Saturday, May 03, 2008

Welcome to Chicagostan

Cops May Get Assault Weapons in Chicagostan
"Fifty-four shootings in two weekends. Shot-up bodies recovered in groups of three and five. Is this Ramadi? Basra? No.

Welcome to Chicago."

SummerFest Downtown Muskegon, Michigan

SummerFest Downtown Muskegon, Michigan

Part I: Hunting for a miracle, grasping at a chance

Part I: Hunting for a miracle, grasping at a chance: "'Mommy! Mommy!' her 7-year-old said, 'I think Daddy's dying.'"

ID law could depress black turnout in Ind. - Ben Adler -

ID law could depress black turnout in Ind. - Ben Adler - "As the report noted, a University of Washington study found that 28 percent of African-Americans in the state of Indiana do not have the proper ID to vote. African-Americans make up 9 percent of the voting population in Indiana."

ID law could depress black turnout in Ind. - Ben Adler -

ID law could depress black turnout in Ind. - Ben Adler - "Experts say African-American voters — a key constituency of Barack Obama in the primaries thus far — might be disproportionately affected in Tuesday’s Indiana primary by the Supreme Court’s recent decision to uphold the state’s voter identification requirement.

Studies show that African-Americans are especially likely not to have the identification necessary to vote on Tuesday. Several other groups, notably elderly voters, disabled voters and young voters, are also more likely than the general population not to have the necessary identification."

Ohio attorney general admits to affair with employee

Ohio attorney general admits to affair with employee: "Just 16 months into his four-year-term, Ohio's attorney general admitted he was in over his head as he acknowledged an affair with a subordinate and his failure to stop problems that led to a sexual harassment investigation that brought down three of his aides.
Marc Dann apologized to his wife and supporters but insisted he would not step down. He took responsibility for the scandal, saying he was not prepared for the office or to run such a large agency."

Europe’s Middle Class Stagnant

Europe’s Middle Class Stagnant
"The European dream is under assault, as the wave of inflation sweeping the globe mixes with this continent’s long-stagnant wages. Families that once enjoyed Europe’s vaunted quality of life are pinching pennies to buy necessities, and cutting back on extras like movies and vacations abroad.
Potentially more disturbing — especially to the political and social order — are the millions across the continent grappling with the realization that they may have lives worse, not better, than their parents."

Disappearing Car Doors: A Revolutionary Concept in Car Technology & Design

Disappearing Car Doors: A Revolutionary Concept in Car Technology & Design: "DISAPPEARING CAR DOOR© . . .
The original inventors and designers of the exciting Disappearing Car Door technology are now in a position to equip your favorite car with our cool, sexy, safe and convenient automatic car door or design an original vehicle body incorporating this unique technology."

Friday, May 02, 2008

Is Obama in Bigger Trouble Than Anyone Thinks? - The New Editor

Is Obama in Bigger Trouble Than Anyone Thinks? - The New Editor: "According to the poll, 'McCain now holds a three-point lead over Obama among women; last month, women gave Obama a 13-point margin.'

As a point of comparison, the CNN exit poll after the 2004 presidential election showed Democrat John Kerry winning the women's vote by a three-point margin.

November's a long way off, but if that six-point swing among female voters holds up for McCain, it's a big, big development if Obama is the Dems' nominee."

Hackley cancer center begins shutdown

Hackley cancer center begins shutdown
"Muskegon's oldest cancer center will be one of the first casualties of change following the recent merger of Mercy General Health Partners and Hackley Hospital."

U.N.'s World Food Program Cried Poverty While Sitting on Cash Stockpile of More Than $1.22 Billion

U.N.'s World Food Program Cried Poverty While Sitting on Cash Stockpile of More Than $1.22 Billion
"The startling figure is contained in the latest audited statements of the WFP, which were endorsed by the WFP’s executive director, Josette Sheeran, on March 31, just a month before Sheeran announced at an international aid conference on April 22 that a 'silent tsunami' in rising food prices demanded the huge infusion of cash for the WFP’s latest budget."

Our next First Lady!

I didn't know this...did you? Wow...what a heart this lady has.
The Life and Experiences of Cindy McCain-Truth!

Bet you would have never guessed this one! No matter your politics. The media will never tell of this, so pass it on.

There was an article in the Wall Street Journal on Cindy McCain, John's wife. All I ever saw was this attractive woman standing beside John. I was surprised how talented and involved with world problems she is. This is a summary of the article.

She graduated from Southern Cal and was a special-needs teacher.After her Dad died she became involved with his beer distributing firm and is now the chairwoman. Sales have doubled since she has taken over from her father.
They have a marriage prenuptial agreement, her assets remain separate.
She is involved around the world clearing land mines - travels to these countries on a detonation team and service on their board.

They have a 19 year old serving in Iraq, another son in the Naval Academy, a daughter recently graduated from Columbia Univ., an adopted daughter in high school, and a son who is the finance guy at the beer firm.
Raised kids in Phoenix, Az rather than Washington DC.(better atmosphere) He commuted.

