Saturday, June 21, 2014

History for June 21

History for June 21 -
Summer begins in the Northern Hemisphere at 6:51 AM EDT.
Winter begins in the Southern Hemisphere.

375th birth anniversary of Puritan minister Increase Mather (1639-1723).

Birth anniversary of French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-80).

Birth anniversary of novelist and critic Mary McCarthy (1912-89).

Happy Birthday! Meredith Baxter, Mariette Hartley,  Juliette Lewis

1859 - Andrew Lanergan received the first rocket patent. 

1893 - The Ferris Wheel was introduced at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, IL. 

1940 - Richard M. Nixon and Thelma Catherine ‘Pat’ Ryan were married. 

1954 - The American Cancer Society reported significantly higher death rates among cigarette smokers than among non-smokers. 

1963 - France announced that they were withdrawing from the North Atlantic NATO fleet. 

1972 - Hurricane Agnes wreaked havoc on the eastern seaboard of the US, killing 118 people and leaving more than 200,000 people homeless.

1973 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states may ban materials found to be obscene according to local standards. 

1974 - The U.S. Supreme Court decided that pregnant teachers could no longer be forced to take long leaves of absence. 

1989 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that burning the American flag as a form of political protest was protected by the First Amendment.

Friday, June 20, 2014

This One Word on a Syrian Mural Says All You Need to Know About ISIS Insurgents’ Ultimate Goal |

This One Word on a Syrian Mural Says All You Need to Know About ISIS Insurgents’ Ultimate Goal |
"If a picture tells a thousand words, this one speaks volumes.
A widely followed Syria watcher shared on Twitter a photo said to have been taken in Syria that shows a mural which in one large word declares the aspiration of the Sunni jihadist group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria."

Watch How Democrat-Invited Witnesses React When Asked to Raise Their Hands If They Agree With Obama’s Big Global Warming Claim | Video |

Watch How Democrat-Invited Witnesses React When Asked to Raise Their Hands If They Agree With Obama’s Big Global Warming Claim | Video |
"When Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) on Wednesday asked four former Environmental Protection Agency chiefs to raise their hands if they believe, as President Barack Obama recently claimed, that the temperature around the world is “increasing faster than was predicted,   ”none of them raised their hand."

There was no Fukushima nuclear disaster

Physicist: There was no Fukushima nuclear disaster:
Firstly let us get something clear. There was no Fukushima nuclear disaster. Total number of people killed by nuclear radiation at Fukushima was zero. Total injured by radiation was zero. Total private property damaged by radiation….zero. There was no nuclear disaster. What there was, was a major media feeding frenzy fuelled by the rather remote possibility that there may have been a major radiation leak.
At the time, there was media frenzy that “reactors at Fukushima may suffer a core meltdown.” Dire warnings were issued. Well the reactors did suffer a core meltdown. What happened? Nothing.
Certainly from the ‘disaster’ perspective there was a financial disaster for the owners of the Fukushima planJapan Tsunami pushes carst. The plant overheated, suffered a core meltdown, and is now out of commission for ever. A financial disaster, but no nuclear disaster.
Amazingly the thousands of people killed by the tsunami in the neighbouring areas who were in shops, offices, schools, at the airport, in the harbour and elsewhere are essentially ignored while there is this strange continuing phobia about warning people of ‘the dangers of Fukushima.’ 
We need to ask the more general question: did anybody die because of Fukushima? Yes they did. Why? The Japanese governJapan tsunami boatment introduced a forced evacuation of thousands of people living up to a couple of dozen kilometres from the power station. The stress of moving to collection areas induced heart attacks and other medical problems in many people. So people died because of Fukushima hysteria not because of Fukushima radiation.
Recently some water leaked out of the Fukushima plant. It contained a very small amount of radioactive dust. The news media quoted the radiation activity in the physics measure of miliSieverts. The public don’t know what a Sievert or a milliSievert is. As it happens a milliSievert is a very small measure.
Doubling a very small amount is still inconsequential. It is like saying: “Yesterday there was a matchstick on the football field; today there are two matchsticks on the football field. Matchstick pollution has increased by a massive 100% in only 24 hours.”
The statement is mathematically correct but silly and misleading.
At Fukushima a couple of weeks ago, some mildly radioactive water leaked into the sea. The volume of water was about equal to a dozen home swimming pools. In the ocean this really is a ‘drop in the ocean.’

