this to themselves.
Reporters know it.
They had a good thing going with the daily press briefings.
Cable news got big ratings.
Reporters had a shot at being the next Sam Donaldson.
Then the press got too big for its britches.
Instead of reining in Jim Acosta, it sided with him in a lawsuit.
The departure of Sarah Sanders as press secretary opened the door for President Donald John Trump to slam the door on the daily press conferences.
Instead, the president holds impromptu briefings.
He answers their questions but does not allow them to preen for the cameras.
Let the crying begin..."
Read on.