In 1991, Mrs. McCain came across a girl in an orphanage in Bangladesh. Mother Teresa implored Mrs. McCain to take the baby with severe cleft palate. She did so without first telling her husband. The couple adopted the girl who has had a dozen operations to repair her cleft palate and other medical problems.

They have a Family Foundation for children's causes.
She's active with "Halo Trust" - to clear land mines, provide water and food in war ravaged and developing countries.
She will join an overseas mission of "Operation Smile", a charity for corrective surgery on children's faces.
She has had two back surgeries and became addicted to pain killers. She talks openly about it which she says is part of the recovery process.

I'm surprised the media is so quiet about her attributes. She sounds more capable than Hillary or Obama. We would really get two for the price of one. A person with business and international experience. John did work for the firm for awhile when he left the Navy. She, however, has the real business experience.

Very interesting.

All salmon fishing banned on West Coast

All salmon fishing banned on West Coast: "Salmon fishing was banned along the West Coast for the first time in 160 years Thursday, a decision that is expected to have a devastating economic impact on fishermen, dozens of businesses, tourism and boating."

Legislature still at odds over construction projects

Mich. Legislature still at odds over construction projects
"the Democratic-controlled House won't take up the bill because it doesn't include spending on university and community college projects."

Fugitive's attorney to ask Granholm to commute sentence

Fugitive's attorney to ask Granholm to commute sentence
"LeFevre, who trained as a hospice worker and volunteered for political causes in California, said she tried to live a model life to atone for her mistakes."


"Whether we want to admit it or not, our government education (I refuse to use the “pubic education” euphamism) system is fast becoming a pension and health care system that educates a few kids (in Milwaukee about 45% of the kids they teach) on the side."

Tall Tales About Tuskegee

Tall Tales About Tuskegee
“Based on this Tuskegee experiment ... I believe our government is capable of doing anything.”"

On YOUR Dime: Congressmen Lease Luxury Cars

On YOUR Dime: Congressmen Lease Luxury Cars
"Rangel: 'I could probably find something for ... one of those red cars and then I think my constituents would say, 'With all the money that he gets, this is the respect he shows us?''"

Republican blogger has Al Franken's Senate campaign reeling

Republican blogger has Al Franken's Senate campaign reeling "A typical Brodkorb scoop is splashed across his Web site under bold-faced banners like 'Shock!' or 'Breaking News!' The items are often followed soon after by a news release from the state Republican Party on the same subject, and many of his themes find their way into Coleman's talking points."

Minnesota Democrats Exposed

Minnesota Democrats Exposed

States Aim To Tax Private Jets, Yachts

States Aim To Tax Private Jets, Yachts
"The crowds at Maine’s lobster shacks may be a bit thinner this summer thanks to a round of tax bills the state is sending out to visitors who arrive by private plane or yacht.
Some plane owners are looking at assessments of as much as $200,000 for bringing their aircraft to the state for short visits." Sues To Stop N.Y. Tax | The New York Sun Sues To Stop N.Y. Tax
"The so-called Amazon tax has been a touchy political issue as Albany has looked for novel ways to fund the state government’s soaring spending amid a predicted drop-off in state tax revenue as the economy slows."

States have turned into massive spending machines.

And now spend more time figuring out ways to increase taxes than anything else.

Disgusting that the idiot voters allow this.... everywhere!

Clinton: I Will Not Target Sanctuary Cities

Clinton: I Will Not Target Sanctuary Cities
"Hillary Clinton, in the second half of her first-ever interview with FOX News’ Bill O’Reilly, said that if elected president she would not crack down on so-called illegal immigrant “sanctuary cities.”"

So, our pandering candidate tells us in advance that she will allow law breakers free reign.


Thursday, May 01, 2008

McCain's Better Half

McCain's better Half:
"Cindy Hensley McCain has been disparaged as a trophy wife"

Summary of Findings: Obama's Image Slips, His Lead Over Clinton Disappears

Summary of Findings: Obama's Image Slips, His Lead Over Clinton Disappears

American Thinker Blog: The Real Reason Why Rev Wright Dissed Obama

American Thinker Blog: The Real Reason Why Rev Wright Dissed Obama: "The democrats' approach to the energy crisis is far more typical. The US could be energy independent in ten years if we resumed building nuclear power plants and drilling for oil and gas in Alaska and the offshore waters of the continental shelf and constructed new refineries. Moreover the bold target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2050 could be easily attained if every coal fired power plant were replaced by nuclear. Why won't the democrats agree to it? Because it is a solution. Solutions are not the foundation for fund raising by democrats, environmental extremists or global warming activists."

Energy idiocy!

