Saturday, August 19, 2017

Taxpayers Pay Steep Price For Coddling Bad Cops -

Taxpayers Pay Steep Price For Coddling Bad Cops -
"Of the Orange County, Calif., Board of Supervisors votes to appeal the $2.25 million jury verdict recently assessed against the county in the case of a deputy accused of a vile on-duty rape, then you know what little value supervisors place on the safety of the public.
That's a lot of cash, but given the infuriatingly negligent behavior of the sheriff's department, taxpayers are fortunate the verdict wasn't far higher.
According to the lawsuit, former deputy Nicholas Lee Caropino was called to then-22-year-old Alexa Curtin's house after she had an argument with her then-boyfriend.
Image result for Bad Cops
...Curtin alleges that "he then returned to the scene, in his vehicle and out of uniform, got into the passenger seat of her car, and raped her," according to the Orange County Register report.
...Two months earlier, "a then 18-year-old San Juan Capistrano woman made similar accusations against Caropino," the Register reported, "alleging the deputy came to her home following her release from jail... and sexually assaulted her there."
If you had an employee accused of raping a young woman, would you allow that employee to continue to work around other young women?
And if you did, you would be deserving of a lawsuit, no?
The department allowed Caropino to continue working on patrol duty.
The sheriff's department didn't conduct an internal affairs investigation.
The departmental policy is to stall any investigation while a criminal investigation is underway.
It's rare for district attorneys to press charges against officers and the county's scandal-plagued DA Tony Rackauckas declined to press charges..."
Read on!!

Hero: This Man Was Willing To Go On The Internet And Say That Nazis Are Bad

Hero: This Man Was Willing To Go On The Internet And Say That Nazis Are Bad: "KNOXVILLE, TN—Nobody wanted to say it, but he had had enough. Fed up local man Joe Sells gathered his courage, threw caution to the wind, and went on the internet Friday evening to declare, definitively and categorically, that Nazis are bad.
Can you say “hero”??
Image result for modern day Dietrich BonhoefferThe modern day Dietrich Bonhoeffer took to Facebook, despite all the persecution he must have known he would receive, and denounced Nazism and “anyone who is sympathetic to their cause,” in an earth-shattering update that will surely be remembered for ages.
“If you hold Nazi views, shame on you!” the gallant man wrote, throwing caution to the wind. 
“Hitler was evil. There, I said it!”
So many people were thinking it, but nobody was willing to step up to the plate and say it.
Until now.
We need more brave men like Joe.
He’s not afraid to sacrifice his reputation to tell it like it is!"
(Yes, it's a spoof.)

Before Charlottesville, Democrats voted for racist policies for more than 100 years

Before Charlottesville, Democrats voted for racist policies for more than 100 years:

Image result for flickr commons images Segragation Signs"It is shocking that as talk of statues and historical racism is being bandied about, no one has mentioned the Democrats' utterly shameful treatment of African Americans throughout history.

Over the last 100 years, Republicans have stood up for African Americans while Democrats not only stood on the sidelines, but in fact served as obstructionists to civil liberties."

Sorry, but those huge walls of terms and conditions you never read are legally binding • The Register

Sorry, but those huge walls of terms and conditions you never read are legally binding • The Register
"You may never read those lengthy terms and conditions attached to every digital download or app but, in America at least, they are legally binding.
Image result for read for comprehensionSorry.
That's the conclusion of a panel of appeal judges earlier this week when shining beacon of corporate responsibility Uber insisted its users had agreed not to sue the company somewhere in its long list of lengthy legal locutions.
On Thursday, the US Second Court of Appeals decided [PDF] that when customers installed Uber's ride-hailing app and agreed to the terms and conditions – even though virtually none of them actually read the details – they were obliged to go through arbitration if they had a dispute with the company.
...Despite this particular decision, there is a growing movement toward making the law reflect reality more closely: customers almost never reads the terms of conditions which are often very lengthy and legalistic and which many companies, especially app manufacturers, allow to be "agreed to" with a single tap or click.
Image result for picking dog turdsThe ludicrousness of the situation was recently highlighted when Brit public Wi-Fi provider Purple inserted a "community service clause" into its terms and conditions that required users to carry out 1,000 hours of community service in exchange for free access. 
The task list included cleaning toilets, painting snail shells and picking up dog turds.
It was a stunt pulled as part of the outfit's overhaul of its practices to fall in line with the UK's latest data protection legislation..."
Read it all!

