Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Fascinating!-----Here's How People Get Fooled Into Buying Bankrupt Companies... | Zero Hedge

Here's How People Get Fooled Into Buying Bankrupt Companies... | Zero Hedge:
"...How could a company as big and profitable as W.T. Grant Co. go bust?
In the autopsy that followed the bankruptcy, accountants found that while the company was generating substantial PROFIT, it was not generating any CASH FLOW.
These two terms sound the same, but they’re dramatically different...
...Today there’s another famous business in similar circumstances– our old friend Netflix.
Quarter after quarter, Netflix reports a profit.
Just yesterday afternoon the company had its quarterly earnings call, posting a profit of $553 million. Not bad.
Yet when anyone dives just a little bit deeper into the numbers, Netflix’s cash flow is absolutely gruesome.
The company’s operating cash flow is negative. In other words, after stripping out all the unrealistic accounting nonsense, Netflix’s core business LOSES MONEY.
In fact Netflix’s operating cash flow has been negative FOR YEARS. And the amount of money its losing is increasing.
Netflix’s business has lost $1.3 billion so far through the first nine months of 2017. That’s 52% worse than the $916 million operating cash flow deficit they suffered in the first nine months of 2016, and nearly three times worse than the $504 million operating cash flow deficit during the first nine months of 2015.
Throughout this period, the number of Netflix subscribers has steadily grown, now well in excess of 100 million.
And every time Netflix reports a big surge in subscribers, the stock price soars..."
Read it all!!

You ought to know!

College Magazine Creates ‘Is Your Costume Racist’ Flowchart, Overlooks Major Problem | Daily Wire

Image result for flickr commons images Halloween College Magazine Creates ‘Is Your Costume Racist’ Flowchart, Overlooks Major Problem | Daily Wire:

"1870 Magazine, a publication "built by and for students" of Ohio State University (but not officially affiliated with the school, according to 1870 staff), recently published an "is your costume racist" flowchart for Halloween."

Instapundit » Blog Archive » PAUL KRUGMAN ON ELECTION NIGHT: “If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answe…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » PAUL KRUGMAN ON ELECTION NIGHT: “If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answe…:
Image result for krugman market will never recover from trumpOCTOBER 17, 2017
"PAUL KRUGMAN ON ELECTION NIGHT: “If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.”
CNN Breaking News: Dow crosses 23,000 for the first time in its 121-year history. It’s up more than 4,600 points since election."

AM Fruitcake

History for October 18

Image result for lee harvey oswald quote
History for October 18 -
Henri Bergson 1859 - Philosopher, author, Pierre Elliott Trudeau 1919 - Prime Minister of Canada, Chuck Berry (Charles Edward Anderson Berry) 1926 - Singer
Image result for Henri Bergson QuotesImage result for Pierre Elliott Trudeau QuotesImage result for Chuck Berry

George C. Scott 1927 - Actor ("Patton," "Taps"), Mike Ditka 1939 - Football player and coach, Lee Harvey Oswald 1939 - Accused of assassinating U.S. President John F. Kennedy
Image result for George C. ScottImage result for Mike DitkaImage result for Lee Harvey Oswald

1767 - The Mason-Dixon line was agreed upon. It was the boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania.
Image result for Mason-Dixon line

1842 - Samuel Finley Breese Morse laid his first telegraph cable.
Image result for samuel morse quotes

1867 - The U.S. took formal possession of Alaska from Russia. The land was purchased of a total of $7 million dollars (2 cents per acre).
Image result for russia russia russia meme

1898 - The American flag was raised in Puerto Rico only one year after the Caribbean nation won its independence from Spain.
Image result for 1898 - The American flag was raised in Puerto Rico

1929 - The Judicial Committee of England’s Privy Council ruled that women were to be considered as persons in Canada.
Image result for took long enough

1956 - NFL commissioner Bert Bell disallowed the use of radio-equipped helmets by NFL quarterbacks.
Image result for say what

1961 - Henri Matiss' "Le Bateau" went on display at New York's Museum of Modern Art. It was discovered 46 days later that the painting had been hanging upside down.
Image result for 1961 - Henri Matiss' "Le Bateau"

1968 - Two black athletes, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, were suspended by the U.S. Olympic Committee for giving a "black power" salute during a ceremony in Mexico City.
Image result for Tommie Smith and John Carlos, were suspended by the U.S. Olympic Committee for giving a "black power"