Strange Behavior
"Royal Dutch Shell (nyse: RDSA - news - people ) estimates that the waters of the outer continental shelf contain 100 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil. But 85% of the U.S. coastline is off limits to drilling by congressional decree. Why not be more like Cuba, which has leased oil exploration acreage 50 miles from Key West?
Then there are the 1.5 trillion barrels that Shell estimates are trapped in the oil shale deposits of Colorado, Wyoming and Utah. On federal lands, Shell has been researching methods to cook oil out of the shale (basically oil-soaked rock) without mining it or polluting groundwater. But Congress passed a measure last December that prohibits spending to establish a program to lease oil shale on federal lands."

After 7 years, pollution study can't make link

After 7 years, pollution study can't make link
"The revised draft begs the question of why CDC is just now seeking public comment on a watered-down third draft of a report that was commissioned seven years ago,' said Stupak, D-Menominee"

No link found.
After 7 years of tax dollars poofed into the air.
The never ending quest to blame corporate America for personal maladies continues.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Social Security Benefit Calculator

Choose a Benefit Calculator

Three different calculators from our wonderful government!


live dangerously be a conservative: EXPELLED: "I Went to see Ben Stein’s movie “Expelled”, which opened yesterday. I didn’t know what to expect. I thought it would be a funny satirical type of thing. I was wrong. But let me set the stage. I chose a matinee (3:40 to be exact) at a multi theatre movie house. I wondered if I should call ahead to make sure I could get in. I didn’t. I pulled into the parking lot and decided I had made the right decision, there were very few cars there. They had 16 different shows on the venue. When I went and found the theatre with Expelled, I went in and not a soul was there nor did anyone come in later. It was great. A private showing for me."

An excellent review from Muskegonite "Live Dangerously"
click and read it all with lots of links!

Muskegon Chronicle circulation numbers

ACCESS ABC: eCirc for Newspapers

The Chronicle won't address rumors of trouble or confirm their circulation so Muskegon Pundit will give it a try.

Search Type: United States
Circulation averages for the six months ended:9/30/2007
State: Michigan
Selection: muskegon (Contains)




Getting to Know John McCain

"For example, in 1991 Cindy McCain was visiting Mother Teresa's orphanage in Bangladesh when a dying infant was thrust into her hands. The orphanage could not provide the medical care needed to save her life, so Mrs. McCain brought the child home to America with her. She was met at the airport by her husband, who asked what all this was about.
Mrs. McCain replied that the child desperately needed surgery and years of rehabilitation. 'I hope she can stay with us,' she told her husband. Mr. McCain agreed. Today that child is their teenage daughter Bridget."

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Drink a beer and lose the fear - study

Drink a beer and lose the fear - study
"DRINKING alcohol dulls the brain's ability to detect threats, US researchers said today in a study that helps explain why drunk people get into bar fights and drive their cars."

Australian banned from taking food to Beijing Olympics |

Australian banned from taking food to Beijing Olympics "In another example of the iron-clad control Beijing is trying to exert on foreigners, Games organisers have told Australia it must source all food from within China."

Incumbent judges running unopposed - Muskegon Chronicle -

Incumbent judges running unopposed - Muskegon Chronicle - "Muskegon County will see no judicial contests in this year's elections.
No challengers filed by Tuesday's 4 p.m. deadline to be a candidate" "Providing Context For Reverend Wright: The New Audio Of His Sermons"

America's Most Overrated Product: the Bachelor's Degree

America's Most Overrated Product: the Bachelor's Degree
"the killer statistic: Among high-school students who graduated in the bottom 40 percent of their classes, and whose first institutions were four-year colleges, two-thirds had not earned diplomas eight and a half years later. ......... Yet four-year colleges admit and take money from hundreds of thousands of such students each year!
Even worse, most of those college dropouts leave the campus having learned little of value, and with a mountain of debt and devastated self-esteem from their unsuccessful struggles. Perhaps worst of all, even those who do manage to graduate too rarely end up in careers that require a college education."

Truth In Jazz Orchestra-Tuesday April 29, 7:30

Truth In Jazz Orchestra - Home Page

Muskegon Parks survey

Lake water levels. How low will it go?

How low will it go? - "The International Joint Commission, a U.S.-Canadian panel that advises the two nations on Great Lakes issues, is studying water levels in lakes Michigan, Huron, Superior and Erie. A committee working on the IJC's International Upper Great Lakes Study will host a public hearing on lake levels Sunday, from 10 a.m. to noon, at Grand Valley State University's Annis Water Resources Institute, 740 W. Shoreline."

The Truth About Tuskgegee

"The Truth About Tuskegee"

By Jared Taylor
The Tuskegee syphilis study ranks almost with slavery and lynching as a symbol of America's racist past. There is probably not one black American adult who does not know—or thinks he knows—about an experiment from the 1930s in which government health authorities deliberately withheld treatment from 400 black syphilitics just to see what would happen to them.

click the links above or click "comments" below to see the entire article.

