Carlson said such treatment with the intention of accumulating power could ultimately result in more radicalism.
Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Sunday, January 31, 2021
FNC's Carlson: 'This Is the Most Sweeping and Audacious Assault on Civil Liberties in American History'
REPORT: Black Lives Matter Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize | The Daily Caller
Electric Cars Aren’t Nearly as Green as People Think
- Next time you see an electric car or a charging station, keep in mind the emissions involved in producing the battery and the electricity used to keep it running.
...Carbon dioxide emissions don’t just come out of a tailpipe.
...At the end of the day, the direct comparison between electric cars and gas cars is irrelevant.
Gotta see this, these people control BILLIONS$$. And they are nuts!-----Gina McCarthy Talks About the Intersectionality of Climate Change
Biden promised no new taxes for families making under $400K, but his Commerce nominee just said something else entirely - TheBlaze
This is from the Firefox folks!---We need more than deplatforming - The Mozilla Blog
"There is no question that social media played a role in the siege and take-over of the US Capitol on January 6.
...But as reprehensible as the actions of Donald Trump are, the rampant use of the internet to foment violence and hate, and reinforce white supremacy is about more than any one personality.
Changing these dangerous dynamics requires more than just the temporary silencing or permanent removal of bad actors from social media platforms.
Additional precise and specific actions must also be taken:
- Reveal who is paying for advertisements, how much they are paying and who is being targeted.
- Commit to meaningful transparency of platform algorithms so we know how and what content is being amplified, to whom, and the associated impact.
- Turn on by default the tools to amplify factual voices over disinformation.
- Work with independent researchers to facilitate in-depth studies of the platforms’ impact on people and our societies, and what we can do to improve things.
Propagandists gotta propagand.-----THIS IS CNN
CNN asks why there’s such a deep political divide and gets handed all the mirrors.
CNN’s Parkland “town hall” was a key mile marker on the way to our current polarization.
As was this: Who Is John Sullivan, Who Was the Woman With Him and Their Appearance on CNN After the Capitol Hill Riot?--Posted by Ed Driscoll"
Democrat Lawmakers Reintroduce Bill for Nationwide Mail-in Voting
Two Democrat lawmakers introduced a bill on Thursday, dubbed the “Vote at Home Act,” to expand “Oregon-style” mail-in voting nationwide, contending that the move is necessary to “make real progress” in the country.
The bill, introduced by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), is designed to “fight voter suppression” as detailed by Wyden’s press release. The measure would “massively expand vote-at-home ballot access, provide voters with pre-paid ballot envelopes and enact automatic voter registration.”
Boot-licking media nerds can't even see this is total JUNK SCIENCE. Publicly funded fraud!-----University of Michigan research shows Whitmer's tough coronavirus measures saved lives | News Hits
But was the pause successful in saving lives?
"Our modeling suggests that the state’s social distancing measures, although challenging for Michiganders, prevented illness and deaths, providing some relief to our already stretched health care system," said associate professor Marisa Eisenberg....
The researchers also compared Michigan's results to other Midwestern states, finding that states with higher average "government response index" fared better at containing virus...Read all.
We've already accepted near total "speech control". The republic is dead. Long live the "Ministry of Truth"!
Google deletes 100,000 negative reviews of Robinhood on app store - TheBlaze
McGill Students Tried to 'Cancel' Me Over PJ Media Articles
- McGill Student society,
- anthropology undergraduate and graduate societies,
- four student Middle Eastern and Islamic groups, and
- a black student group.
History for January 31
- 1865 - In America, General Robert E. Lee was named general-in-chief of the Confederate armies.
- 1865 - The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. It was ratified by the necessary number of states on December 6, 1865. The amendment abolished slavery in the United States.
- 1893 - The trademark "Coca-Cola" was first registered in the United States Patent Office.
- 1940 - The first Social Security check was issued by the U.S. Government.
- 1950 - U.S. President Truman announced that he had ordered development of the hydrogen bomb.
- 1995 - U.S. President Clinton invoked presidential emergency authority to provide a $20 billion loan to Mexico to stabilize its economy.
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Bill Gates' latest venture imperils America: Will we submit, again?
Horowitz: The Robinhood-GameStop scandal, lockdowns, and a two-tiered justice system - TheBlaze
Looking for snitches, not evidence of election theft.-----Anyone else find it interesting...?
"Anyone else find it interesting to note that the MI Secretary of State website has links for people to report "misinformation" regarding election fraud, but no link for people to submit evidence of election fraud?
Repeat a lie often enough.....Climate Science Victim of Fake News | Science Matters
"A recent article in the legacy media needed some editorial work in the public interest.
Published at the Business Post, it began this way:

...that is so misleading that a “False Alarm” label should be attached by fact checkers.
Christian scholar tossed in Facebook jail for 'violence and incitement.' His crime? Objecting to Biden's transgender military policy. - TheBlaze
Erasing EVERY BIT of our history!-----Effort to change name of Gore Range hits stiff opposition in Grand County |
Another media lie intended to increase hate and further divide us all! . He had a pre-existing condition and he was a Trump supporter.-----Capitol Police officer who died from riot injuries to lie in honor in Rotunda
PETA says using animal names as verbal insults is 'supremacist language,' urges end to 'anti-animal slurs' - TheBlaze
Instead, PETA said, if you want to insult someone you believe lacks bravery, don't call that person a "chicken" — that would be insulting to chickens. Instead, the animal-rights organization suggested, call that person a "coward."
