Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
CNN initiates 'thorough review' of report on sources Chris Cuomo used to obtain info on his brother's accusers - TheBlaze
Who Is Maurene Comey? James Comey's Daughter Is Lead Prosecutor in Ghislaine Maxwell Trial
"A federal prosecutor working on the case of Ghislaine Maxwell, which is set to go to trial on Monday, is the daughter of former FBI Director James Comey.
Maurene Comey, an assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York (SDNY), is one of the lead prosecutors in the criminal case against Maxwell, and had been picked to hold a similar role in the case of the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein prior to his death in August 2019.
...Maxwell is charged with six sex-trafficking charges.
The Profound Junk Science of Climate - American Thinker
- According to Kevin Trenberth, once in charge of modeling at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, “[None of the] models correspond even remotely to the current observed climate [of the Earth].”
President Joe Biden lower approval rating than all governors - TheBlaze
Another new poll delivers ominous forebodings for Democrats and President Joe Biden. Americans are embracing Republican governors at a much higher rate than their Democrat counterparts.
A Morning Consult poll released this month found that of the top 10 governors with the highest approval ratings – nine of them were Republicans.
Where is the outrage over this attempt to STEAL an election???-----Five Trump-Russia 'Collusion' Corrections We Need From the Media Now -- Just for Starters | RealClearInvestigations
"Five years after the Hillary Clinton campaign-funded collection of Trump-Russia conspiracy theories known as the Steele dossier was published by BuzzFeed, news outlets that amplified its false allegations have suffered major losses of credibility.
In response to what the news site Axios has called "one of the most egregious journalistic errors in modern history," the Washington Post has re-edited at least a dozen stories related to Steele.
Biden Caught Shopping Without A Mask In A Store That Requires Them | The Daily Caller
Biden, who has actively been encouraging Americans to wear masks, was seen maskless inside Murrays Toggery Shop in Nantucket, Massachusetts Saturday, Fox News reported.
Biden had his mask around his neck rather than covering his mouth or nose. The store had a visible sign outside that read, “Required face covering,” the outlet reported.
The life and crimes of accused Waukesha Christmas parade killer Darrell Brooks.
"The man who turned a quaint, small town Christmas parade into a blood-soaked nightmare that left six dead and over 60 injured is a career criminal who’s spent more than half of his life trapped in a revolving door of incarceration, drug abuse and violence...started 22 years ago when he was just 17 years old...
Related: A common thread in Waukesha tragedy, Kenosha shootings: Government failure...
Flashback: Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson, Attempted Assassin Of Steve Scalise, Already Being Erased From History. And additional examples of leftist violence and eliminationist rhetoric at the link.--Posted by Glenn Reynolds-Read all.
Brainwashing YOUR kindergartners!!!-----McCaughey: Schools Spending Billions to Indoctrinate Kids with 'Social Emotional Learning'
- Social and emotional learning is the latest trend at your child’s school.
- SEL sounds beneficial, but that’s a disguise.
- In truth, it indoctrinates kids with extremist ideas many parents don’t condone.
To keep us healthy...right.-----Gov. Hochul orders halt on elective surgery amid COVID spike, Omicron
- Gov. Kathy Hochul signed an executive order halting elective surgeries amid an anticipated spike in COVID cases and staff shortages.
Gov. Kathy Hochul signed an executive order Friday to postpone elective hospital surgeries — something that hasn’t been done since the worst of the initial coronavirus outbreak last year.
Hochul said she made the move to deal with staffing shortages and boost bed capacity amid an anticipated “spike” in new cases and the emergence of the new Omicron variant in South Africa...Read all.
You live in Michigan? Lot's of stuff goin' on! Most of it aimed at your wallet. And your kids!
- Michigan News links--Updated often.
Mercy Health Muskegon ‘nearly as strained as it can be’ amid COVID-19 surge
Federal judge gives final approval to $626.25M settlement in Flint water crisis
Supporters gear up to collect signatures on petition to decide presidency by popular vote
Consumers Energy gives out $750,000 in gift cards
Michigan State University Employs Only Three People To Respond to 1,200 Open Records Requests
Why the Debt Limit Is an Indispensable Tool to Ensure Limited Government
As the end of the year fast approaches, don’t ignore the next push to simply wave off the debt limit. Though the debt limit may seem like congressional fine print, it’s the fine print Biden and the central planners don’t want you to read.