A Victory Against Voter Fraud -

A Victory Against Voter Fraud - "So we have the irony of two liberal icons in sharp disagreement over yesterday's Supreme Court decision. Justice Stevens, the real reformer, believes voter ID laws are justified to prevent fraud. Barack Obama, the faux reformer, hauls out discredited rhetoric that they disenfranchise voters."

Climate: The great hockey stick debate - earth - 18 March 2006 - New Scientist Environment

Climate: The great hockey stick debate - earth - 18 March 2006 - New Scientist Environment

Monday, April 28, 2008

Operation Chaos! AP Poll: Clinton leads McCain by 9 points

AP Poll: Clinton leads McCain by 9 points: "Hillary Rodham Clinton now leads John McCain by 9 points in a head-to-head presidential matchup, according to an Associated Press-Ipsos poll that bolsters her argument that she is more electable than Democratic rival Barack Obama. Obama and Republican McCain are running about even."

Oh my GOD!

The super-dems MUST vote for MrsBill if they have any hope to win the national election........ OpChaos....still .... tickin'........... heh... heh. heh...

The Muskegon Chronicle... Racial diversity disappearing?

The Muskegon Chronicle... Racial diversity of its news staff and community

Things are gettin' kinda "racist" at The Chronicle.... if you define "racist" as gettin' rid of the "folks of color" and replacing them with them with white breads.

Facts are dangerous things......

YouTube - Barack Obama & Jeremiah Wright- Amerikkkan foreign policy

YouTube - Barack Obama & Jeremiah Wright- Amerikkkan foreign policy

Muskegon principal talks about recent school studies -

Muskegon principal talks about recent school studies - "The best way to say it is that Johns Hopkins holds all schools in contention for that. In other words, they're looking at schools no matter whether you have 300 students and you come from an economically successful area, or whether you have, in our case, about 5,000 kids in the total district and it's considered an economically-distressed area. So they're weighing the entire group, the entire spectrum of schools. For a school that fits our profile, we're doing well. But we are not considering ourselves based against schools like ours; we need to compete with schools in general. So we're trying to compete with those proficient schools as much as anybody else."

A very sad NON-ANSWER to the question of why the Muskegon HS kids do so poorly in reedin', ritin' and nummers.

Ya can't fix it if ya deny it's broken.

Voter ID card cost

SOS - Michigan Personal Identification Card Fees:
"The fee for a personal identification card is $10.
No fee will be charged for applicants 65 years of age or older, to individuals whose license has been revoked, suspended, or denied because of physical or mental disability, or for persons who are legally blind."

Of course, Michigan law does NOT require a person to present photo ID of any kind in order to vote.

Mars! Deeper pocks than earlier thought!

Yahoo! Finance: "Mars, Buffett, Cooperate in $23 Billion Bid for Wrigley"

Moon outbid again!

Pacifist? -: "A collection of essays, including one on a particular breed of pacifist that Chesterton saw as new in the 20th Century: 'He does not so much believe in his own conscience as disbelieve in the common conscience which is the soul of any society. His hatred for patriotism is very much plainer than his love for peace.'"

Steep Decline at 'NYT' While 'WSJ' Gains

Steep Decline at 'NYT' While 'WSJ' Gains: "Print circulation continues on its steep downward slide, the Audit Bureau of Circulations revealed this morning in releasing the latest numbers for some of the country's largest dailies in the six-month period ending March 31, 2008. When a full analysis appears it is expected to find, according to sources, the biggest dip yet, about 3.5% daily and 4.5 for Sunday."

The Funk Brothers

Kim Komando's Video of the Day -
"The band backed up popular singers, including the Temptations, the Supremes, Stevie Wonder and many more. They reportedly played on more No. 1 records than the Beatles, Elvis, the Rolling Stones and the Beach Boys combined."

Time to Compromise on Gun Control::By Mike S. Adams

Time to Compromise on Gun Control::By Mike S. Adams: "unfortunately, the political science professor let his feelings get the better of him, which led directly to my change of heart on gun control. He began hurling epithets like “stupid, ignorant, and crazy” to the nineteen year old Millage. He so badly disrupted the event that the College Republican President called me in my office asking that I come over to try and calm him down.
I gladly complied with her request – largely because I know that these events generate intelligent debate until the first professor shows up."

Another excellent column exposing the "free speech for me but not for thee" atmosphere that is the American University today.

Read to the end where Mr Adams makes a controversial proposal on gun control.

Supreme Court upholds photo ID law for voters in Indiana

Supreme Court upholds photo ID law for voters in Indiana
"The Supreme Court ruled Monday that states can require voters to produce photo identification without violating their constitutional rights, validating Republican-inspired voter ID laws."

Imagine a party that opposed this logical method of preventing voter fraud.... The Democrat Party!

Yes, there are serious differences between the two political parties.

In a splintered 6-3 ruling, the court upheld Indiana's strict photo ID requirement, which Democrats and civil rights groups said would deter poor, older and minority voters from casting ballots. Its backers said it was needed to deter fraud.