Of the Bureaucrats, by the Bureaucrats, for the Bureaucrats

Of the Bureaucrats, by the Bureaucrats, for the Bureaucrats | National Review Online
But this idea that bureaucrats — very broadly defined — can become their own class bent on protecting their interests at the expense of the public seems not only plausible but obviously true.
The evidence is everywhere. Every day it seems there’s another story about teachers’ unions using their stranglehold on public schools to reward themselves at the expense of children. School-choice programs and even public charter schools are under vicious attack, not because they are bad at educating children but because they’re good at it. Specifically, they are good at it because they don’t have to abide by rules aimed at protecting government workers at the expense of students.
The Veterans Affairs scandal can be boiled down to the fact that VA employees are the agency’s most important constituency. The Phoenix VA health-care system created secret waiting lists where patients languished and even died, while the administrator paid out almost $10 million in bonuses to VA employees over the last three years.
Working for the federal government simply isn’t like working for the private sector. Government employees are essentially unfireable. In the private sector, people lose their jobs for incompetence, redundancy, or obsolescence all the time. In government, these concepts are virtually meaningless. From a 2011 USA Todayarticle: “Death — rather than poor performance, misconduct or layoffs — is the primary threat to job security at the Environmental Protection Agency, the Small Business Administration, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Office of Management and Budget and a dozen other federal operations.”
In 2010, the 168,000 federal workers in Washington, D.C. — who are quite well compensated — had a job-security rate of 99.74 percent. 
A HUD spokesman toldUSA Today that “his department’s low dismissal rate — providing a 99.85 percent job security rate for employees — shows a skilled and committed workforce.”
Uh huh.

Proof of global warming! Ski resort forced to close because of heat. And melt! And hotness!

"It only took eight months, but closing weekend is finally here...
 Thank you, thank you, thank you for making the 2013-14 ski and ride season one of the best in A-Basin's history.
We'll be open this Friday, Saturday and Sunday (June 20-22), and will be closing our lifts for the season this Sunday at 2:30 p.m.
 We were the first to open, the last to close, and we were able to extend the budgeted season for three extra weekends!
We recorded 440+" of snow over the course of the season, allowing for 241 days (as of Sunday) of lift-served skiing and riding.
Because of awesome guests like you (and your families and friends), we had the second-highest number on record of skiers visit the Basin.
Wow.  "

Apartment Balcony Decoration Reportedly Deemed a ‘Threat to the Muslim Community’ and Ordered Down — Want to Guess What It Is? | Video |

Apartment Balcony Decoration Reportedly Deemed a ‘Threat to the Muslim Community’ and Ordered Down — Want to Guess What It Is? | Video |
"But Tran said the manager of the Lodge on El Dorado apartments doesn’t see it that way, and told him he had to take down his flag because it’s a “threat to the Muslim community.”

Soooo. It IS all about money--------“Children Immigrants” An Impending Issue For Miami-Dade Schools

“Children Immigrants” An Impending Issue For Miami-Dade Schools « CBS Miami:
"MIAMI (CBSMiami) — The crisis of children crossing the border without their parents and filling up shelters in Miami-Dade county is becoming an impending issue in Florida’s public school system.
The issue was addressed at a Miami-Dade County School Board meeting on Wednesday, knowing those kids would end up in the school system.
“We have received about 300 students from Honduras over the past few months so recognizing the challenge, that crisis, we’re asking federal got to intervene,” said Miami-Dade Superintendent Alberto Carvalho.
Carvalho asked the board for support to request funds from the federal government for those children, known as unaccompanied children immigrants, primarily from Central America to cover their costs in school.
The board will request $1,950 per year per child in addition to what the state already puts in.
Local representatives are in full support of the move."

An Inconvient truth--------Calling Interference On The Sun

Calling Interference On The Sun | Popular Science:
"Calling Interference On The Sun
Bad news: solar flares are becoming more of a threat. 
Good news: we get photos like this.

On March 29 at 1:48 p.m. EST, the sun issued a massive X1 flare that caused a brief radio blackout on the sunlit side of Earth.
Because the atmosphere insulates technology from most solar-weather effects, flares of this magnitude don’t typically have a drastic impact on the planet.
But, says Dean Pesnell, project scientist at NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, “Our vulnerability to solar flares will become more personal as we increasingly rely on GPS—or even as the overloaded power system has more problems.” 
For this reason, scientists are studying the phenomena in unprecedented detail. NASA announced in May that the X1 event, captured by the SDO in extreme ultraviolet light, is the most comprehensively observed flare to date. "

What the heck is going on here?------------Lawmakers have until July 1 to find $115M in road projects

Lawmakers have until July 1 to find $115M in road projects | Crain's Detroit Business:
"Top Republican lawmakers have less than two weeks to come up with a new list of priority road projects to fund, but it’s not clear if they can come up with enough projects in time.
A supplemental funding bill signed by Gov. Rick Snyder in March again gave the Legislature the authority to award $115 million to various road projects of their choosing across the state.
Specifically, the law says;
“Projects shall be obligated and construction shall be underway or design work shall be completed by July 1, 2014.”
Local government groups and transportation advocates take that to mean that at this point, due to the pending deadline, the only projects lawmakers could fund with this money are ones that have already been fully engineered and are simply awaiting the money to begin turning dirt.
That means some projects that could receive funding may not be of the highest priority, but are ones that are the most ready to begin."