We must remember that the debt limit is one of our indispensable tools to ensure a rights-respecting and properly limited government.
Scam expands. Suing a government that doesn't mind losing-----Family of mentally ill man fatally shot by police to settle lawsuit for $975K -
"KENT COUNTY, MI – The family of a man shot and killed by police while he suffered a manic episode has agreed to settle a lawsuit against Kent County for $975,000, court records showed.
...The Jan. 24, 2017, shooting of Jonathan Sper, 30, was ruled justifiable by the Kent County prosecutor but Sper’s family contended sheriff’s deputies were not equipped to deal with those suffering mental illness.
Sper was shot and killed at his brother’s house in Algoma Township after a struggle with sheriff’s deputies.
Prosecutor Chris Becker determined that Sper “did not simply resist, he violently struck Deputy (Jason) Wiersma multiple times.”...Read all.
History for November 30
- 1782 - The United States and Britain signed preliminary peace articles in Paris, ending the Revolutionary War.
- 1803 - Spain completed the process of ceding Louisiana to France.
- 1858 - John Landis Mason received a patent for the first pepper shaker with a screw-on cap.
- 1928 - General Mills stock debuted on the New York Stock Exhchange.
- 1939 - The Russo-Finnish War began when 20 divisions of Soviet troops invaded Finland.
- 1940 - Lucille Ball and Cuban musician Desi Arnaz were married.
- 1971 - ABC-TV aired "Brian's Song." The movie was about Chicago Bears' Brian Picolo and his friendship with Gale Sayers.
Monday, November 29, 2021
Congress No Longer Fulfilling Its Legislative Role | National Review
“It’s not easy to become a law, is it?” the song concludes. That used to be true, constitutionally speaking. America would be better off — juster, smarter, and more faithful to the Constitution — if it became true again.
Leftist Arizona State U. groups demand Kyle Rittenhouse be booted from campus | The College Fix
Organizations including MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán), Students for Socialism, Students for Justice in Palestine and the Multicultural Solidarity Coalition intend to gather on December 1 to “get murderer Kyle Rittenhouse off [the] campus.”
...Those demands include that ASU withdraw Rittenhouse’s enrollment, put out a statement condemning “racist murderer” Rittenhouse and white supremacy in general, and redirect funding from campus police to the ASU Multicultural Center...Read all.
Yes, it's the Bee...or is it???-----FBI To Place All SUVs On Terror Watchlist | The Babylon Bee
Leaked Renovation Plans May Turn Notre Dame Into a Woke 'Disneyland'
While it has been decided that the exterior of the cathedral will be rebuilt with traditional materials, questions have now been raised regarding the fate of the building’s interior.
According to renovation plans divulged to The Telegraph, the cathedral may have its interior become a politically correct “theme park”, with parts of the building’s interior that were left mostly untouched by the fire set to change dramatically.
Jack Dorsey Expected To Step Down As Twitter CEO: REPORT | The Daily Caller
Why are we allowing that loony 4% to drive us off a financial cliff???-----Quinnipiac Poll: Only 4% of Americans Say 'Climate Change' is Most Important Problem Facing U.S. | CNSNews
(CNS News) -- Although the Biden administration has essentially declared war on the oil and gas industry and proposes spending trillions of dollars on "green" energy to fight "climate change," a new national survey shows that only 4% of American adults view "climate change/environment" as the "most important problem facing the country."...Read all.

(Quinnipiac University Poll)
Lunch video-----The Surprising Secret of Synchronization
FNC's Carlson: Biden Unpopularity Attributable to Making Country 'Much More Difficult' for Millions
Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson, host of FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” said he thinks President Joe Biden’s sinking poll numbers can be blamed on economic headwinds caused by his administration’s policies during his Friday broadcast.