The poor liberal writing this "painful" piece shows their bias with the "splintered" definition of a solid 6-3 vote.

Disgusting and just more proof of the MSM's slavish liberalism.

CNN's Soledad: Rev. Wright Speech a 'Home-Run'

CNN's Soledad: Rev. Wright Speech a 'Home-Run'
"Only black children 50 years ago were singled out as speaking bad English. In the 1961, it's been all over the internet now. John Kennedy could stand at the inauguration and say [attempting to imitate JFK's Boston accent]: 'ask not what your country can do for you. Ask rather what you can do for your country.' How do you spell 'ask'? [which Wright pronounced 'esk' in supposed imitation of JFK]."

So, encouraging black youngsters to continue "Detroit speak" isn't child abuse?

How can they get any job outside of Detroit?

Detroit is a national disgrace!

DETNEWS Weblog Daniel Howes' Blog: "This weekend's Wall Street Journal, arguably the most influential newspaper on the planet, offers yet another exhibit in the case to prove why Detroit is a national laughingstock."

State senator drops plan to flunk third-graders who can't read

"Hudsonville Superintendent Roxanne DeWeerd said ......
'Early intervention makes sense, but I'd be surprised if there are districts not already doing that. It's a common practice,' DeWeerd said. 'Teachers check for progress along the way. We don't wait for the MEAP scores to tell us there's a problem.'"

So we "graduate" illiterate third graders to the next grade (where they don't teach 3rd grade reading anymore)?

And we can be assured that "educators" are right on the problem and "don't wait for MEAP scores" to fix the problem.

Yeah, right.

Sunday, April 27, 2008 - Feeling a little green, are we?

Feeling a little green, are we?: "Indeed, it seems like only yesterday I awoke to my Saturday, January 27, 2007 Globe to be greeted by the hysterical, front-page headline 'Welcome to the new climate,' under a politically correct green masthead, declaring at the bottom: 'We want action. We're ready for sacrifices.'"

I am the musicman

Medical marijuana patients face transplant hurdles

Medical marijuana patients face transplant hurdles: "But Garon's been refused a spot on the transplant list, largely because he has used marijuana,"

The needles and hard core drug use probably never came up as a discussion?

Laketon Township veteran among thousands exposed to atomic-bomb radiation -

Laketon Township veteran among thousands exposed to atomic-bomb radiation - "Stafford was exposed to unknown doses of nuclear radiation with unknown long-term health effects."

Mark Steyn on Time & Global Warming on National Review Online

Mark Steyn on Time & Global Warming on National Review Online: "Where to begin? For the last ten years, we have, in fact, been not warming but slightly cooling, which is why the eco-warriors have adopted the all-purpose bogeyman of “climate change.” But let’s take it that the editors of Time are referring not to the century we live in but the previous one, when there was a measurable rise of temperature of approximately one degree. That’s the “war”: one degree."

Working poor vignette: Chuck and Deb Fles

Working poor vignette: Chuck and Deb Fles

A sad case of our liberal Chronicle obsessing on the life of the sad ... rather than those who are succeeding in our town.

Sad but predictable.

Granholm touts green energy while others are skeptical

Granholm touts green energy while others are skeptical
"Costs eventually show up on the monthly bills of residents and businesses.
And in Michigan, some opposition stems from a philosophical dislike of government mandates. The 52-megawatt farm visited by Granholm exists without an RPS, for instance, and developers already have proposed an additional 3,000 megawatts of wind power in 16 Michigan counties.
Others question the job-creation potential since wind farms don't employ many workers after construction is complete. Patterson agrees more jobs will be created if Michigan taps into the potential of making turbine blades, 'but the question is at what cost to the rest of the state?"...

And in Michigan, some opposition stems from a philosophical dislike of government mandates."

Well yeah.... didn't our forefathers have a "tea-party" about that mandate thing?

Lansing resident comes after Peace Corps stint

Lansing resident comes after Peace Corps stint: "Emily Sterk spent two years in the Peace Corps teaching people in the southern African nation of Zambia about health."

Two years seems like a long time to ......typical chick....

(actually the headline mispelled "residence" as "residents". Anyone wonder why newspaper readership is........ Titanic-ing! ("sinking" for you newswriters))


The end of an era?
"Rafael Nadal defeated Roger Federer 7-5, 7-5 Sunday to win the Monte Carlo Masters for a fourth consecutive year."

Climate Consensus Busted?- Climate Change and Sustainability - New York Times Blog

Climate Consensus Busted? Climate Change and Sustainability - New York Times Blog: "To many scientists and students of scientific history, there really is no such thing as a consensus. There is a preponderant view at any one point in time, but it is largely defined by disagreement, not agreement."

Climate change: The Deniers

Climate change: The Deniers: "The Post's series on scientists who buck the conventional wisdom on climate science. Here is the series so far:"

This is a great resource to fight the Gorbal Warmongers.