It’s Obama’s Country and We’re Just Living In It |

It’s Obama’s Country and We’re Just Living In It |
"Our Constitution was designed to secure the rights of citizens and protect them from government oppression. But because President Obama believes that it is “his” government, he sees nothing wrong with expanding the size and power of the government; and in doing so, endangering the the rights of every American. But that’s not how it works in this country. Here, the politicians don’t get to decide how big the government will be; the people do."

A Cold Dawn Coming

Articles: A Cold Dawn Coming:
All things considered, the production decline for U.S. agriculture could be 8% per 1°C. A fall of 3°C and the United States would be out of export markets for agricultural products, with the same true of most mid-latitude grain exporters.
This will have profound geopolitical implications -- namely, starvation and collapse for countries that import food. 
That’s for next decade.
This decade, once the temperature decline is widely apparent, currently importing countries around the world will rush to stockpile, bringing forward the price effect of scarcity.
If this sounds like the reverse echo of the global warming crowd, how often have leftist wealth-redistributors been right about anything? 
Given their track record, the exact opposite is the more likely outcome. 
We should be ever thankful to them though.
If it wasn’t for their melodramatic predictions attracting honest scientists into the climate science field, humanity would be sleepwalking into the climatic and agricultural disruption that is coming.
We will still have the consequent famine and death but we will know what’s causing it at the time.
P.S. -- Cold-driven famines over the last few hundred years are well documented.  
Severe cold in the 1690s killed 30% of the population of Finland, and lesser percentages of other countries from France to Sweden. 
In Ireland, 20% of the population died in 1740, one hundred years before the more famous potato famine. In 1816, the Swiss were eating their cats, dogs, rats and horses. 

Interactive Map Reveals the True Cost of Obamacare

Interactive Map Reveals the True Cost of Obamacare | Somewhat Reasonable:
"Today, the Manhattan Institute re-released its Obamacare Interactive Map.
The map is one of the most comprehensive and useful tools for people looking to determine how Obamacare will affect their healthcare premiums.
Presenting data by county, individuals can see just how costly the “affordable” care act is going to be.
Taking the map as a whole reveals a very disconcerting trend in the cost of healthcare in the wake of the Obamacare roll-out.
From the data presented, just 12 states enjoy a net reduction in healthcare costs.
The rest see increases of varying degrees.
While most states are experiencing very significant increases to their citizens’ average premium payments, nine states face astonishing average increases of more than 80 percent!
That’s a far cry from the promises Obama has been making for years.
The drastic failure of Obamacare is revealed in cold, hard evaluation of the numbers.
The government can fudge its presentation all it wants, but the raw data must eventually reveal itself.
That is what is happening now, and the results are staggering."

Newsweek's Story Of Melting Sea Ice Is Not Remotely Truthful

Newsweek's Story Of Melting Sea Ice Is Not Remotely Truthful | Truth Revolt:
Newsweek article posted Monday called "How Global Warming Threatens Antarctic Animals" falsely claims global warming is causing a dramatic decline in Antarctic sea ice and that the decline might hurt the animals living in the seabed, hurting ecosystems across the world. That report is nothing short of a lie. Antarctic sea ice continues to be at record levels and at least one recent peer-reviewed study projects that increasing Antarctic ice levels may cause sea levels to fall:
In a Current Biology paper published Monday, scientists argue that this increase in scouring might negatively alter how species on the shallow portion of Antarctica’s seabed interact with one another—and they worry this is a harbinger of climate change–linked ecosystem changes around the globe.
According to the U.S. government's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), as of June 17th, Antarctic sea ice extent is 1,281,000 sq km above the 1981-2010 mean. That is also the 100th daily record in 2014 out of 167 days. The records set this year are topping sea ice records set last year. In other words the sea ice is expanding, not melting.
A peer-reviewed paper published Wednesday projects that Antarctic sea ice is going to grow so much that sea levels are going to decrease:
A paper published today in The Cryosphere studies one of the largest ice shelves in East Antarctica and predicts increased accumulation of ice on the surface of the ice shelf will have a net contribution of decreasing sea levels over the 21st and 22nd centuries. According to the authors,
"Overall, the increased accumulation computed by the atmosphere models outweighs ice stream acceleration so that the net contribution to sea level rise is negative."
Furthermore, the authors predict the grounding line of this ice shelf system will have "little grounding line retreat" and thus it very unlikely this ice sheet will break off from the continent.
It appears that the Newsweek editors are so wrapped up in selling the global warming theory they forgot one of the key components of good journalism...the truth.