Dieppe 75 Years On :: SteynOnline

Dieppe 75 Years On :: SteynOnline
"Three-quarters of a century ago - August 19th 1942 - the Allies staged what became known as "the Dieppe Raid", a daring assault on the French port of Dieppe, then held by the Germans. 
It was a predominantly Canadian operation: the 2nd Infantry Division provided 5,000 troops, supported by the Royal Navy and RAF, a thousand UK commandos and about 50 US Army Rangers. 
It was a necessary operation, but also an all but foredoomed one. 
In the end, of the 6,086 men put ashore at Dieppe, 3,623 were killed or wounded or carted off to German PoW camps.
The bravery of those young Canadian men cannot be overstated. 
In this reprise of The Mark Steyn Weekend Show from earlier this year, I talk to the screenwriter, producer and director Lionel Chetwynd - born in Hackney, raised in Montreal, but long resident in Hollywood. 
We discuss politics and popular culture, but the great weight of the conversation is about the Dieppe Raid, with which Lionel has a personal and regimental connection, and about what happened when he pitched a tale of wartime sacrifice with a dash of Ian Fleming to Hollywood studio execs. 
Click below to watch:

Lunch video-----Bonhoeffer, The Prophet and Spy -


U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults — A Red Flag For Electoral Fraud | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults — A Red Flag For Electoral Fraud | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:

Image result for flickr commons images Cemetary"The data come from Judicial Watch's Election Integrity Project. The group looked at data from 2011 to 2015 produced by the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey, along with data from the federal Election Assistance Commission.

As reported by the National Review's Deroy Murdock, who did some numbers-crunching of his own, "some 3.5 million more people are registered to vote in the U.S. than are alive among America's adult citizens. Such staggering inaccuracy is an engraved invitation to voter fraud.""

Fighting Nazis doesn’t make ‘antifa’ the good guys | New York Post

Fighting Nazis doesn’t make ‘antifa’ the good guys | New York Post:
"Fighting Nazis is a good thing, but fighting Nazis doesn’t necessarily make you or your cause good.
By my lights this is simply an obvious fact.
The greatest Nazi-killer of the 20th century was Josef Stalin.
Image result for democrats antifaHe also killed millions of his own people and terrorized, oppressed, enslaved or brutalized tens of millions more.
Nazism was evil.
Soviet Communism was evil.
It’s fine to believe that Nazism was more evil than Communism. 
That doesn’t make Communism good.
...The antifa crowd has a very similar agenda with regard to American liberalism.
These goons and thugs oppose free speech, celebrate violence, despise dissent and have little use for anything else in the American political tradition.
But many liberals, particularly in the media, are victims of the same kind of confusion that vexed so much of American liberalism in the 20th century.
Because antifa suddenly has the (alt-)right enemies, they must be the good guys.
They’re not.
And that’s why this debate is so toxically stupid.
Fine, antifa isn’t as bad as the KKK.
Who cares?
Since when is being less bad than the Klan a major moral accomplishment?
In these tribal times, the impulse to support anyone who shares your enemies is powerful.
But it’s a morally stunted reflex.
This is America. 
You’re free to denounce totalitarians wherever you find them — even if they might hate the right people."

Prof: ‘privileging of standard English' is 'linguistic racism'

Prof: ‘privileging of standard English' is 'linguistic racism':

  • A professor of medieval literature at the City University of New York (CUNY) lamented academia’s support for “Standard American English” in a recent op-ed.
  • Although standard English is typically preferred in the workplace, Dr. A.W. Strouse told Campus Reform that he considers it more important to equip students to "battle against linguistic racism."

  • A professor of medieval literature at the City University of New York (CUNY) lamented academia’s support for “Standard American English” in a recent op-ed.
    In an op-ed for Inside Higher EdDr. A.W. Strouse argues that colleges should support “greater linguistic diversity” and “affirm and embrace” language differences among students, such as the use of slang and African American Vernacular English (AAVE).
    "It is racist to discriminate against someone on the basis that they speak [African American Vernacular English]."    
    Affirming students’ use of non-standard English is important, he says, because students who speak nonstandard English may feel discouraged if called out for it. Citing educators Vicki Spandel and Richard J. Stiggins, Strouse notes that “negative comments…tend to make students feel bewildered, hurt, or angry.”...
    Read on!

    #1 This day 1962-----Little Eva - The Locomotion

    Conservative Political Cartoons Daily - Posts

    Conservative Political Cartoons Daily - Posts
    "We only WISH there were glasses which could filter out the blinding, glaring stupidity which radiates constantly from mainstream "news" sources. 
    But sadly, such filters are exclusively internal and, rather than shaded pieces of plastic, are composed of actual functioning brains. In other words, they're inaccessible to virtually everyone on the Left.Image may contain: 5 people, sunglasses and text
    ...We're referring specifically to the total meltdown related to Donald Trump saying that all violent, racist hate groups are bad, and the President's apparently unforgivable assertion that he likes to have facts before making broad pronouncements.
    As if that wasn't bad enough, various "business" advisors to President Trump have very publicly dumped him and their positions giving counsel on creating jobs in America, because they don't want to run the risk of being branded Nazi-sympathizers.
    In other words, the Left has managed to create a ridiculous fantasy which now makes it less likely that Donald Trump can energize our economy and create jobs to the degree we'd all hoped..."