More wasted spending by our bankrupt state

State grant allows police to watch your driving
"Officers are working with a $504,399 grant through the Office of Highway Safety Planning spread among 11 area departments to conduct enforcement efforts involving youth alcohol, intersections, drunken driving and seat belts. The funds also are being used to buy equipment, such as portable Breathalyzers and child safety seats.
The funding assigns $315,000 to drunken driving and seat belt patrols, $135,000 to intersection enforcement and $21,000 to youth alcohol enforcement."

This is pure pork to spread out to Jenny's favorites.

Where are our newspapers who might expose this fraud?

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sharpton vows to 'close this city' after officer acquittals

Sharpton vows to 'close this city' after officer acquittals: "Hundreds of angry people marched through Harlem on Saturday after the Rev. Al Sharpton promised to 'close this city down' to protest the acquittals of three police detectives in the 50-shot barrage that killed a groom on his wedding day and wounded two friends.
'We strategically know how to stop the city"
What a nifty way for the city of New York to save money!
Shut down the court system and let Rev. "Hangin' Al decide guilt....

Jury pool changes will make for better justice

Jury pool changes will make for better justice
"The public at large has responded very favorably to a new Muskegon County juror questionnaire created in direct response to lackluster participation in this vital facet of the justice system. The result will be more representative juries and, we expect, an even better judicial system."

How is our judicial system made better by "drafting" jury dodgers who want nothing to do with our judicial system?

Democrats can't let McCain win -

Democrats can't let McCain win - "Hoekstra ignorant of the Constitution
I listened to your congressman the other night on TV. He wouldn't know the Constitution and the Bill of Rights from a dirty diaper.
If he truly believes in giving up the right to be secure in e-mails then I guess it would be OK to just 'check' his U.S. Postal Service mail and everyone else's just to make sure we don't associate with any of 'those possible terrorists.'
Stephen A. Verchinski
Albuquerque, N.M.
Cul-de-sac's end all-too-real and sad
The powers that be of Norton Shores decided that our wonderful cul-de-sac on Sternberg be eliminated. Prior to this, children would ride their bikes freely up and down the road. They would create beautiful parades and lemonade stands.
Once the road went through to Henry, Norton Shores decided that an 'island' would slow traffic down. We, the residents of Sternberg, offered to place nice trees and shrubs on this 'island.' Shores decided that concrete, made to resemble cheap tile, would be appropriate. Now we have people speeding down our once quiet road.
Some neighbors believe that the speed limit is 35, and some go even faster. I am afraid for the children who are used to playing on a cul-de-sac. Since Norton Shores has decided to make our lovely road into a speedway, could they at least put up signs that say the speed limit is 25?
Sheri Costello"

At U. of Georgia, Furor Over Clarence Thomas

"Now some faculty members say that having Thomas as the undergraduate commencement speaker sends the wrong message at a time when the university is in the midst of a process that could change the way sexual harassment is dealt with in the campus judicial system.
“Given all of this work, and what felt like progress, the news that Justice Clarence Thomas is to give the commencement address this year has been met by dismay,” said Chris Cuomo, director of the Institute for Women’s Studies and a professor of philosophy, in an e-mail message. “Members of the UGA community who are concerned about the problems with enforcement of the university’s own policies against harassment wonder if the university administration is sending an intentional message that they believe matters of sexual harassment and gender equity are trivial.”"

They don't seem to have the same problem with Slick Willy or Ms Lewinski....
Why are we wasting $$$$ on idiot programs like "women's studies"?

Commencement Speaker Controversies

Commencement Speaker Controversies
"If you ask me, they oughta try to switch 'em around because it seems to me that based on their low-class behavior, the protesting UGA faculty deserves to have Jerry Springer as their Commencement speaker."

Indianapolis Bank Teller Katherin Shuffield Loses Twins After Being Shot During Robbery

Indianapolis Bank Teller Katherin Shuffield Loses Twins After Being Shot During Robbery: "one twin was born dead and the other died after birth, said Marion County's chief deputy coroner, Alfarena Ballew."

How can a "fetus" be born dead"?

Maybe it was a "baby" who was killed in the mother's body?
(the photo is an 8 week old "fetus".
A baby human being.)

For a Pinball Survivor, the Game Isn’t Over - New York Times

For a Pinball Survivor, the Game Isn’t Over - New York Times: "But this place, Stern Pinball Inc., is the last of its kind in the world. A range of companies once mass produced pinball machines, especially in the Chicago area, the one-time capital of the business. Now there is only Stern. And even the dinging and flipping here has slowed: Stern, which used to crank out 27,000 pinball machines each year, is down to around 10,000."

South Africa becoming like the rest of Africa?