Inflation? Only If You Look At Food, Water, Gas, Electricity And Everything Else

Inflation? Only If You Look At Food, Water, Gas, Electricity And Everything Else:
Have you noticed that prices are going up rapidly?  
If so, you are certainly not alone.  
But Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen, the Obama administration and the mainstream media would have us believe that inflation is completely under control and exactly where it should be.  
Perhaps if the highly manipulated numbers that they quote us were real, everything would be fine.  
But of course the way that the inflation rate is calculated has been changed more than 20 times since the 1970s, and at this point it bears so little relation to reality that it is essentially meaningless.  
Anyone that has to regularly pay for food, water, gas, electricity or anything else knows that inflation is too high.  
In fact, if inflation was calculated the same way that it was back in 1980, the inflation rate would be close to 10 percent right now.
....Just the other day, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the price index for meat, poultry, fish, and eggs has just soared to a new all-time high.
...Sadly, this is just the beginning.  Food prices are eventually going to go much, much higher than this.
Also, you should get ready to pay substantially more for water as well.
According to CNBC, one recent report warned that "your water bill will likely increase" in the coming months...

You think having a moron in charge of foreign policy won't affect you?

The Alarming Reason the Government Confiscated Money From a Member of Glenn Beck’s Staff | Video |

The Alarming Reason the Government Confiscated Money From a Member of Glenn Beck’s Staff | Video |
“They are zealously uncovering accounts that are not unclaimed,” Ruff said.
To make matters worse, Ruff discovered the loss when she went to her box to retrieve important paperwork she needed because her husband was dying. Those papers had been shredded.
And that’s not all. Her great-grandmother’s precious natural pearls and other jewelry had been auctioned off. They were sold for just $1,800, even though they were appraised for $82,500. "

Oh. My. Gosh. MSNBC just “warned” their viewers to let them know they were about to hear this word…

Oh. My. Gosh. MSNBC just “warned” their viewers to let them know they were about to hear this word… | Young Conservatives:
MSNBC just “warned” their viewers to let them know they were about to hear this word…
An MSNBC host just “warned” their viewers (all four of them) that they are about to hear the word “Redskins”."

History for June 20

History for June 20 -
Take Your Dog To Work Day

In 1975, Jaws, directed by Stephen Spielberg, was released.

Happy Birthday! John Goodman, Nicole Kidman, Brian Wilson

1782 - The U.S. Congress approved the Great Seal of the United States

1791 - King Louis XVI of France was captured while attempting to flee the country in the so-called Flight to Varennes. 

1793 - Eli Whitney applied for a cotton gin patent. He received the patent on March 14. The cotton gin initiated the American mass-production concept. 

1893 - A jury in Massachusetts found Lizzie Borden not guilty of the murders of her father and stepmother in 1892.

1923 - France announced it would seize the Rhineland to assist Germany in paying its war debts. 

1941 - The U.S. Army Air Force was established, replacing the Army Air Corps. 

1943 - Race-related rioting erupted in Detroit. Federal troops were sent in two days later to end the violence that left more than 30 dead. 

1947 - Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel was murdered in Beverly Hills, CA, at the order of mob associates angered over the soaring costs of his project, the Flamingo resort in Las Vegas, NV

1963 - The United States and Soviet Union signed an agreement to set up a hot line communication link between the two countries. 

1977 - The Trans-Alaska Pipeline began operation. 

1997 - The tobacco industry agreed to a massive settlement in exchange for major relief from 
mounting lawsuits and legal bills.

Thursday, June 19, 2014



I’m curious, what took place which caused them to throw out such a whopper of a tale?  Did they hit a brick wall or did they intentionally want to see if we would fall for the excuse which teachers in their own unions won’t even buy?  Over the weekend, Congress and the rest of America was informed by the IRS that the dog ate their homework.

Dude, you want 40 burgers with your order?--------------------U Washington students start ‘Uber for marijuana’ delivery service

U Washington students start ‘Uber for marijuana’ delivery service:
Two students at the University of Washington in Seattle are starting a business that they describe as “Uber for marijuana.”
Josiah Tullis and Megh Vakharia are planning to launch a phone app called “Canary” in Seattle late next month.
"Canary is an on-demand service that allows you to get cannabis delivered right to your doorstep,” Vakharia said in an interview with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Medical-marijuana cardholders will be able to select different strains of pot from different medical dispensaries and then have their order delivered by a cardholding driver.
Users can buy in quantities ranging from a gram to an ounce.
The app also describes the sensations users can expect to experience with each strain. 
For example, it describes a variety called "White Widow" as "Happy. Euphoric. Uplifted."
...The students said they are already interviewing drivers from Uber and Lyft who are interested in working at Canary instead.
Those drivers will also have to undergo a background check.
...Canary also has a feature called "Munchies," where users can have the drivers bring along "popular food and drink items."
"Yeah, we thought of everything," the website states.