    You ought to know!

    ACLJ Lawsuit Highlighted in Editorial for Exposing Obama-Era Corruption | American Center for Law and Justice

    ACLJ Lawsuit Highlighted in Editorial for Exposing Obama-Era Corruption | American Center for Law and Justice:

    "“Government transparency is becoming a joke, and the joke is on all of us.”
    Image result for flickr commons images loretta lynchThat is what a Washington Examiner editorial lamented this morning as more and more revelations connected to the Clinton-Lynch Phoenix-airport tarmac meeting are revealed, and the public finds that it is more and more in the dark when it comes to government transparency. The editorial states that:
    Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch set aside ethical norms and good judgment to take her secret, election-year meeting with former Present Bill Clinton at an Arizona airport. Her agency was investigating Clinton's wife, Hillary, and pondering the permutations of prosecuting her as she ran for president.
    In doing so,"

    CONFUSION: Maxine Waters accuses Ben Carson of being 'white-wing nationalist' - The American MirrorThe American Mirror

    CONFUSION: Maxine Waters accuses Ben Carson of being 'white-wing nationalist' - The American MirrorThe American Mirror:
    "Maxine Waters’s latest rant against Donald Trump and his administration was so unhinged, it amounted to word spittle that could be hear on any street corner in L.A.
    Appearing before the Los Angeles Community Review Board, Waters launched into Trump, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and HUD Secretary Ben Carson.
    Image may contain: 2 people, textComplaining there is “uncertainty” because of the Trump administration, Waters said, “Mr. Mnuchin, who is the Treasury Secretary, who is responsible for over 36,000 foreclosures in this area, is now the Secretary of the Treasury,” repeating herself.
    “Standing next to him just yesterday, or day before yesterday, I’m getting these days mixed up,” the 79-year-old California congresswoman said.
    She continued, “While the president was defending the white-wing (sic) nationalists and the KKK and all of those alt-right groups that were basically out there in Virginia literally beating and marching and ranting about Jews and black people, etc., etc.,” she said.
    “But, this is what this Cabinet looks like,” she added, turning to Trump’s personnel, “where we talking about Mnuchin or Ben Carson,” as the audience whooped on the attack.
    Waters then promised she would skewer him soon.
    “He’s got to come before my committee. If you think ‘reclaiming my time’ that I did with Mnuchin, you wait till Ben Carson comes,” she said as the crowd erupted.
    Waters isn’t the only one attacking Carson..."
    Read on!

    AM Fruitcake

    History for August 19

    Image result for fred thompson quotes
    History for August 19 -
    Bernard Baruch 1870, Orville Wright 1871, Gene Roddenberry 1921
    Image result for Bernard Baruch QuotesImage result for Wright BrothersImage result for Gene Roddenberry

    Fred Thompson 1942 - Actor, politician, Bill (William Jefferson) Clinton (U.S.) 1946, Tipper Gore 1948 - Wife of Al Gore
    Image result for fred thompson quotesImage result for Bill (William Jefferson) Clinton i did not have sex quoteImage result for tipper gore quotes

    1812 - "Old Ironsides" (the USS Constitution) won a battle against the British frigate Guerriere east of Nova Scotia.
    Image result for 1812 - "Old Ironsides"

    1856 - Gail Borden received a patent for his process of condensing milk by vacuum.
    Image result for Gail Borden received a patent for his process of condensing milk

    1909 - The first car race to be run on brick occurred at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
    Image result for 1909 - The first car race to be run on brick occurred at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

    1919 - Afghanistan gained independence from Britain.

    1929 - "Amos and Andy," the radio comedy program, made its debut on NBC starring Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll.
    Image result for 1929 - "Amos and Andy," the radio comedy program,

    1934 - Adolf Hitler was approved for sole executive power in Germany as Fuehrer.
    Image result for Adolf Hitler socialist

    1942 - About 6,000 Canadian and British soldiers launched a raid against the Germans at Dieppe, France. They suffered about 50 percent casualties.
    Image result for raid against the Germans at Dieppe,

    1998 - The first piece of the 351 foot bronze statue of Christopher Columbus arrived in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
    Image result for Christopher Columbus arrived in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

    Friday, August 18, 2017

    BREAKING: State Police Claim VA Governor LIED About Charlottesville

    BREAKING: State Police Claim VA Governor LIED About Charlottesville:

    Image result for flickr commons images Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe"After the horrendous clash between white supremacists and Antifa Communists in Charlottesville, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe (D) claimed that the police did not break up the fight because of the fact that the Neo-Nazis were so heavily armed that separating the groups would have been explosive.

    During an interview with Black Lives Matter activists DeRay McKesson, McAuliffe stated that the police had found weapons caches around the city, and that intervention would have created an even more violent situation,"

    The way we were-----Roger Miller King Of the Road

    Boob tube-----The First Television Remote Control! (1961)