US moves SA staff due to crime: South Africa:
"Crime concerns have prompted the embassy to terminate residential leases in stand-alone houses in Pretoria, Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. The US plans to move embassy families to multi-unit security complexes.
Letters of termination have already been sent to some landlords and rental agents have advised them that US Embassy staff and their families will vacate stand-alone houses within 90 days.
'The US Embassy has taken a decision to move from stand-alone residences to compound residential units due to increased security concerns,' reads a letter sent to one rental agent in Pretoria."

Not too much international outrage when blacks kill blacks.....

Study Suggests Math Teachers Scrap Balls and Slices - New York Times

Study Suggests Math Teachers Scrap Balls and Slices - New York Times: "The students who learned the math abstractly did well with figuring out the rules of the game. Those who had learned through examples using measuring cups or tennis balls performed little better than might be expected if they were simply guessing."

Opinion: Gas up your Prius, starve a peasant

Opinion: Gas up your Prius, starve a peasant
"it has become the habit of progressive opinion to appropriate the language of war for everything but actual war."

Muskegon fattie trades blubber for TV "15 seconds"

A transformation -
"She will tell the nation about it on the Joy Fit Club segment of NBC's Today show between 10 and 11 a.m. Monday. She left for New York City at 6 a.m. today.
Had Hartman not seen the scale register a 'a whopping 307 pounds,' she said she might never have changed her eating and exercise habits."

Forum addresses 'Politics and Environment'

Forum addresses 'Politics and Environment'
"The event, which is free and open to the public, is sponsored by the Progressive Women's Alliance-Lakeshore. It is scheduled to run from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Christ Community Church, located on M-104 in Spring Lake."

Chicago carnage continues!

Semi's deadly crash into Chicago station probed: "Without warning, the truck barreled into a street-level bus shelter, ending part of the way up the station's north stairwell. Two women died on the scene and at least 21 others were injured, authorities said."

and this:

Police planned to increase patrols and put SWAT officers and specialized units on the streets over the weekend, a show of force aimed at deterring violence like the three dozen shootings that left nine people dead last weekend.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sun spot love-- See Gore, See Spot

-- See Gore, See Spot: "'the rout of Napoleon's Grand Army from Moscow was at least partly due to the lack of sunspots.'
This is more than a historical footnote. The same pattern of solar activity that doomed Napoleon is occurring as we speak."

Back To The '70s? Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Back To The '70s?: "Oil Shock: When it comes to energy policy, Democrats always talk a good game. But look at their actual record while in control of Congress in the last year and a half. It's been nothing short of disastrous.

Wasn't it two years ago that then-Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi vowed, if her party took over Congress, to cut energy prices — especially gasoline?

'Democrats have a common-sense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price-gouging; rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies; and increasing production of alternative fuels,' Pelosi wrote back in April 2006, as part of her efforts to convince Americans to elect Democrats."

The psychology of the housing mess - Opinion -

The psychology of the housing mess - Opinion - "The crisis is compounded by what psychologists call 'loss aversion.' The real estate market is by no means immune to this phenomenon. Numerous studies have shown that humans hate losses much more than they like gains. This means that losing $1,000 hurts you about twice as much as winning $1,000 makes you feel good. In the stock market, investors hold on to losers longer than winners, even though there are tax incentives to do just the opposite.
How does this play out in the housing market? Reluctant to take less for their houses than their neighbor got just a year ago, sellers tend to keep their houses on the market for far too long. So even as the market began to go south, people foolishly failed to budge."

Palestinians: Carter Achieved Nothing

Palestinians: Carter Achieved Nothing
"Recent talks between former president Jimmy Carter and a militant leader failed to make much of a difference in Gaza, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki said Wednesday."

Antarctic Deep Sea Gets Colder

Antarctic Deep Sea Gets Colder: "At the same time satellite images from the Antarctic summer have shown the largest sea-ice extent on record"

12,491 total alcohol-related crashes - News From AP: "In the past decade, the number of impaired drivers involved in alcohol-related crashes has remained relatively stable - from 12,348 in 1996 to 12,491 in 2006. Those figures cover drivers with a blood-alcohol level of 0.08 percent or higher.
The federal government also released estimates of driving under the influence of illicit drugs. The rates were highest in the District of Columbia, 7 percent; Rhode Island, 6.8 percent; and Massachusetts, 6.4 percent."

If the 12,491 number is accurate, it sure seems like a lot of energy spent on a relatively small problem.

The Editors on Ethanol on National Review Online

The Editors on Ethanol on National Review Online: "Congress has created an artificial demand for ethanol to satisfy the farm lobby, which is one of the most powerful in Washington. To make matters worse, almost every major candidate for president in the last 20 years has supported ethanol subsidies because of the program’s importance in the capital of corn, Iowa, which holds the nation’s first presidential caucuses."