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Report: FBI Uncovers Confirmation of Hillary Clinton's Corrupt Uranium Deal with Russia

Report: FBI Uncovers Confirmation of Hillary Clinton's Corrupt Uranium Deal with Russia:

Image result for flickr commons images Putin"New evidence has emerged to confirm Peter Schweizer’s account in his bestselling book Clinton Cash about the corrupt tactics behind former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s approval of Russia’s purchase of 20 percent of U.S. uranium.
Josh Solomon and Alison Spann report in The Hill:"

BREAKING: Alleged Traitor Hailed As American Hero By Obama Administration Pleads Guilty To Desertion | Daily Wire

BREAKING: Alleged Traitor Hailed As American Hero By Obama Administration Pleads Guilty To Desertion | Daily Wire:

Image result for Flicker commons images Bowe Bergdahl"On Monday, Bergdahl pleaded guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. Bergdahl apologized — too late for his dead comrades — and stated, “At the time, I had no intention of causing search and recovery operations….It’s very inexcusable.”
All of which utterly undercuts the Obama administration’s stated reasons for the Bergdahl deal altogether. And demonstrates how they were lying continuously for months — "

The way we were-----The Hollies - Long Cool Woman (In A Black Dress) [v2] [Lyrics] [1080p] [HD]

Boob-tube-Brainwashing-----Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1990) Season 1 Episode 1

Global Warming Hypocrites: Their Carbon Footprint Is OK, But Yours Must Be Eliminated | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Global Warming Hypocrites: Their Carbon Footprint Is OK, But Yours Must Be Eliminated | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:
"Scientists, identified as "conservation scientists" who presumably oppose human greenhouse gas emissions, have looked into their own lifestyles, as well as the lifestyles of other "conservation scientists," and found that they are preaching one thing while practicing another.
Image result for leonardo dicaprio hypocrite on climate change"Most" of these scientists, the British Telegraph reports, "have a carbon footprint which is virtually no different to anyone else." 
...What they found was "conservation scientists," 300 of them, "still flew frequently — an average of nine flights a year — ate meat or fish approximately five times a week and rarely purchased carbon offsets for their own emissions."
...Do not be surprised by the duplicity.
It's been noticed that the global warming alarmists who run their mouths the most are also running a lot of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
We can start with Leonardo DiCaprio, who earns a fabulous living playing a child's game — that is, he pretends to be someone else, a behavior that most of us outgrow as adults.
But he doesn't have to fake being a hypocrite.
That's his real life.
Type "leonardo dicaprio climate hypocrite" into a web search engine..."

Best And Worst States For Taxes | Forbes

Best And Worst States For Taxes | Forbes
Image result for Michigan OutlineNo. 30: Michigan
  • State and local tax burden: 9.60%
  • Effective state tax rate ($50,000 taxable income): 4.25%
  • Highest tax bracket: Flat
  • Rate at highest tax bracket: 4.25% of federal adjusted gross income with modification
  • Per Capita Income: $36,641

EXCLUSIVE -- Final Suspect in Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's Murder Arrested

EXCLUSIVE -- Final Suspect in Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's Murder Arrested:

Image result for Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry
"Federal authorities working with the Mexican government secured the arrest of the final suspect in the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. The apprehension occurred on Saturday in Mexico.
Breitbart Texas obtained a leaked internal memo written by the acting chief of the Border Patrol announcing the arrest of Jesus Rosario Favela Astoria. He is reported to be the final suspect in Agent Terry’s murder that occurred on December 14, 2010 in southern Arizona."

Don’t Call Climate Skeptics ‘Deniers,’ Call Us ‘Correct’ | The American Spectator

Don’t Call Climate Skeptics ‘Deniers,’ Call Us ‘Correct’ | The American Spectator:
"If it’s totalitarian and unresearched, it’s not a consensus.

Here's every patch for KRACK Wi-Fi vulnerability available right now | ZDNet

Here's every patch for KRACK Wi-Fi vulnerability available right now | ZDNet
"Monday morning was not a great time to be an IT admin, with the public release of a bug that effectively broke WPA2 wireless security.

  • WPA2 security flaw puts almost every Wi-Fi device at risk of hijack, eavesdropping
  • Security experts have said the bug is a total breakdown of the WPA2 security protocol.