Will Democrats Turn America Into Venezuela? - The New American
- Ten years for socialist policies implemented by Maduro to reduce South America’s most prosperous country to Third World status.
Beware the double-masking double-crossers: In the new techno-dictatorship, ‘science’ equals control
- At what point do we stop calling ourselves a ‘free country’?
Why bother smiling at your neighbor?
The mask edicts – they are not laws they are edicts – are now so ubiquitous and so oppressive that one U.S. senator is warning they may never be lifted.
“They will never relent. These people are never gonna let you not wear a mask,” said Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, in a recent interview.
Paul, who is also a medical doctor, is calling for a mask rebellion. I wish he had found his voice earlier but we must heed his words of warning.
“I promise you,” Paul said, “you will never get out from the mask because they’re saying that even after all are vaccinated, we don’t know, you still might catch it a little bit, you still might transmit it, even after everybody’s vaccinated. So don’t listen to these people.”...Read all.
Sen. Paul's Cage Match With Stephanopoulos Is A Pattern For The Right
Rand Paul’s patience ran out this week when he made an appearance on ABC with George Stephanopoulos and the latter exchanged journalistic inquiry for partisan hackery. The ensuing fight, however, was a case study in what the media has become and how all conservatives who hit the airwaves ought to take them on.
Rather than pose legitimate questions to the Kentucky senator, Stephanopoulos, who made his money as a Clinton-era Democratic operative before jumping over to the world of “objective journalism,” assumed one of the corporate media’s favorite stances. Let’s call it “media antagonism.”
That Would Be a Very Bad Idea, Cupcake
"Allow me to explain, Pam, why this is a really, really bad idea.
I have warned about how bad an idea legal reprisals against a departing administration would be, but let’s consider the specific case you present here.
- One would be to hold Trump completely incommunicado, even to the extent of forbidding him contact with counsel to discuss appeals and other aspects of due process.
- Or they would simply have to kill him (assassination or execution depending on whether they fig-leaf it with a kangaroo court).
History for January 30
- 1649 - England's King Charles I was beheaded.
- 1798 - The first brawl in the U.S. House of Representatives took place. Congressmen Matthew Lyon and Roger Griswold fought on the House floor.
- 1933 - Adolf Hitler was named the German Chancellor.
- 1948 - Indian political and spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi was murdered by a Hindu extremist.
- 1962 - Two members of the "Flying Wallendas" high-wire act were killed when their seven-person pyramid collapsed during a performance in Detroit, MI.
- 1979 - The civilian government of Iran announced it had decided to allow Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to return. He had been living in exile in France.
- 1995 - Researchers from the U.S. National Institutes of Health announced that clinical trials had demonstrated the effectiveness of the first preventative treatment for sickle cell anemia.
Friday, January 29, 2021
New York 'Undercounted' Coronavirus-Related Nursing Home Deaths
New York Attorney General Letitia James released a report Thursday which found Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration had “undercounted” the number of coronavirus-related deaths in nursing homes by as much as 50 percent.
According to an online press release regarding the 76-page report, the discovery was made as AG James was “investigating nursing homes throughout New York state based on allegations of patient neglect and other concerning conduct that may have jeopardized the health and safety of residents and employees.”
Biden Exec Order Creates Depression-Era ‘Civilian Climate Corps’
"Three things that killed the Roman Empire:
"Three things that killed the Roman Empire:
Tulsi Gabbard: Democrats Are Trying to Turn America into a 'Police State'
She explained she took exception to comments from former CIA Director John Brennan and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) on how they proposed to deal with perceived threats to public safety.
We are ruled by infantile morons!
"Michigan House member David LaGrand, (D) District 75, Grand Rapids.
Is this clown wearing a bulletproof vest?"
We pay these propagandists to radicalize our children? WHY?!-----British professor backed by Natural Trust claims gardening is “racist”
NY health officials threaten residents with involuntary COVID quarantine if they don't self-quarantine - TheBlaze
Virginia Rule Allowing Late Ballots Missing Postmark Was Illegal, Court Rules | The Daily Caller
"The Virginia Board of Elections rule allowing officials to count ballots that arrived without a postmark up to three days after the election was illegal, a state judge ruled.
Virginia Circuit Court Judge William Eldridge ruled the state’s late mail-in ballot law violated state statute and permanently banned the law in future Virginia elections, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) announced Monday. PILF sued the state’s board of elections in October on behalf of Thomas Reed, a Frederick County, Virginia election official...Read all.
So many folks (esp. the media) are missing the complete backstory on the GameStop ($GME) debacle and how we got here.
"So many folks (esp. the media) are missing the complete backstory on $GME and how we got here.
This has been simmering for over a year and the story behind it is great.
So back in September 2019 (!) some guy named DeepFuckingValue posted this on r/wallstreetbets:
At the time, nobody understood his position at all.
"Bid-ask spread on these are ridiculous, good luck getting rid of them" lol.
For the next year, every month about once a month, he posted his "YOLO GME" position.