Obama’s Real Bill Ayers Problem

Obama’s Real Bill Ayers Problem
"Ayers’s politics have hardly changed since his Weatherman days. He still boasts about working full-time to bring down American capitalism and imperialism. This time, however, he does it from his tenured perch as Distinguished Professor of Education at the University of Illinois, Chicago. Instead of planting bombs in public buildings, Ayers now works to indoctrinate America’s future teachers in the revolutionary cause, urging them to pass on the lessons to their public school students."

All being paid for with our tax dollars!
Ain't America great?
Not to Obama's buddies......

Tuition outrage at MSU!

Tuition at MSU could go up 7 percent for fall '08

"Students at Michigan State University could face a 7 percent tuition increase this fall, according to preliminary budget materials released by the university."
That increase, which would put average annual tuition at about $10,300, would be one of the lower ones of recent years. MSU has upped tuition by double-digit percentages twice since 2003.
An additional $12.6 million has been proposed to pay for faculty salary increases, an average 4.5 percent increase, in order to make them more competitive with salaries at other Big Ten schools. MSU salaries currently rank ninth out of 11.

"We don't want to have a compensation program that causes a brain drain," Simon said.

Is there no limit to the brain drain of Michigan taxpayers?

Atlantic City votes to ban smoking on floor of casnios

Atlantic City votes to ban smoking on floor of casnios
"Atlantic City leaders have voted to ban smoking on the gambling floor of all casinos."

Farmers Market getting its spring cleaning

Farmers Market getting its spring cleaning
"Friends of the Muskegon Farmers Market will roll up their sleeves and do a little spring cleaning from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday at the market, 700 Yuba.
Anyone in the mood to volunteer is invited to join the Friends to paint stall tops, sweep parking lots, pick up winter trash and do general cleaning to get the market ready for its May 3 opening.
The city of Muskegon, which owns the market....."

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Shirley Temple breaks arm on eve of 80th birthday | Entertainment | People | Reuters

Shirley Temple breaks arm on eve of 80th birthday Entertainment People Reuters: "Shirley Temple Black, one of the most popular child stars in Hollywood history, marks her 80th birthday on Wednesday but plans a subdued day at home because of a recent accident.
'I broke my arm last week at my house, it hurts quite a bit,' she told Reuters on Tuesday."

Bombed Syrian reactor was nearly complete

Bombed Syrian reactor was nearly complete
"The Bush administration will tell Congress tomorrow that a nuclear facility in Syria built with North Korean help was nearly complete when Israel bombed it in September, and that Pyongyang has not provided any further nuclear assistance to the hard-line Arab nation, at least at that site, U.S. officials said."

Senate Republicans kill pay discrimination bill

Senate Republicans kill pay discrimination bill:
"Republicans in the Senate have killed a bill that would have removed limits on how long workers can wait before suing their employers for pay discrimination....
So important was the bill to Democrats that Majority Leader Harry Reid delayed the vote until dinnertime to allow Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama to cast votes and, for the first time in months, speak on the Senate floor. Republican presidential candidate John McCain did not attend the vote.
Opponents said the bill would cause a flood of lawsuits. Democrats said it was needed to help employees to recoup lost wages."

Classic liberal "journalism" avoiding the "how did they vote" minutia.

GordoM will help!

B.Hussein and Mrs Bill voted to have unending time limits for lawsuits against employers.

Like... forever dude....

If you were "dissed" 45 years ago, call a democrat check-writing-class-action-lawyer and cash in baby!

B. Hussein and Mrs Bill voted for the bill.

Sen. McCrook didn't have to vote because there were enough votes to defeat the bill.

No wonder "newspapers" are dying.

Bad News on North Korea

Bad News on North Korea:
"This has not been a good few weeks for the North Korean nuclear accord, which Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice apparently hopes will be one of her signature achievements. First came word that Pyongyang would not deliver the full and complete listing of its nuclear activities that had previously been agreed to. The State Department, desperate to clinch a deal, would not allow this blatant noncompliance to sink the agreement.
Now comes word, via this Wall Street Journal report, that the intelligence community will confirm for Congress what is already widely suspected–that the Syrian site bombed last September by Israel was a plutonium-producing nuclear reactor being built by North Korea."
Is Condi turning into Maddie?

Great Lakes water supply at risk

Author says Great Lakes water supply at risk
"Great Lakes need better protections against future water diversions that could hurt the lakes' ecosystems and the region's economy. Current rules governing water diversions from the lakes are dysfunctional,"

Water wars will be bigger than energy wars over the next 20 years.

Ethanol Effect causing worldwide FOOD riots!

"Food riots caused by rising food prices have erupted around the world. Five people died in uprisings in Haiti, perhaps the first of many casualties to come from the fad of being 'green."
It uses more energy than it produces.
It raises food prices worldwide.
It results in less oil for the world.
And it increases our cost of gasoline.
(click on the ear to see the entire story)

Global warning

Stop the world!
A Muskegon teenager will go to trial on felony assault charges for throwing a classroom globe at a tutor."
"So Diamond, you'd prefer to watch a video....?"