Carlson argued the administration’s handling of Afghanistan and other shortcomings did not play as significant of a role that some in the media have claimed.
Real racism is now "the law"!----- UNC Board of Trustees votes down anti-discrimination resolution | The College Fix
- The UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees voted to reject a resolution that would have banned the university from discriminating on the basis of race or gender.
UNC has admitted to considering race among its admissions criteria as part of its “holistic admissions approach” in an effort to create a “vibrant campus community where students of all backgrounds can excel and thrive.”
In October, UNC’s affirmative action practices were upheld in court...Read all!
Their enemy is not the enemies of America, their enemy!!-----FBI Tweets Thanksgiving Message - The Last Refuge
"What the FSB is to Moscow, the FBI is to Washington DC. And the FBI is not even trying to hide it any longer.
The FBI sends their Thanksgiving Day message 2021:
There’s really nothing that needs to be said.- When agencies show you their priorities, believe them.
- When institutions show their politicization, do not excuse it.
The Covid lab leak theory just got even stronger - The Spectator World
- In both Yunnan and Laos, the only people who knowingly transported bat virus samples to Wuhan — and only to Wuhan — were scientists
Central to the mystery of Covid’s origin is how a virus normally found in horseshoe bats in caves in the far south of China or southeast Asia turned up in a city a thousand miles north.
Biden facing renewed criticism for cancelling Keystone XL Pipeline amid energy crisis | Fox Business
Significance: CO2 climate sensitivity overstated in models
According to the scientists led by Liu, however, atmospheric aerosols in the preindustrial times were just as high as they were just recently.
- Significance: CO2 climate sensitivity overstated in models
History for November 29
- 1890 - Navy defeated Army by a score of 24-0 in the first Army-Navy football game. The game was played at West Point, NY.
- 1892 - A patent was issued to Almon Brown Strowger for the rotary dial.
- 1929 - The first airplane flight over the South Pole was made by U.S. Navy Lt. Comdr. Richard E. Byrd.
- 1947 - The U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution that called for the division of Palestine between Arabs and Jews.
- 1961 - The Mercury-Atlas 5 spacecraft was launched by the U.S. with Enos the chimp on board. The craft orbited the earth twice before landing off Puerto Rico.
- 1975 - Bill Gates adopted the name Microsoft for the company he and Paul Allen had formed to write the BASIC computer language for the Altair.
- 1981 - Actress Natalie Wood drowned in a boating accident off Santa Catalina Island, CA, at the age 43.
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Doctor who raised alarm about new COVID variant pumps brakes on hysteria, says symptoms are 'unusual, but mild' - TheBlaze
Armed Agents in Texas School District Arrest Parents in Their Own Homes
Joe Isuzu Biden: Concern-trolling high energy prices to voters -- and working on the sly to raise them higher - American Thinker
“I will do what needs to be done to reduce the price you pay at the pump,” Biden said.
"American consumers are feeling the impact of elevated gas prices at the pump and in their home heating bills, and American businesses are, too, because oil supply has not kept up with demand as the global economy emerges from the pandemic," the White House said in a news release. "That's why President Biden is using every tool available to him to work to lower prices and address the lack of supply."

- The first, from Axios:
Oil and gas companies should pay more to drill on federal lands and waters, the Department of the Interior argued in a report released Friday, saying that the current rates were "outdated."...
- ...The White House tried to deny that that was happening, but got ratted out by Fox News's Peter Doocy at a press briefing:
Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked about the report during Monday’s press briefing, asking, “why is the administration now considering shutting down the Line 5 pipeline from Canada to Michigan?” “So, Peter, that is inaccurate,” Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed. “That is not right. So, any reporting indicating that some decision has been made, again, is not accurate. … So, again, I would — it is inaccurate what you just stated, but —”
“What’s inaccurate?” Doocy asked.
“The reporting about us wanting to shut down the Line 5,” Jean-Pierre said.
“I didn’t say ‘wanting.’ I said, is it being studied right now? Is the administration studying the impact of shutting down the Line 5?”
“Yeah. Yes, we are. We are,” Jean-Pierre admitted.