As reported previously by ZDNet, the bug, dubbed "KRACK" -- which stands for Key Reinstallation Attack -- is at heart a fundamental flaw in the way Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) operates.
Image result for cybercrime...The vulnerability does not mean the world of WPA2 has come crumbling down, but it is up to vendors to mitigate the issues this may cause.
In total, ten CVE numbers have been preserved to describe the vulnerability and its impact, and according to the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the main affected vendors are Aruba, Cisco, Espressif Systems, Fortinet, the FreeBSD Project, HostAP, Intel, Juniper Networks, Microchip Technology, Red Hat, Samsung, various units of Toshiba and Ubiquiti Networks..."
Read on!

Lunch video-----Gun Rights Are Women's Rights


Don’t Call Climate Skeptics ‘Deniers,’ Call Us ‘Correct’ | The American Spectator

Don’t Call Climate Skeptics ‘Deniers,’ Call Us ‘Correct’ | The American Spectator:

Image result for free clip art Correct"The two microbiologists have missed the point entirely. They talk of “virtually unanimous consensus” that Earth is facing a period of anthropogenic climate change. Yet the largest sample of academic papers on climate ever studied — an impressive 11,944 papers over the 21 years 1991–2011 — showed only 0.3 percent “consensus” explicitly supporting the proposition recent global warming was mostly manmade. The question whether the small warming that is to be expected will prove dangerous was not even asked; the “consensus” on that question is even smaller.
Even if there were a “virtually unanimous consensus,” science is not advanced by consensus but by informed dissent. The instances the microbiologists themselves cite make it quite clear that where there is a “consensus,” it is nearly always wrong, at least at the margins."

New Rule: Residents In Some States May Need Passports For Domestic Flights In 2018

New Rule: Residents In Some States May Need Passports For Domestic Flights In 2018
UPDATE:At this moment all states that are non-compliant with The Real ID Act had an extension that expired on October 10, 2017.
Image result for passport---All these states with an extension have been given a grace period until January 22, 2018.
All non-compliant states are currently under review for possible extension (with the added exception of Virginia, whose extension is now valid until OCT 10, 2018).
At this point no can say what states are at risk until the review of state's extensions has been completed. Here's the official list of states that are at risk.
You may have thought you don't need a passport because you don't travel outside the United States. 
But for residents of some states, this may change, pending the above info, for any commercial flight, whether international or domestic.
To get past TSA security checkpoints, another form of identification may be required: passport, permanent resident card/green card or a military ID.
The Real ID Act of 2005 insists that state-issued IDs meet the minimum security standards now set by the federal government. 
The following states do not yet:
  • Kentucky
  • Maine
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Oklahoma
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Carolina
  • Washington
Read on!

Arnold Ahlert: All the News That's Fit to Suppress — The Patriot Post

Arnold Ahlert: All the News That's Fit to Suppress — The Patriot Post
Sharyl Attkisson says, "Every day ... stories are killed because powerful people know how to get them killed."
“I can tell you that every day, in newsrooms around the country, stories are killed because powerful people know how to get them killed.” —investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson
By all accounts, Harvey Weinstein is a contemptible human being.
But his two-decade spree of sexual predation that included allegations of rape, possible criminal assault and a recording of him admitting he groped model Ambra Battilana Gutierrez has revealed something far more disturbing: America is besieged by a thoroughly corrupt Democrat/MSM Propaganda Machine.
One whose most egregious failing is not the avalanche of slanted opinions they present as news, but the truth they bury when it doesn’t accrue to interests.
...Attkisson cites “liberal bias” as the reason those stories were killed.
Yet there is also a “powerful people” element that cannot be ignored. 
The president of CBS News is David Rhodes. 
His brother, Ben, was Obama’s National Security Advisor. 
Ben was a key figure in the effort to scrub original references to terror in the Benghazi talking points a lying Susan Rice regurgitated on Sunday news shows.
The same Ben Rhodes who bragged about his ability to create an echo chamber among “handpicked Beltway insiders” to help the Obama administration get its message across.
CBS insisted David was not involved in any editorial discussions about his brother.
And actress Meryl Streep contended she knew nothing about Harvey Weinstein’s abuse.
Both are equally credible..."
Read it all!

#1 This day 1964-----Manfred Mann - Doo Wah Diddy Diddy